Here’s the reboot of Strange Gift. In Leather and Steel you play a man whose wife has decided she wants him to go out and seduce other women. In this first release there are two girls you can get to have sex with, Chloe and Olivia, and two other girls, Mia and Isabella, who you will meet and possibly gain some benefit from interacting with.
Release Date: 2020-02-10
Developer: Amaraine Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.6
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Male protagonist, Spanking, Cuckqueaning, Cumplay, Blowjobs, Exhibitionism, Pole Dancing, Vaginal sex, Groping, BDSM
New Content:
You now get to pick your wife’s name. Hitting enter without putting in a name for either your own name or your wife’s will result in a name being selected for you.
Added location, Pool. Scenes for Mia, Olivia, and Chloe there.
Added renders for hugs in most locations. Added renders for flirting in some locations.
Added scenes for Mia at the Club, in the Cafe, at the Beach, and at Home. Mia now has content comparable to that of Olivia and Chloe.
Some existing scenes got an extra render or two to help them flow better.
Added one scene with Hildy, and there are some extra renders for her available if you get all three girls, as well. New events may cause new dialog in the nightly conversation.
Added renders to the opening scene.
UI Improvements:
There are now graphical buttons to move you to the other locations, and you can easily see which girls are at those locations as their pictures are displayed on top of the location button. Locations have a red border if moving would advance time, and a blue border if it would not.
Text Buttons have been replaced with more attractive buttons, which change color when the mouse hovers over them.
Moving buttons are now in the same place on both the location screen and the character interaction screen.
All interactions with the girls are now in one place on the upper right of the character interaction screen, rather than split between left and right.
Added a help function, which gives a brief tutorial.
The game now has its own icon.
Functionality Changes:
Girls will sometimes be at the pool when they would have spent time at the club. Many of the girls will take an afternoon off of work at some point late in the game, as well, and spend the time at the pool.
Game Length has been changed from 20 days, to 21 days, so that the game now ends on the Sunday before you go back to work. I expect this number to get longer with later releases, although not *every* release will see an increase in game length.
Having a longer conversation with Mia at the cafe bar no longer causes you to use up your chance to flirt.
It is no longer possible to both flirt, or “get to know a girl better” and do a physical action like hugging or kissing on a single turn.
The options to ask for a recommendation or get a phone number now are available only after you take your action with the same girl, so while they don’t take an action themselves, they do require spending time with a girl to do.
Scores are now calculated based on what you do with all three girls, but the score is still out of 500, so scores will be lower than in 0.1.
Flirt no longer is listed as a possible action once it becomes ineffective.
New Content:
Added Karima, a housewife who has a jerky husband. You can try to win her sympathy — or you can swap for her at the …
Added a new location, Lifestyles. It’s a swing club in the same location as Leather and Steel, with different furniture moved in for Lifestyles night. The swing club creates an easier opportunity to have sex with some of the girls at lower levels of affection. It is possible, but very optional, to engage in “swapping” at the Lifestyles club.
Bug Fixes:
Bug in displaying the button to checkout a workout book was fixed (in 0.2.1)
Changed calculation of whether or not your wife says that some of the girls you’ve had sex with might not want to do it again so that she only says it if one of *those* girls has lower than max affection.
Various Typoes — kudos to Rake for sending me a list!
Functionality Changes:
Score is now out of 1000, and the relative weights given to Trust, Shyness reduction, and having sex with the girls has changed slightly.
Isabella can now only whip girls who are shown as present at Leather and Steel
New Content:
Added Jessica, a younger woman who works in the same office as you.
Added the Office location.
UI Improvements:
Screen now displays the day number as well as the day of the week, so you know which week it is.
“Humpday” has been replaced with “Wednesday”
Bug Fixes:
Wife is now correctly identified in scene at home with Karima.
Bad image references for Karima in the club have been fixed, and she will now properly (or improperly!) take her clothes off.
Wife is now correctly identified as the speaker in talking about going to the swing club
Olivia now gains trust when you have sex with her at home, rather than that trust going to Chloe.
Isabella continues to wear her club clothes at the end of the tour
Karima Pool picture now correctly displays when you try to hug her at the pool
Functionality Changes:
Game now lasts 33% longer.
New Content:
Bondage scenes with Jessica, Chloe, Olivia, and Mia.
A new scene in the Cafe with Jessica and your wife.
Bug Fixes:
Jessica’s hugs in the cafe no longer flash on the screen without giving you a chance to see them.
The option to talk to Karima’s husband if you don’t have a date to swap with no longer occurs, and therefore you no longer get booted abruptly out of that dialogue.
Functionality Changes:
Office blowjob scene with Jessica is no longer repeatable.
New Content:
A series of scenes with Isabella, the Dominatrix. Isabella is now a full character in the game.
Bug Fixes:
At the end of the game, your wife now says the correct number of weeks it will take you.
The game no longer tells you that your vacation is ending twice.
Functionality Changes:
One now gets credit for kissing Chloe if one does that with her at home.
It is easier to get a higher score.