UPDATED ONDec 26, 2024
Unaware in The City APK Android Adult Porn Game Download
Plot –Â Take control of a 21 years old woman, barely old enough to drink, design her how you like and then dump her into the heart of a metropolis, known as The City! Decide who she talks to, what place she works at, how she performs her duties, the control is all in your hands… err hand. Have fun with a dynamic world as conversations and situations change based on your choices, your physique, how you respond and your skills! Everything you do can have a ripple effect. Be prepared for a world that is as uncaring as the one we live in. People won’t always treat the main character nice or they may be really helpful, like helping her out of a dress whether she wants to or not!
Release Date: 2024-12-24
Developer: Mr. Unaware Studios – Patreon – SubscribeStar – Itch.io – Twitter – Discord
Censored: No
Version: 41 Basic
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English
Other Game:Â Unaware of the World
Genre: 2D Game, Character Creation, Female Protagonist, Mobile Game, Multiple Endings, Anal Sex, Ahegao, Big Ass, Big Tits, Blackmail, Bukkake, Cheating, Corruption, Creampie, Dilf, Drugs, Exhibitionism, Female Domination, Group Sex, Groping, Handjob, Humilation, Male Domination, Masturbation, Multiple Penetration, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Rape, Sex Toys, Sexual Harassment, Sleep Sex, Stripping, Teasing, Vaginal Sex, Virgin, Voyeurism, Humor, Management, PoV, RPG, Sandbox, Side-Scroller, Animated
v41 (December 2nd, 2024)
Added X-Ray Dick Shares Color setting – Matches the X-Ray dick’s color to the NPC’s skin tone during X-Ray. This is a simple feature and may not provide accurate results, particularly in 3P sex scenes. Enabled by default.
Added 2 new sex events:
Cunnilingus with Jeff at the Sex Shop
Stuck in an elevator with a panicking guy.
Minor bug fixes.
Disabled the Auto Save feature due to bugs.
Fixed licking sounds not playing.
Fixed the park men’s toilet being incorrectly treated as the women’s toilet in some cases.
v40 (October 29th, 2024)
Added a home burglary event. Low Fame and Luck increase the chance to trigger, while Ben reduces it.
Added a getting lost in the slums random event. No special requirements to trigger.
Added a new location, Slums – Ruined Room, for use in the new event. It can’t be entered normally.
Phone NTR dialogue now changes based on the current partner (4 partners = 4 variants in total).
Disabled the black screens during climax in the new v40 events & Kinky Nymph sex scene.
Rewrote & expanded the Kinky Nymph sex dialogue.
Fixed some minor bugs.
Fixed an issue where the Unaware Girl trait wasn’t working in certain cases.
v39a (October 16th, 2024)
Added 2 anal sex variants to the Glory Hole (new animations).
Expanded RLD prostitution with a boyfriend phone call mini-event.
Expanded the phone call mini-event with over twice as many dialogue variants.
New game setting – Hide Pregnant Belly – If enabled, the pregnant belly will be hidden at all times. This is purely a visual feature and doesn’t affect gameplay.
Made some changes and tweaks to the Glory Hole.
Calculating world interaction distance now ignores the Y-axis, making interaction with E button easier.
Mini optimization.
Ported over a dozen outdated animations to the newer animation system to make the NTR phone event work. Expect some glitches.
Fixed multiple sex animations.
v39 (September 13th, 2024)
Added the last variant of the hobo stress relief event with vaginal & anal sex.
Added a burning barrel & street smoke to the slums.
Added Force Nudity setting. Forces all female characters to be either naked or in their underwear. It’s purely a visual feature with no impact on gameplay. (EX Only!)
v38b (August 28th, 2024)
Fixed issue preventing Albert’s clothes shop event from triggering.
Fixed Jane not dressing up after the clothes shop changing room event.
Fixed park’s men’s toilet moving Jane to the women’s toilet.
v38a (August 25th, 2024)
Implemented pants/skirt detection, so some dialogues will now mention a skirt instead of pants.
Added a new HJ animation on the ground.
Added a new event with Albert in the clothes shop involving some touching and either vaginal or anal sex.
Added a new event with a homeless person in either the slums or the park, featuring a HJ followed by a BJ.
Added a small event reminding Jane of the option to disable pregnancy.
