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Broken & Loved v0.



  Broken & Loved APK Android Adult Porn Game Download   Rei, (Default name.) the main character, is a girl or guy who travel from their town to the city to study the career of photography in the university. Rei is active, lively and has a radiant personality, what they like, the way that they […]






Mar 19, 2024







Broken & Loved Adult Game Android Apk Download (2)


Broken & Loved APK Android Adult Porn Game Download


Rei, (Default name.) the main character, is a girl or guy who travel from their town to the city to study the career of photography in the university. Rei is active, lively and has a radiant personality, what they like, the way that they think about certain topics and how innocent they are depends on you, the player. Rei wants to study hard, have good notes and complete their career, love is not something in their plan, however, that changes when a clumsy girl appear in their life…

They meet Evangeline, a shy girl who appears to be nervous about everything. At the beginning you don’t know what is the deal with her, why she acts defensive all the time, don’t talk too much or is reserved about herself, something that with the time changes. Spend time with Evangeline, talk with her using different dialogue options, be part of cute events that sometimes deal with every day occurrences and other times with problems, have small interactions with her that improve her self-esteem and see how she opens more to you every day. With the time you can become more intimate with her, not only emotionally, also physically…


Release Date: 2024-01-04
Developer: Studio 781 – Patreon –
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English (MTL), Spanish
Genre: 2DCG, Male protagonist, Female protagonist, Futa/trans protagonist, Dating sim, Romance, Simulator, Anal sex, Creampie, Groping, Handjob, Lesbian, PoV, Sex toys, Vaginal sex



Erotic dialogue overhaul –

  • 2000+ dialogues for dirty talk, with specific dialogues.
  • – Dynamic dialogues for different playstyles.
  • — Dialogues that change depending on current thrust, stats and position.
  • — Anal/anal only, Vaginal sex, Fingering and rubbing, Sex-toys and Mixed interactions dialogues.
  • — Masochism and Edging.
  • — Now Rei can try (Try being a keyword) provoke Evan with dirty talk.
  • — Most dialogues take in account current roughness and edging.
  • Dynamic pleasure values for different playstyles.
  • – Prefferible interactions.
  • – Masochism or edging.
  • – Rei gender.
  • Mini-event (+New CG) for Evangeline revealing her prefferible playstyle.
  • – An event that changes depending in which interaction has been perform the most.
  • – An event that changes depending on edging and roughness.
  • Mini-event (Using the new CG) trigger if either Evangeline and/or Rei don’t orgasm.
  • – An event that changes depending in who is mid orgasm.
  • – This event shows a somewhat dominant side of Evangeline.

The epilogue –
-First draft of the epilogue finished.
— 49 new CGs for the epilogue.
— Three different paths.
— Variations for each path taking in account gender and choices.
— Sexual variables changing the outcomes of the epilogue due to pregnancy.
-Small-talk during sex.
— A buttons to activate and choose the type of dialogue.
— Speech bubbles with two lines of dialogue.
— Dynamic responses depending on variables.
-Bugs fixed:
— Character sprites appearing on screen until the scene was finished.
— Missing sprites for the double ended dildo.
— Crash related to erotic sprites.
— Missing English translation files for most of the erotic scene.
-Fixed a bug that made the game crash on fridays.
-Quick menu animations.
-Small-talk speech bubble moved to the left, in order to avoid interruption during the doggy style position.
-Multiple bug-fixes.
-The first important event has been rewritted.
-Emoticons for the phone chatting between the MC and Evan added.
-I literally forgot about what else I change, but there is something I think…
-Fixed bugs related to the English translation.
-Fixed error due to missing emoticon.
-Emoticons artwork credits added to the “About” section.
-Unnecessary files for developers removed.
-Fixed CGs for the ending.
-Fixed miss-gender dialogues for the ending.
-Hints and intructions for.
— Quick menu.
— Information screen.
— H-scene.
-Dinamic color text depending on who talks.
-New options in the configuration menu.
— Options to show once, hide hints and restore the hints.
— Options to show dialogue text colorised by character or plain white.
-Mobile version now resembles the PC version.
-Better compatibility with old saves.
-Configuration screen adjusted.
-Added missing Spanish translation for the configuration screen.
-Added missing English translations.
-Fixed h-scene sprites related to the double ended dildo.
-Fixed h-scene showing an incorrect position for the hand rubbing.
-Fixed Rei’s phone appearing chopped.
-Fixed a crash related to the dynamic .
-Fixed bugs related to the spanish translation.
-Fixed choped dialogues during the ending.
-Fixed CGs during the ending that where oversized and offscreen.
-Fixed text window not dissapearing.
-Fixed Rei’s phone after the ending.
-Fixed Auto-forward button.
-Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
-Fixed a major bug related to events rotation.
-Fixed a bug related to the second phase of the game.
Complete changelog and dev-log.

