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UPDATED ONDec 26, 2024

RogueLove APK Android Adult Game Latest Version Download
Welcome to the Dark Lord’s Keep. RogueLove is a Lewd Action RPG based around Roguelike/lite elements. You play the daughter of a Sex Slave, on the night of your 18th birthday you decide to escape before you meet a similar fate. Escape the dungeon alive, find out who your father was, or even take on The Dark Lord Himself if you think you can. Your fate will be sealed if you are defeated in combat, or if you submit to your baser urges. Find gear and books along the way to power yourself up, gain the Favor or Ire of the Gods, will you become superhuman or sub-common chaff?
Release Date: 2024-07-26
Developer: Noxious Games – Patreon –
Censored: No
Version: 0.24
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English
Genre: Rpg, Female Protagonist, Rape, Monsters, Slavery, Pixelated, Mobile game
Patch (0.24.1)
-Goblin Sisters now have sex animation variants for both Drow and Faun characters
-Added text to interactions to show what they will do, and if they have alternate actions (for example, crates can be pushed and pulled)
-Womb filled system now functions as intended, gaining volume when intended, and allowing the Player to empty it as intended (by holding Interact in a clear room)
-Womb filled rate appears in the corner occasionally, and when room is clear it is displayed with instructions to empty it
-Added flavour text for pushing cum out of your body, and having it drain out over time
-DC (dice challenge) value is much more clearly visible when rolling saving throws/ skill checks
-Baths can now appear not only when cum covered value is greater than 0, but when womb contents is greater than 0
-The enemy originally planned as ‘Male Faun’ has been renamed and slightly redesigned as a Bull (this is to avoid confusion with the Player Fauness and Corrupted Fauness enemies)
-Fixed a glitch where Dryads and Bulls had an extremely low spawn rate
-Fixed a glitch where Dryad was only using Bramble Whip attack
-Fixed a glitch causing cum to drain every 30 seconds even if none was inside you
New Content
-New Boss; Goblin Sisters
-New Animations; Goblin Sister 1 x Player, Goblin Sister 2 x Player, Goblin Sister 1 x Player (finishing), Goblin Sister 2 x Player (finishing)
-New cum filling Player system
-Monsters who cum inside the player will add to the amount
-Certain values will have penalties, like slowing down when full
-Player can manually push cum out when in a cleared room
-Taking a bath will also reset this value
-Instant Tear telegraphs are now coloured Orange. This differs from Red, which deals instant Health damage, and Yellow, which initiates a grapple to deal Tear damage. Instant Tear attacks are replaced by Grapple attacks when the Player’s armor is destroyed
-Megabat no longer appears in the Prisons, and in its place the Goblin Sisters will spawn
-Added a missing prisoner graphic
-Added player x prisoner for all hue shifted variants
-Added dice roll for moving blocks, roll value impacts speed, can now fail
-Added dice roll for obstacles, can’t cross beams without rolling, failed rolls require trying again|
-Severed hands have had their speed reduced a little, and HP cut in half
-Severed hands now have a default attack speed of 0.25, meaning they won’t deal damage until they have been ‘attached’ to you for more than 0.25 seconds. additionally when you roll hands off of you, this delay resets. each severed hand still cannot deal damage to you faster than once per second
-Removed lighting effects from certain particles which were reflecting light into the camera unnaturally
-Dice rolls now show DC
-Fixed a push puzzle combination which could cause a soft lock
-Fixed a glitch where obstacle rooms were not spawning switches correctly
New Content
-New Animation; Player x Prisoner
-New Graphics; Updated Prisoner graphics|
-New Room Types; Cell Block, Strip Bar, Obstacle room, Push-block room (2 types, each with 3 possible solutions)
-Press E to Push metal block, hold Shift+press E to Pull metal block
-Rooms with new, non-combat goals, requiring other skill checks to pass