Increased interaction distance by 20%.
Removed the unstuck button.
Removed dialogue mentioning a rotor, as it’s not in the game.
Fixed several small bugs and issues.
Fixed issues with Rick’s events when updating the game with old saves.
Fixed some older Rick events overwriting data from new events.
Fixed an issue where the flat was enterable despite Jane being homeless.
Fixed the script not checking whether a shirt or pants are currently equipped.
Fixed a bug treating bras as shirts in some cases.
Fixed breast sort order in multiple animations.
Fixed occasional black screens after falling down in the gym.
Fixed an issue where interactions with the world were impossible on ultra-wide screens, although they are still not officially supported.
Fixed cooking healthy food not adding the item to the inventory.
Fixed an issue where the bed didn’t replenish energy after the Bald Guys home event.
v38 (July 31st, 2024)
Expanded the clothes shop event to include fingering, HJ & BJ.
Added an auto-save feature, which can save the game either before a location transition or any kind of interaction. This feature is disabled by default.
Added a spit sound effect to a few BJ scenes.
Made some small tweaks for the purpose of the Steam release.
Shortened file names, reducing the chance of encountering a “too long file path” error.
Added a small countermeasure that prevents lips from changing animation during a BJ.
v37b (July 16th, 2024)
Expanded the 1st variant of the hobo stress relief event with options to cum inside, swallow and spit.
Added the 2nd variant of the hobo stress relief event with BJ.
Restored the Preload Dialogues setting.
Increased the priority of a few sex events in the diner, making them easier to trigger.
Reorganized some stuff & dialogues in the hobo stress relief event.
Fixed Jane being able to rotate during dialogues while trying to move.
Fixed the sort order of a few animations.
v37a (June 30th, 2024)
Fixed groping event not triggering in the grocery store.
v37 (June 28th, 2024)
Added 3 new events:
The 2nd stage of the shop event, where the guy behind Jane gets bolder. This event has a 15-65% chance to trigger instead of the first variant, depending on the number of event triggers in total.
Helping relieve hobos from stress via HJ. Jane can help once per day by talking to Ralph at the Bunker. Like homemade cooking, this will help gain Homeless reputation to unlock unique clothes.
Bald guys help Jane with her Standing Eagle pose. This event can be triggered after seeing both “Going Home” events with the Bald Guys and performing the Standing Eagle pose while exercising at the gym. It grants higher bonuses than exercising alone.
Movement is only left & right now. It should make the game more performant & less buggy, too.
Interacting with the world will make Jane come closer instead of indicating an out-of-reach sound. Move On Interaction can be disabled in the options.
Reduced interaction distance by around 20% because it doesn’t need to be so long anymore.
The metro train can be entered directly from the streets via quick action after unlocking it.
Reduced the price of the Metro VIP Card from $3000 to $1000.
Fixed a few events from dialogues not triggering at all.
Fixed some of Rick’s events not triggering.
Fixed a few rubbing with a dick animations while standing.
Fixed anal creampies causing pregnancy.
Fixed some vaginal creampies in the brothel not causing pregnancy.
Fixed masturbation sound playing after refusing to become Kevin’s GF.
v36c (June 1st, 2024)
Overall small tweaks and changes.
Extended the RLD Thugs event with a 3rd scene (BJ).
Jane can now break up with Kevin, Albert, and Rick. It’s a permanent choice and will have negative consequences based on the character.
Added tracking of virginity loss. You can check it by hovering over Jane’s virginity status in the stats window.
Added quick actions to reduce clicking – shower, sleep, exit home, enter home. They unlock after the 5th day.
Jane can sleep until morning in the bed.
Sleeping on the bench in the park requires either low fame or being homeless.
Once per day, Jane can call Albert via phone to chat in order to increase/lower their relationship.
The Drifter backstory is no longer temporarily teleported to the bathroom upon creating a new character.
Updated names of displayed events.
Fixed a missing starting dialogue for the Mother backstory.
Fixed events sometimes not being checked to trigger after changing a location.
Fixed problems with UI scroll bars (including Android).
Fixed some glitches with background art.
Fixed urine container icons.
v36b (May 21st, 2024)
Extended the birth scene. Jane can now choose between an orphanage or a foster family.
Rewritten logic for leaving home/room naked. This change was required for future exhibitionism and could cause bugs.