Part 1: Lewd animations –
– Improvement of existing sprites for the erotic scene.
– Change of angle for the missionary pose.
– Animated erotic interactions:
— Tribadism.
— Anal and vaginal penetration.
— Anal and vaginal double dildo.
– Fixed errors related to the English translation.
– Animated erotic interactions:
— Anal and vaginal fingering.
— Anal and vaginal rubbing.
— Evan caressing Rei, all gender variations.
— Breast touching
– If Rei is female, can’t longer use the strapon in Evangeline without using fingers first.
– Fixed errors related to the erotic scene.
Part 2: Rei body –
– 150 sprites for Rei’s body, Female/Male/Futanari:
— Tribadism.
— Anal and vaginal penetration.
— Anal and vaginal double dildo.
– Transparent body for Rei’s body, with a shade of color depending of the genre.
– Button to change Rei’s body transparency while.
Part 3: Dialogues + Doggy style artwork –
– Expanded erotic intro events.
– Expanded erotic ending events.
– More changing dialogues depending on stats.
– Removed most of the WIP texts.
– Doggy style unlock.
– All the artwork related to the doggy style position has been updated.
– New unique expressions.
– In relation with the previous version of the doggy style position:
— More frames for animation.
— Genital details.
— Movement is more harsh in relation with missionary.
— Unique finger movements in relation with missionary.
— Spanking marks now work properly.
GUI rework –
– All the buttons for the quick-menu and the erotic scene have been remade.
– Pleasure bar remade.
– Added visual effects for thrusting during the erotic scene.
– Added visual effects for spank and bitting.
– All the colored GUI sprites removed, now coloring works through code.
– Now all the GUI elements change color depending on the theme and text box configuration, including visual effects.
– Smaller quick-menu buttons for the Android version.
– Fixed a ton of bugs related to visual effects.
– Misc bug fixed.
– Fixed sprites for the double dildo and fingering.
Complete changelog and dev-log.

Changelog –
Information Screen finished. Text improvements coming in next update.
– Notifications each time the Information Screen gets updated.
– Now all the information screen panels work properly.
Phone chat improved, now Rei’s smartphone would appear on screen.
– Rei’s phone changes depending in their relationship with their parents.
-English translation:
— evan_events.rpy – Translated.
–evan_events_sandbox_daily.rpy – Translated.
— evan_events_sandbox_important.rpy – Translated.
— evan_interactions.rpy – Translated.
— evan_interactions_sandbox.rpy – MTL.
— evan_phone_chat.rpy – Translated.
— h-scene_evan_during-scene_events.rpy – Small fixes.
— h-scene_evan_ending_events.rpy- Small fixes.
— h-scene_evan_firsttime_events.rpy- Small fixes.
— h-scene_evan_intro_events.rpy- Small fixes.
— h-scene_evan_orgasm_events.rpy- Small fixes.
— information_screen.rpy- Translated.
— main_scenario.rpy – Translated.
— script.rpy – Translated.
-Multiple dialogues fixed.
-Now days of the week display correctly in Rei’s room.
-Now the information screen for Android has the correct text size.
-Short phone text messages are not longer split.
-Fixed issues related to character sprites in the information screen.
-Fixed missing information in the information screen.
-Now the player custom name appears in the phone text messages.
-Minor bug fixes.
-Fixed crashes related to the English translation.
-English translation:
— evan_events.rpy – Revised.
— evan_interactions.rpy – Revised.
— main_scenario.rpy – Revised.
Complete changelog and dev-log.

Changelog –
-Now Evangeline and Rei will chat at night through text.
-More than one hundred dialogues for the phone chat.
-The information screen is completely done and functional.
-During the first important event Rei can change the way they refer to Evangeline with either Evan, Ange or just her name.
-Evan and Rei can’t longer be sex-friends due to the removal of the twins from the first game, (This option was for harem route) now this option makes Rei -morepassive for future events.
Now the age of Rei and Evangeline are established, (Evan 23, Rei 21) this will be used for dialogues where Evan takes the upper hand due to being older.
-All the dialogues have been revised and Spanish misspellings have been fixed (Allowing us to share translation files).
translation patch 07-12-2022b:
– Translation in script for english now fixed.
– Fixed bugs related to the park location.
– Rei now takes away their professional camera before hugging or grope Evan.