-Drow is no longer unlocked by completing one run. The Drow must now be freed from the Cell Block to unlock her
-Room Goal is now displayed under the Map, normal combat rooms say, “Kill X Monsters to Dispell Barrier” for example
-All Huge Rooms have a 75% chance of being the non-combat variant, while Medium Rooms have a 25% chance
-Rolling a Critical Success when Struggling or Resisting to Escape will now deal a maximum effect Knockback to every enemy in the room
-Reduced Megabat’s HP by 100
-Improved the appearance of all ‘puddle’ types (new textures), and puddles which can damage (acid, blood, toxic) are more visible when flashing; they will never fade below 50% opacity
-Telegraphs and other translucent textures (cum puddles, etc) no longer reflect light
-Picking up the Boss Key now auto-saves your run
-Boss Key now plays a sound when it drops, just for good measure
-The Boss Key now spawns over the Player’s head when the key room is cleared, instead of at the room’s origin point
Bug Fixes
-Fixed a HUD error which could cause the ‘Magic Up’ selection panel to appear offscreen on some monitors
-Fixed a glitch which could cause the game to forget which room should have the boss key when saving and loading
-Fixed a glitch that, if the player saved and loaded after the Boss Key dropped but before picking it up, would prevent the key from being found. Saving and quitting with a Boss Key on the ground now counts as having the key
-Fixed a glitch which was hiding the Player’s cursor after closing the menu
-Animations will stop playing on the HUD when Player escapes from sexual attacks
New Content
-New Enemy; Faun (Male)
-New Animations; Pre-penetrated, Pre-penetrated sex loop, Penetrated, Vaginal sex loop, Finishing inside (with variations for each character and goblin type)
-New Animation system; HUD animations now queue up, and are played in order to avoid animations playing overtop of one another
-Able to rape Angel boss; this scene is merely an option followed by a text description for the time being, but will be fully animated
-All Boss damage is now rolled instead of flat damage
-New Boss health bar graphics
-Goblin General Cumbo: is now weak to fire, own bombs will damage him as originally intended, takes 2x damage from his own bombs, no longer stun locks when taking damage, no longer guards damage when preparing attacks, damage is rolled now instead of flat numbers, added a simple telegraphed punch attack for some variance, reduced the delay after he is defeated before xp is rewarded and body is removed
-Sturdy Snake: now attacks with lightning damage, can move in all 8 cardinal directions instead of 4 directions, can bounce off walls in more directions (leading to less directly back and forth movement), begins dropping bombs at low hp, fixed collision on body (can no longer get swept away with him), tosses you off to one side to avoid getting you stuck in a loop where he hits you and sends you flying then hits you again etc, greatly reduced knockback velocity, head has much tighter collision and only looks for a smaller section of the player actor (which fixes the false positives in the collision checking), is now Weak to Ice and Lightning, and is Strong against Fire
-Megabat; deals damage when slamming into the ground after air attacks, and prints message indicating hit
-Dark Lord’s Mistress; fixed sword swing collision with new AoE attack coding
-Dark Lord; fixed sword swing collision with new AoE attack coding, fixed animation timing
-Changed how most AoE attacks hit the player; instead of doing an overlap check (using a square drawn around the player), it now checks if the center point of the player (which, visually speaking, ends up being roughly around the character’s chest) is on top of the attack zone when the attack is launched, if it is this registers a hit
-Changed how grapple/sex works with Goblin types. Instead of sex beginning immedietly if your armor is gone, there will always be one roll’s worth of time (your first chance to escape, essentially) before they penetrate you. This means you will not lose purity (or virginity, once implemented) if you can escape before this