Added a Janitor to the hospital with a repeatable quest and corresponding items and scenes.
Added a lighter variant of the RLD thugs event. Triggering it 5 times will unlock its sex variant.
Increased gained Trait Experience from unlocked perks & triggered events.
Made triggering some events more clear.
Added a Reading Steinman unique item.
Added positive trait – Unaware Girl (2 TP) – Jane can leave her home/room without underwear despite not meeting Lewdness requirements.
Added “Allow Ahegao” setting. Turning it off will disable ahegao facial expressions.
Sleeping or playing on the phone to pass the time are no longer affected by the Time Flow speed modifiers.
Fixed a few small bugs.
Fixed missing limbs after some sex scenes.
Fixed a few events not being visible in the Event Sheet.
v36a (May 4th, 2024)
Code cleaning.
Mini optimizations.
Loading clothes on all characters should now be faster, which also affects loading locations with the ‘Wait For NPCs’ setting turned on.
The ‘Disable Screen Fade’ option is no longer exclusive to the Extended version but should still be used at your own risk.
Added female gym shoes, which are not required to enter the gym. The Sportswoman backstory starts with them.
Jane at the gym can now wear gym shoes, keep her current shoes, or enter barefoot.
Added an experimental cum shake feature across a wider range of events. [Extended]
Trait Points can now be increased via cheats. [Cheats]
Tweaks to events and the event sheet.
Added more ways to gain Trait Experience.
Added a missing leg support to the gynecologist’s bed.
The local shop is now open 2 hours longer. Poor Sally…
The Local Shop Weekly Buff also provides better prices.
Fixed multiple smaller bugs.
Fixed multiple animations.
Fixes to the event sheet.
Fixed issues with Rick’s events.
Fixes to the UI.
Fixed the stat window not refreshing correctly.
Fixed the reputation cheat.
Fixed the pregnant belly.
Fixes to masturbation.
Fixed loading a save with AB blood type.
Fixed multiple missing body parts.
Fixed the Record Holder perk.
Fixes to the quote system.
Fixed a few weekly buffs.
Fixed characters triggering their boyfriend events after becoming boyfriends.
v36 (April 25th, 2024)
Renamed folders and files from ‘Unaware in The City’ to ‘UiTC’. This should fix multiple issues with starting the game but will also create a new default save folder, so you’ll need to move your old save files manually.
There are a lot of tweaks, changes, and quality-of-life improvements. For example, mentioning Jane’s unsafe day in the tooltip, adding sound while gaining buffs, etc.
The stats window has been split into 3 tabs, providing info such as buff duration or birth count now.
Multiple screen fades across the game have been removed.
4 dark skin colors have been added to random NPCs.
Female feet art has been updated.
The masturbation limit can be reset with cheats by clicking on it. [Cheats]
The ‘Skip Dialogue via Background’ option has been added, allowing you to skip messages by clicking anywhere on the background in addition to a dialogue box. It’s enabled by default.
Idle animations playing during dialogues can now be disabled in the settings.
Finished working on the new edition of the animation tool, which now supports animation mixing. Also, all new animations from this point should be better, with transitions and without screen fades.
Made multiple changes to how animations work. This should fix multiple animations but may also cause new bugs.
Partially converted and tweaked over 30 animations so they support the new animation tool edition. These didn’t have transitions added or screen fades removed.
Added an experimental body shake and head bend to the majority of female cum animations. However, due to the screen fades, many will be unnoticeable. [Extended]
Remade both glory hole sex animations and added transitions to them.
Updated a missionary sex animation (with Ben).
Tweaked how panties animate.
Jane won’t play random idle animations in a few places, like in the metro train, as they were interfering with scenes there.
Added the first check-up at the gynecologist sex scene, which also provides a buff.
Further extended the glory hole sex scene with a possibility to get a phone call from Jane’s current partner.
Updated some events with a bonus chance based on Jane’s stats, reputation, choices, perks etc.
Added backstory – Mother.
Added 2 hidden perks – Mother (2 ranks) & Guinea Pig (2 ranks).
Added positive trait – Money Plus (5 TP) – Having at least one kid grants $500 weekly.
Added positive trait – Amasser (3 TP) – At the end of each day, gain Trait Experience equal to the current Trait Point amount.