-A new information screen with multiple sections.
— The information screen for Evan changes depending on the main story progress.
— The screen for Rei change depending on personal traits.
— There are two screens for both characters, one for wholesome things and the other for lewdness.
— Wholesome screen changes depending on headpats, hugs, handholding, etc., among other variables.
— Lewd screen changes with every sexual interaction like intercourse, rubbing, touching, etc., also taking account on how the characters finish interactions.
— Wholesome and lewd screens count with extra screens with counters for interactions, wholesome and lewd respectively.

Changelog v0.9.2.1:
– After making Evangeline the player girlfriend or sex-friend, new game plus would be added:
– – At the beginning of each playthrough there will be a survey to choose all the traits of Rei (MC).
– – Said traits will change dialogues early in the game, at the moment there are few but more will arrive in later updates.
– Traits choices are now available during events and dialogues.
– Ton of fixes on dialogues and english translation.
– Fixes related to exiting traits.
– Changelog v0.9.2.5:
– Fixed variables not allowing new players to have their own traits.
– More smooth transitions for character movements.
– Now when both characters change expressions in the same dialogue, it would change at the same time.
– All the transitions are now x2 faster.
– Changelog v0.9.2.5a:
– Fixed crashes related to the english translation.
– Buttons in the erotic scene now work as intended.
– Minor bugs fixed.
 Changelog v0.9.2.6:
– Fixed bugs related to images and if cycles (Thanks to Ditto for these fixes).
– Fixed multiple crashes related to the english translation.
Complete changelog and dev-log.

Changelog v0.9.0:
– 1600+ new dialogue lines;
– – Casual daily dialogues
– – Dialogues which change base on Rei’s traits.
– – Fixed and improved existing dialogues.
– 20 new sprites for interactions;
– – 10 kissing sprites including different reactions, male and female variants.
– – 14 for butt groping with male and female variants.
– New character sprites for Evangeline;
– – 5 new facial expressions divided on 14 variant sprites.
– New character sprites for Rei;
– – 3 new facial expressions for each gender divided on 5 variant sprites each (15 in total +9 sprites repeated).
– All the translation has been revised and fixed in its majority thanks to LesbianTop(F95Zone).

Changelog v0.8.0a:
– Four traits added, making nine in total.
– Dialogues related to old and new traits.
– Dialogues fixed in the pre-sandbox phase.
– Now old dialogues acknowledge that Evangeline is sick, an update after the first event was re-build.
– New dialogues complementing old events and conversations.
– English translation slightly improved.

– Textbox, namebox and quick-menu buttons reworked.
– Improvements for the main menu.
– Now the game has themes for the GUI (Textbox and quick-menu) and the main menu background:
– Blank: Default
– Midnight: Evangeline.
– Sunset: Female Rei.
– Ocean: Male Rei.
– Valley: Futanari Rei.
– Each theme gets unlock after certain point in the game.
– Options for the visibility of the textbox and theme selection on the main menu.
– Removed button to hide textbox from the quick menu, added to the preferences.
– Added dynamic namebox, it changes color depending in who is speaking.
– Added music for Rei and Evangeline important events, daily events and conversations.
– Added notifications for when a theme gets unlock or a song plays for the first time.
– New narration for when Evangeline end conversations with Rei.
– Special thanks to Ditto, for the idea of choosing themes and part of the code.
– Special thanks to jadih96207, for a ton of corrections in the English translation.
– Quick menu buttons improved, now are more visible under multiple backgrounds.
– Add sound effects for traveling on bus toward Rei’s house at night.
– Special thanks to Ditto for multiple bug fixes.
– Fixed the super-market hint, before displayed Fridays instead of the correct day; Wednesday.
– Small translation fixes.
– Notification displaying more than once fixed.
Complete changelog.