-Different amounts of Ero damage are now dealt during different phases of sex, instead of always dealing 5 each ‘turn’
Bug Fixes
-Fixed animations playing at different times from descriptions
-Fixed a glitch where after a Goblin came inside you, it would consider you to be penetrated already the next time sex started (instead of waiting one ‘turn’)
-Fixed Drowblins printing the wrong name during sex
-Fixed Drowblin Grapple DC (was 10, now 15)
-Fixed the Aqueducts not loading, but instead reloading the same level again
New Content
-New NPC; Angel (appears in Angel Rooms)
-New Boss; Angel
-Angel simply grants chest if you speak to her, attack her twice to initiate the Boss fight. Defeating her will yield a lot of Purity, and the same chest (alternate ‘rewards’ to come)
-You can now save your most recent run, and continue it later
-Decor all breaks into destructible meshes when destroyed. Breaking one with fire damage will send the chunks flying further. Breaking rocks will create a substantial stun type damage area around it
-Dynamic clothing deterioration graphics, disappear slowly as armor is reduced instead of having 3 static graphics (most equipment was missing 2 of the graphics anyway)
-Added indicator back to map which displays player position (now a square box around the area, instead of a face)
Bug Fixes
-Fixed gear swapping, durability does not reset and destroyed gear will not drop on the ground when replaced
-Fixed a glitch in Severed Hand mob causing call stack errors, could have been slowing down performance
-Crate collision fixed; cannot be walked on by player or enemies, and does not break shop
New Content
-New Stats; Purity/Depravity (these new stats will allow access to new rooms with special Gear, and different Map Paths in future versions)
-New Graphics; Pure faces with horny variants, Horny face (in between Normal face and previous Horny face), Depraved faces with horny variants, for all Characters
-New Gear; Rosary Beads, All-Seeing Eye, Holy Dice, Holy Orb
-New Chest; Hallowed Chest
-New Rooms; Hallowed and Desecrated Rooms
-Characters now have facial reactions to the following; cumming, taking damage, and gaining lust
-Characters blink
-Graphic Updates; Human faces, head/hair shape adjusted
-Message log contains a scroll bar, no longer removes old messages
-Added a horizontal scroll bar to the passive items section which appears when you have more than 9 passive items
-Doors are now flush with the walls of each room, boss doors now have arches and a rounded door
-Succubus spawns in Desecrated Room
-Chests that spawn when a room is cleared will now scale with the floor you are on (higher quality further in)
-Great Halls now spawns a level 2 chest when beating the boss, Somber Cloister and Castle Keep both now spawn a level 3 chest when beating the boss
-Secret Rooms are no longer restricted to only spawning on the north wall, they can spawn off of any wall in a small room which does not already have a room connected. Secret Rooms will never spawn attached to the starting room, or the boss room
-Keep Ramparts now has a chance to spawn a Secret Room, which is invisible until the path is opened
Bug Fixes
-Secret Room chests now spawn at the correct level for the floor
-Boss Rooms and Secret Rooms are all themed properly to their floor
-Tweaked map generation to fix a few issues
-Fixed a glitch which could cause the map generator to get stuck while trying to spawn treasure rooms
-Fixed a glitch with the ‘Show Map’ Scroll Effect
-Hard lock should no longer occur when defeating the Lord’s Mistress
New Content
-Settings menu added
-Key Binds menu added
-Audio Settings menu added
-Redone, real time item/map display (In real-time, an icon will be added to the map to show the location of every item inside a room)
-Added over 50 tips to the map screen (between floors). Most of these are advice, but some are simply information about the dungeon or vague story implications
-Certain enemies stats now scale depending on the Area (Great Hall, etc)
-Mistress no longer Guards during attacks, and has reduced hit invincibility time
-Reduced the amount of Move Speed gained from holding both the Severed and Rat Cards