Added 5 weekly buffs – Trait Experience, Cooking, Time Flow, Fertility, Infertility.
Added weekly buffs & weekly buff list to the glossary.
Required Trait Experience is uncapped now, meaning it will keep increasing with each new Trait Point unlocked.
Required Trait Experience increases by 10 (up from 5) with each gained Trait Point.
Added more ways to gain Trait Experience, thus it should be gained even faster.
Reduced starting Trait Points by 6, as I put more emphasis on unlocking them rather than starting with them. Unspent TP still stay.
Check-up at the gynecologist provides a buff for 24 hours that increases all Trait Experience, Stats & Skills gained by 10%.
Multiple bug fixes.
Fixed multiple issues with event cooldowns.
Fixes to Rick’s events.
Fixes to quote system.
Fixed male left & right foot being the same.
v35a (April 4th, 2024)
Changed the method of loading & unloading locations.
Blood types can be selected during character creation.
Blood types offer bonuses, and these bonuses will apply to existing saves. However, Jane cannot change her blood type mid-game.
Removed preload dialogues setting. It is enabled by default now.
Some tweaks to Time Flow altering effects. They should be more consistent.
Pluviophile perk slows down time flow by 10%, instead of passive time flow by 75%, making it more useful.
New positive trait – Split Personality (5 TP) – Gain effects of the 2nd Blood Type at random.
New negative trait – Blood Roulette (1 TP) – Starting Blood Type is random.
Fixed game being stuck at loading screen in some cases.
Fixed glory hole not being repeatable.
Fixed muscular body types not updating correctly.
Fixed some issues with semen’s position on body and how it animates.
Fixed tips not working while skipping work (lightspeed choice) at Kevin’s Diner.
Fixed time not passing upon switching some locations.
Fixed multiple issues with event data.
Fixed event sheet hiding disabled events.
Fixed multiple bugs related to luck stat.
Fixed eyes of some unique NPCs.
Fixed some clothes not being restored.
v35 (March 30th, 2024)
Multiple tweaks and QOL changes.
Optimized a bit location switching on low end machines, and RAM consumption.
Dr. Braun at the hospital can enable/disable pregnancy for a fee (it still can be done via traits & cheats).
Jane no longer needs to be homeless to unlock tattered clothes from homeless people. The first variant is still reserved for homeless Jane only.
Homeless people now reward Jane with unique clothes based on Homeless reputation, regardless of her being homeless. These rewards include 2 tattered variants, both diner outfit variants, and the nurse outfit.
Some items can be used during dialogues, so if Jane needs to quickly boost her LW with aphrodisiac to meet choice requirements, now she can! (Experimental & EX only!)
Using aphrodisiac, power booster, makeup or liquid luck items will remove the effects of their opposite counterparts. It works the other way around, too, so Jane can’t simultaneously have buff from aphrodisiac & anaphrodisiac.
Added, updated and extended flavor text of multiple items. Now they all change their flavor texts every 25 LW.
As an alternative, searching in trash bins has a very small chance of unlocking the Fast Travel feature.
Losing virginity for the first time awards 5 LW.
Updated art of female faces.
Updated art of mustaches & beards.
Mustaches & beards are no longer in an experimental state, thus available in all versions and enabled by default.
Added 2 new (rounder) female foreheads & chins.
Added 1 more female freckles variant.
New animations – Hugging with fingering. Hugging with handjob. Missionary sex in the bed (prep, sex, finish). Bend over sex on the office desk (prep, sex, finish).
New long, repeatable event – First sex with Ben (aka taking his virginity). Requires Ben as a boyfriend and has high requirements.
New long, repeatable event – Jane can get her job at Kevin’s Diner back. Requires 25 LW & Jane must be fired.
Multiple Event Sheet tweaks.
Event Sheet is now sorted based on the location and won’t show location as a requirement, making it more readable.
Event Sheet shows current chance to trigger.
Some events got their chance and requirements tweaked, while adding a bonus chance (based on multiple factors), making some events even easier to trigger.
Ben needs to lose virginity first before he can have sex with Jane after drinking at the diner.
Fixed multiple bugs.
Fixed contraception pills.
Fixed panty hunter event while having only one pair of panties.