– The dialogues at the beginning of the ero scene have been expanded, now Evangeline will comment about every ero interaction that you have done with her, and even she will comment further after repeating said interaction multiple times (Ps: She starts commentating about it after doing each interaction five times).
– The dialogues during the ero scene, the ones right before start, have been double, now Evangeline has more comments about interactions during the act.
– Fixed global dialogue rotation, now all the dialogues for the beginning of the ero scene should work now.
– Now every orgasm event has dialogues, with three variations depending on how many times Evangeline or Rei have orgasms (Almost 1000 lines).
– Add more variation of dialogues, now Evan comment about how lewd is the player or what have done before or after interactions.
– Fixed a bug related with tribadism in which the interaction trigger dialogue of another interaction. Also, other bugs related to the ero scene.
– Add expressions for every new dialogue.
– Writing corrections and manually fixed English translation.
– New mechanic: H-Progress. (Check the developer notes for more information)
– Add dialogues for the change of position.
– Correction of dialogues and translation.
– Bug fixing.
– Adjustment of values in the ero scene.
– Added missing translation lines.
– Missing stamina limiter and initial value, now H-Progress should work as intended.
– Temporarily removing side face expression, waiting until new sprites.
– Spanking added to doggy position: When the intercourse arrow is in 3, press the arrow up to spank.
– Spank progress added.
– Major H-scene related bug fixes, now H-Progress should completly work without problems.
– Sprites for the ero scene fixed, some that where missing or displaced.
– Ero scene background for the missionary pose.
– More sprites for certain interactions improved and also expanded for future updates.
– Android port.
– Especial dialogue for female Rei when performing butt sex for the first time.
– Small dialogue corrections.
– Bug fix related to Rei and Evan reaching climax at the same time.
– Now, old save files should work.
– New adjusted text box for Android.
– Now the quick menu is persisting, meaning that going back in the dialogues wouldn’t hide the quick menu.
– New button on the quick menu to hide the text box (Special thanks to jadih96207 for the idea and part of the code).
Special thanks to jadih96207 for the following fixes:
– Fixed names of the main characters in the English translation.
– Fixed missing sprites in multiple parts of the game.
– Fixed a dialogue skip for male-Rei while choosing lust trait.
Complete patch notes and dev log.

– Better backgrounds in the main menu and game menu, using art that Sack post during the end of the year.
– Interactive quick menu buttons to make the screen look more clean and the text box less clutch.
– Android version (Special thanks to Ditto, who pointed out problems that prevent the app from running).
– Bigger interactive quick menu buttons on Android to facilitate the use of said buttons on smarthphones.
– Proper icons for the Android and PC version (Thanks to Ditto for pointed this out) with splashscreens.
Known bugs and errors:
– Rollback button hide the whole quick menu after being pressed.
– Menu buttons too small for smarthphones.
– Textbox not adjusted for Android.
– Patrons names updated (I apologize for this…).
– v0.7.15: Major bug fixes for the ero scene, mostly due to the pleasure bars.
– Small update for the quick menu, now when the “>” button is pressed, an “A” would appear indicating that the dialogue is in auto mode.
– Fixed hand sprites for the ero scene, Evangeline hand appear double when she use her hand.
– Temporarilly removed Evangeline hand’s wetness due to overlap over other sprites.
Complete patch notes.

– The first important event has been rewritted, with better writting and a more down to earth event development throuhg the event.
– 60+ Dialogues added to the sandbox section, between daily conversations and physical interactions. Avalible after the second important event.
– New backgrounds for the in-game menu that change depending of the character on screen.
– Unknown characters names translated (Special thanks to Ditto for this).
Known bugs and errors:
– Continuity errors because the rewritting of the first event.
Hotfix v2:
Thanks to MysteryMani for the next fixes:
-Multiple corrections for the english translation.
-Fixed interactions images not displaying or dissapearing in the correct way.
-Fixed errors related to backgrounds.
Hotfix v4:
-Added messages to notify the player about events.
-Fixes in multiple parts of the code.
Thanks to MysteryMani for the next fixes:
-Multiple corrections for the english translation.
-Fixes in the code for the ero scene.
Hotfix v5:
-Fixed a lot of gramatical errors, missing words and letters in spanish, improving the english translation even if is MTL.
Hotfix v6:
-Fixed errors related to the translation files.
Hotfix v7:
-Continuity errors related to the first time in the ero scene, is a WIP, more related bugs are being revised.

B&L v0.7.1.9
– Stable version added. The full game with all the fixes.
Hotfix v9:
– Fixed a lot of bugs related to the ero scene, specially when playing with a female or futanari character.
Hotfix v8:
– Fixed errors related to the english translation.
Hotfix v7:
– Fixed errors related to the ero scene.
– A quality of life improvement, Evan and Rei can orgasm at the same time in a simpler way.
Hotfix v6:
– Fixed error related with the events and dialogues.
Hotfix v5:
– Fixed an error related to trigger events.
– A quality of life improvement, now you can speak with Evangeline even if you hasn’t achieved the requirements for the next important event.
v5.1: I made a mistake and now is fixed.
Hotfix v4
– I’m an idiot and never considered default the variables to make old saves work on recent updates. A variable depot added to the code.
Hotfix v1-2-3:
– Minor bug fixes.