-Changed Crate collision volume, was blocking Shop from dropping old items on the ground after purchasing Gear
Bug Fixes
-Properly fixed Severed almost always dropping cards
-Fixed a minor graphic error which was causing the wrong door to appear on Secret rooms on the Map
-Fixed the tone of doors on the Map to blend in correctly with the rooms
-Fixed Secret Room doors collision, exploded chunks can no longer spin the player graphic
-Fixed a mapping glitch where Huge rooms were not displaying connected rooms when entered
-Fixed Boss doors occasionally not spawning
-Boss Health Bars are now properly removed after victory
-Added some basic blocking volumes to the Shop, which will prevent items from getting stuck behind the counter
New Content
-New Gear; Human Nailpolish, Drow Makeup, Half-Faun Hairtie
-This gear is the first unlockable gear in the game, each one will only be added to possible chests item pools after they have been unlocked
-New Boss; Ice Fairy (Appears in Somber Cloister and Castle Keep)
-New Character; Half-Faun
-Half-Faun spawns with no clothing
-Spawns with Throwing Knives
-Stat adjustments: DEX+2 CHA+2 STR-2 CON-2
-Moves faster by default
-All Ranged weapons deal +2 damage
-Add Cheats for Patrons, 6 cheats can now be turned on at the start of a run, although one simply unlocks the hidden characters. You can stack all of them if you want, or only turn on a few
-god Mode (the player cannot be damaged, or gain lust)
-Freyja Mode (the player will always appear naked)
-Hel Mode (all attacks will instantly kill enemies, including bosses)
-Njord Mode (start with 9999 coins)
-Odin Mode (start with all Spells unlocked, and infinite MP)
-Fulla Mode (checking this cheat will instantly unlock the two hidden characters)
-Add Debug commands
-Alt+Del: Deal 9999 damage to all entities tagged as “Enemy”
-Alt+Home: Warp the player back to the start of the floor, this will also engage Kill All command
-Alt+End: Warps the player into the Boss Room and unlocks the Boss Door, this will also engage Kill All command, and give the player the Boss Key
-Alt+Pg Dn: Activates the Boss Room teleport as if you’d touched the stairs (Moves to the next level in sequence, Secret paths will never be activated using this command)Changes
-Magic casted by the player no longer relies on Dex rolls to hit. Instead it will always hit, but Monsters have a chance to resist damage based on their Wisdom stat. Failed resistance rolls result in full damage, but successful ones will cut your damage dealt in half
-Lord’s Mistress no longer appears as a random boss in the Somber Cloister, instead she will always appear as the boss of the 3rd floor
-Reduced Throwing Knives attack speed to balance range
-Changed Throwing Knives sub-title
Bug Fixes
-Fixed some errors which occured on games with no metadata save
-Fixed a glitch preventing Astral Doublet from increasing Spell Power
-Fixed a glitch which caused Severed to always drop a card if it had not been obtained before; this has been set to the 1% chance that every card has
-Fixed a glitch which was adding Intelligence Roll bonus to Throwing Knives and Stone Shurikens damage
-Fixed a glitch where Throwing Knives and Stone Shurikens were not rolling damage based on the new stats, but were instead using the old method
-Fixed a glitch where all hit rolls were not including Dexterity Stat bonuses
-Accessories Gear menu now lists all of the accessories available
-Missing Accessory Gear graphics are now included
New Content
-Dark Lord fight improvements (better graphics, more attacks)
-New Enemies; Maned Rat, Flux Rat
-New Gear; Fire Staff, Ice Staff, Lightning Staff
-Dark Lord new Attacks;
Pentandem Slash (The Dark Lord summons his Mistress, both draw a pentagram of attack lines on the ground, one after the other they each attack a line until all 10 lines are gone. After the Mistress is defeated at the halfway point, the Dark Lord performs this attack alone.)
Meteor Shower (Summons 10 pieces of stone into the air, which can be destroyed by the player. Each piece of stone that isn’t destroyed adds a meteor (x) to the attack. 3+x meteors are summoned at the end of the attack.)