Fixed missing clothes on some limbs after certain events.
v34e (April 2nd, 2024)
As a rule, I don’t update older versions, because it’s too time consuming, but bugs were too game-breaking this time. All fixes below should work with existing v34d saves. Enjoy!
Fixed glory hole not being repeatable.
Fixed muscular body types not updating correctly.
Added a warning message to the panty hunter event about not selling the last pair of panties. Also added a 10 days delay before triggering it.
v34d (March 19th, 2024)
Fixed clothes shop event introduced in v34c.
v34c (March 12th, 2024)
Few small tweaks & bug fixes.
Multiple tweaks to the existing dialogues.
Fixed a problem with building the game on Android.
Some tweaks to the clothes during scenes, such as being dressed while outdoors or not wearing shoes in beds, etc.
Added an event with 5 new animations and in 2 variants – either by entering a fitting room or by buying clothes. BUGGED!
Added 4 more animations for Dr. Braun, and he will choose one (out of 5) randomly while ‘working’.
Disable Pregnancy cheat now also removes the current pregnancy state. (EX only)
v34b (March 8th, 2024)
A few tweaks.
Added 2 muscular body types, requiring 150 and 200 maximum energy. They will revert back at 125 and 175, respectively. These are fully optional and can be disabled in the settings.
Dr. Braun at the hospital can now restore Jane’s virginity.
After posting an ad to find a flatmate, they will return every 3 days if rejected. Jane can remove the flatmate ad to stop them from coming. Accepting a flatmate will also remove the ad.
Max Energy & Max Cleanliness can now be cheated in the stats window, in addition to the current values. (EX only)
Replaced the old formula for gaining stats & skills. They are now harder to gain by 0.5% per point (e.g., at 60 LW, gains are reduced by 30%). This change aims to prevent players from maxing out stats instantly after accessing more content later in the game. It will have minimal impact on the early game. With the addition of the new trait system, progression is still faster than in v33.
Entering a men’s toilet in the park can now end with a sex scene.
Two thugs might appear while Jane tries to take a shortcut through the RLD Alley.
The Panty Hunter at the RLD Alley will occasionally want to buy panties. Requires a skirt to trigger.
Buying something at the local store can attract a pervert.
Added an animation while Dr. Braun is “working”.
Re-made animation with Ben fingering Jane in her bed.
Re-made 3P doggy style animation.
Multiple bug fixes.
Fixed Event Sheet not showing clothes requirements.
Some fixes to the male sorting order of torso/legs.
v34a (February 23rd, 2024)
Added more ways to gain Trait Experience.
Fixed a few small bugs.
Fixed some issues with pregnancy.
Fixed multiple problems with resolution settings.
Fixed doctor & nurse clothes.
Fixed heads of unique NPCs.
v34 (February 18th, 2024)
Multiple changes and tweaks, including UI.
Jane can choose how many hours she wants to spend on playing on her phone, up to 12 hours. Small QOL change.
Disabled initial LW & CH boost, since traits can be unlocked mid-game now.
Added Hospital (3 locations) – Entrance, Gynecologist, Maternity Room.
Added Doctor & Nurse outfits. Not available to the player.
Added Dr. Braun unique NPC.
New animation for buying traits at the gynecologist.
Removed Memory Cleaning setting.
Multiple bug fixes.
Fixed some missing tooltips of events’ requirements.
Fixed NPCs having bonus face parts (like cheeks/freckles) when they shouldn’t.
Fixed some cheats not being saved & reset correctly.
Added more triggers for giving birth. Jane still needs to be outdoors, though.
Some changes to how textures are loaded, also lowering delay.
Optimized switching locations. It will be much, much faster now.
Optimized RAM consumption. Game no longer has ridiculous RAM requirements and shouldn’t crash on weaker devices, like Android.
Upscaled all character art, both on PC & Android. Although Android still uses reduced resolution, because loading times were noticeable.
Improved art of male heads, hairs and necks.
Game requires more VRAM on GPU to run now.
Due to the various optimizations, game is forced to run in 16:9 aspect ratio. Yep, it would be too great otherwise.
All numbers below are experimental and a subject to change, really. I will adjust them as needed over the course of development until they are in the satisfying spot.
Reduced starting Trait Points to 10-14, but unspent TP stay and can be spent later.