Initial release:
– Fourth important event with variations depending on previous desitions.
– Really game breaking bugs fixed.
– Bug preventing the ero-scene being executed fixed.
– Translation fixes (Thanks to KuraScropia for reporting).

Hotfix v1:
– Missing translation files added to the game and other fixes.

Initial release:
– Most of the backgrounds have been re-done (Missing Evangeline room and the city).
– All the art related to the erotic scene is now the final version.
– All the interactions in the ero scene now are animated.

Patch v0.5:
– Fixed visual bugs during the ero scene.
– Fixed missing elements error message.
– Fixed the main character being able to talk with Evangeline multiple times.
– Fixed backgrounds and characters sprites.
– Fixed continuity errors.
Patch v0.4:
– Internal patch.
Patch v0.3:
– Fixed an error related with rubing or fingering during the sex scene.
– Removed the button to ejaculate outside if the main character is a girl.
– Fixed Evangeline never geting tired during the sex scene.
– Various bugs fixed.
Hotfix v0.2:
– Fixed an error that prevent the player to trigger the erotic scene.
– Remove dialogue place holders that appear during day to day dialogue.
Hotfix v0.1:
– Translation fixes.

Initial release:
– Erotic scene avalible in the main game (Ask Evangeline about going to her appartment)
– Reactions and commentaries from Evangeline before, during and after the sex scene (Is going to be improve in the future).
– Events for the sandbox part of the game, repeatable and with routes.
– Code improvements.
– Translation improvements (Thanks to Ditto for their colaboration).
– A selection screen to choose the language before the game start the first time.
– UI spanish translation.
– Translation fixes.
– Serious bugs has been fixed.

– Crash fixed.
– Second videogame store event now accesible.
– Multiple bug fixed, like sprites appaering where don’t belong and events triggering on wrong time and place.

“At last, the new build is done. Make work the dialogues was kinda hard, we need to make space for at least 100+ dialogues variations and also, dozens of events, the dialogue structure was change and a lot of bugs appear, but nevertheless, everything ended up working, now that the foundation is done, is just a matter of time and efford to fill all the empty space with dialogues and events, that is why the next updates are going to be more narrow between each other.”

– Fixed some typos, and also some dialogues has been imrpove.
– First main event expanded.
– Three new backgrounds: City, Evangeline’s apartment and bedroom, the first one with two variations, and the other two with three, for each time of the day.
– Second main event completed, with some important desitions for the third phase.
– Evangeline phase one and two completed.
– A first glance of the phase three, the last phase and the biggest, bigger than the first two combine.
– Add two new intreactions:
Kiss and Fondle: For now with two placeholders each interactions and variations for gender.
– Five interactions and option dialogues for the phase three, every one with twenty possible answers, still a WIP but with some content already.

– Fixed on the way that Rei’s sprites spawn on some scenarios.
– Fixed missing sprites and also missplace images.
– A lot of bug fixes related with Rei’s sprites.
– Some backgrounds had being improve on small details and also some of them had shadows representing people on the city doing their own business.

– All Rei (Main character) sprite’s implemented on every interaction, conversation and event on the game, 69 sprites for every variation.

– A few more sprites variations for Evangeline.
– A main event for Evangeline that expand the dialogue tree and add physical interactions.
– Minor events for Evangeline, two on the super market and one on the park, (Necessary to progress the story.) also an optional event on the video games store that change each time that is activated.
– More dialogue rotations and also variations depending on the player decisions and opinion about various topics, also his/her gender.
– Minor events where the main character expend time with him/herself alone depending on the place and the day of the week.
– Several backgrounds for all the scenarios.

– Several sprites for Evangeline (The love interest).
– Implementation of all the scenarios on the game like the Video Games Store, the Park, the Institute/University and the Super Market.
– Dialogue system for Evangeline with a few dialogues showing the dialogue rotation.
– Basic activities on each scenario.

  • Download APK and RPA file
  • Install the APK and Open
  • Accept the permission, the game will be close
  • Move the RPA file to


Broken & Loved APK v0. Porn Game Download

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