-If the player remains too close to Big Rats, Maned Rats, or Flux Rats after dealing damage to them, they will all attack back
-Maned Rats will spit poison instead of bitingChanges
-Dark Lord now has a limit on tentacles he can summon at one time (6)
-Time between Dark Lord’s big attacks has been reduced, time between possible tentacle summoning increased
-Dark Lord can no longer be attacked while he is attacking (certain moves only)
-Dark Lord can no longer interrupt his own attacks with other attacks
-Dark Lord will no longer cast his triple tentacle summon if there is past a certain number of tentacles already summoned
-Dark Lord and Mistress’ collision radius reduced, the player can get closer to them now
-When the dark lord is below 50% health, the time between all of his big attacks is decreased by 1/2, and all of his minor attacks by 1/3
-Tweaked the timing and damage of all of the Dark Lord’s attacks
-Tweaked tentacle trap attack range, if they are careful the player can now hit them without being attacked first
-Changed the way damage appears on screen, and increased size slightly
-Added a black outline to damage
-Changed a bunch of materials which were reflecting light directly into the camera to be unlit
Bug Fixes
-Character now has a minimum movement speed, stacking Severed can no longer immobilize the player
-Severed which die while attached to the player no longer continue to affect move speed
-Great Halls now spawns Quality 2 chests instead of 3, Somber Cloister and Castle Keep now spawn Quality 3 chests instead of 0
-Tweaked the room check collision zone, so enemies which somehow spawn in the hallways will be destroyed
New Content
-New Boss; Lord’s Mistress (Somber Cloister)
-New Gear; Blaze Blade, Ice Pick, Shock Sai, Stone Shurikens, Death Dagger, 16 New Cards (10 New, 6 Missing)Changes
-Added missing items to Gear Record
-Added missing items to Card Book
-Added missing enemies to Bestiary
-Added sound effects to Megabat fight
-Megabat now targets the player directly with Air Attack
-Bestiary now properly shows Enemy information (Hp, Atk, Moves, Weak/Strong elements) for Enemies with 2 and 3 stars
-All elemental attacks now work
-Armlets send an elemental attack when damage is dealt with a melee weapon attack (Blazing sends Fire Damage, Frosty sends Ice Damage, etc), these effects stack
-Vampiric Attacks (Dark Magic, Damned Armlet, Death Dagger) now heal the Player for 10% of the damage dealt
Bug Fixes
-All monsters killed now add the proper Bestiary entry
-All magic sends proper damage type
-Fixed a glitch which prevented Dark/Light Amulets from displaying their Spell unless other spells were already visible
-Fixed a number of enemies which dropped the wrong cards
-Player can now launch diagonal attacks, with melee ranged and magic
-Player can attack in all 8 directions now, instead of 4
-Dodge roll animations are complete
-Decorations can now be destroyed
-Left-mouse now launches an attack, like F
-Middle-mouse now charges magic, like CTRL
-New 18+ Scenes, including a new room with a new character, and completed graphics for old scenes
-New Playable Character; the Drow! Start with magic attacks and one scroll; to unlock her simply play one run as a Human.
-Map generator no longer crashes.
-Player’s initial movement speed increased slightly.
-All weapon speeds doubled.
-Slime movement changed, hop towards player instead of constant movement.
-Goblin Shaman’s Dark Bolt moves slower.
-All spells now work.
-Added a few Shrine effects.
-Added some SFX and BG music (Music provided commercial free from! Check ’em out, amazing stuff.)
-Added icons to the Map to show if a room contains a Chest, Shrine, Smith, or Bookshelf, or if it’s a Shop, Boss, or Entrance Room.
-Attack button can now be held to attack as fast as possible.
-Game now saves metadata (gear/cards found, etc.)
-Scrolls added to game, press Q to read when you find one. They act like pills in BoI.
-All item effects are now functional.
-The Boss Room now contains a stair case, which will add rooms to the dungeon generator, and reroll the floor. You could theoretically play forever in this version now.
-Added small Mana and Anaphrodisiac Potions to the game. Mana Potions restore 25 MP, while Anaphrodisiac Potions reduce Lust by 25.
-Gear durability fixed, a data structure error was causing items to stop offering their effect after durability had been damaged, this is now fixed. Even Broken gear still grants it’s bonus stats, if it offers any. Broken gear is still not factored into Armor Rating, however.
-Enemies now require a Hit roll to damage the player. Your roll is boosted from the initial DC by your Dexterity Modifier and items which increase your Dexterity Rolls.
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RogueLove APK v0.24 Android Adult Game Download
RogueLove APK Android Adult Game Latest Version 0.24 Download - RogueLove APK Android Adult Game Download
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