For every 100-200 Trait Experience points Jane gains 1 Trait Point. It starts with 100, and each time TP is gained it increases by 5 points, up to 200.
Trait Experience is rewarded by literally anything – walking, working, sleeping, triggering events, gaining stats/skills, using items etc. etc.
Trait Experience is visible at the stats window.
There are no hard caps, so, for example, if you gain Trait Experience from Charm, then even if you have maxed out Charm stat, you will still gain exp normally.
Positive Traits bought at the hospital have the same TP cost as traits from the character creation screen.
Negative Traits sold at the hospital have reverted cost, so if Jane got 1 TP for choosing Arrogant, she will have to pay 1 TP for removing it.
Some traits can’t be bought/sold at the hospital. It is mentioned in their tooltips during the character creation.
Updated tooltips of traits & perks.
Updated Traits in the Glossary.
Added 1 perk:
Experienced (2 ranks) – Trait Experience required to gain a Trait Point is reduced by 10-20 points.
Added 2 positive traits:
Adventurer (2 TP) – At the end of each day roll 4d4 (4-16) and gain that many Trait Experience points.
High Interest (6 TP) – All Trait Experience gains are increased by around 20%.
Added 1 negative trait:
Low Interest (3 TP) – All Trait Experience gains are decreased by around 20%.
v33c (January 26th, 2024)
- Some small tweaks to the gym.
- Jane starts with 3 trait points more.
- Added a direct dialogue support for traits & perks, so I can more easily modify bonuses/penalties of specific dialogue effects & events, like working at the diner.
- Pregnancy can be disabled via new positive trait (Impregnable) or via cheats.
- Jane can enter men’s toilet in the park, resulting in an event with 3 scenes (2x fingering, 1x BJ).
- Added 4 new animations (2x non-sex & 2x sex) for the purpose of the new event.
- Added 6 new weekly buffs – Trash Bins, Tips, Gym, Hairdresser, Clothes Shop, Local Shop.
- Added Waitress perk (3 ranks) – Working at the diner costs 10/25/50% less energy & cleanliness.
- Working hard at the diner costs 5 less energy & cleanliness.
- Multiple bug fixes.
- Fixed Mac/Linux missing shaders/textures.
v33b (January 19th, 2024)
- Did some changes to how the game is built, compressed & released.
- Travel time between locations is based on Jane’s movement speed, but not the one you get to see in the stats window.
- Travel time and its energy cost are no longer rounded to the nearest 5. Achieving no time or no cost is possible now.
- Updated Exploring Rover perk.
- Jane can leave her room, if her flatmate is also her boyfriend. Keep in mind that underwear LW checks still persist and their events require her to be dressed.
- Added info which positive traits can be picked only at the start. As a preparation for v34.
- Fixed Christmas Elf Lottery event. Affected saves will get clothes for free.
- Fixed hairdresser’s salon being in another dimension.
- Fixed Charmer, Lewder & Natural Mother traits.
- Fixed only one moan variant to choose from in the character creation.
- Fixed Rick’s event in Jane’s room not triggering for the Slut backstory.
- Fixed game seeing balcony as kitchen in terms of meeting requirements.
- Jane’s gym clothes are now being scanned upon opening her locker, instead upon being bought.
- Blood type is random again. It’s still unused, though.
v33a (January 12th, 2023)
Some overall tweaks and changes.
Multiple tweaks to the quote & tip systems.
Optimized dialogues.
Finished streamlining of stat/skill gains.
Moved inventory, phone, map & event sheet buttons from the top menu panel to the right side of the screen.
Added setting to disable majority of screen fade ins. You will get to see all the weird NPC stuff. EXPERIMENTAL & EX ONLY!
Cheats can be toggled in the settings and are disabled by default, as people felt tempted to use them. EX ONLY!
Expanded Kevin & Rick events that were added in v33.
Tweaked Kevin’s v33 events, making them easier to trigger in new clothes or when working hard.
Kevin will be called Kev by Jane, after becoming her boyfriend.
Kevin & Rick boyfriend events aren’t boyfriend-only anymore and everyone can access them, but having them as BFs makes them easier.
Most events related to Jane’s current boyfriend will get a second roll to trigger, equal to event’s base roll chance. It won’t affect some hardcoded events.
Horny moan variant requires faster animation speed to trigger now, because in many cases less horny variant got skipped.
NPCs at the Kevin’s Diner occupy both tables all the time.
Enabled Record Holder perk, but it’s still unusable until v34, as it awards Trait Points.
Re-made feature and updated formula & loot from trash bins. Although most likely you won’t see any difference.
Toggling Preload Dialogues setting will also instantly load/unload all dialogue data.
Fixed multiple small bugs.
Fixed Christmas Elf clothes not being acquirable outside of Christmas, and also as homeless.
Fixed Preload Dialogues setting breaking some events while being turned off (mostly metro train).
Fixed Kevin & Rick boyfriend events.
Fixed Event Sheet losing connection with an actual event data after loading a save.
Fixes to moans not playing in some scenes.
Fixed talking to NPCs in the RLD crashing the game.
Fixed Jane getting tipped while resting or on a break at the diner.
Fixed History Log showing hidden messages.
Fixed contraception pills.
All Traits & Perks altering time flow speed are stronger.
Indebted trait event can trigger in a few more locations.
Junkrat trait splat into multiple traits – Scavenger & Treasure Hunter. v33 saves will get all these for free.
Added Backstory Traits that requires, well, mentioned backstories to work. Only 1 for now.
New positive traits:
Aristocrat – Infamous (3 TP) – Negative Fame will no longer trigger the GAME OVER event. Requires the Aristocrat Backstory.
Junkrat (4 TP) – Searching in trash bins always rewards an item & can search regardless of Fame.
Treasure Hunter (2 TP) – Doubled chance, duration & effects of the Treasure Hunter buff.
Scavenger (2 TP) – Daily search limit in trash bins increased by 2.
Back To The Past (4 TP) – As time elapses, the quantity decreases by 20%, equating to 1 minute less for every 5 minutes passed.
True Lover (2 TP) – Events related to Jane’s current boyfriend have an additional roll, roughly increasing chance of triggering by 50%.
Added the 2nd & 3rd rank (1 TP) of Premature Laborer trait.
New negative traits:
Hatred For Trash (1 TP) – Can’t search in trash bins.
Back To The Future (2 TP) – As time elapses, the quantity increases by 20%, equating to 1 minute more for every 5 minutes passed.
v32c (December 17th, 2023)
Fixed a few small bugs.
Fixed a fame bug related to working in the Kevin’s Diner.
Few small tweaks.
Further streamlined stat/skill gains.
v32b (December 14th, 2023)
Multiple small tweaks, changes and optimization.
Some backstory balancing.
Added a search function to the traits in the character creation window. For example, search “lewd” to find all traits mentioning lewdness.
Added homeless version of Kinky Messenger & Lottery events, so after losing home, Jane can still get a job at the Kinky Nymph or unlock Halloween/Christmas costumes. Compatible with old saves.
Streamlined some (it will be a long process) of the stat/skill modifiers during scenes, so expect gaining more/less from them. It will open doors to the future features.
Added Force Holidays cheat that can enable Halloween/Christmas permanently. (EX only!)
Added Science Street with Hospital & University. It’s currently empty and there’s nothing to do right now, but Hospital will be added in v33 or v34.
Re-made animation of shower sex with Rick.
You can check Jane’s current partner in the stats window.
Your blood type will reset to random, as a preparation for upcoming bonuses in v33.
Since Shady Dealer quest got re-worked, UnLucky Charm bonus is reduced from 50 to 25 points.
Fixed some bugs & animations.
Fixed missing X-Ray in the Basic version in some cases.
Fixed NPCs’ dick sizes not updating.
Fixed a bug that could trigger bonuses/penalties for items/stats/skills/reps twice, so you could gain/lose more than intended. Sorry to ruin the fun, lads.
Some trait balancing.
Min-Maxer trait splat into 2 new traits (Lewder & Charmer), either LW or CH oriented.
Overdrive trait Movement Speed bonus moved into new trait – Overdose. v32a saves will get it for free.
Min-Maxer positive trait re-worked (8 TP) – If gained Charm, Lewdness or Luck, gain +1 point of the mentioned stat at the end of the day. Fixed amount, unaffected by any effects.
Added new positive traits:
Lewder (2 TP) – Lewdness loss at the end of the day is transformed into a gain.
Charmer (2 TP) – Charm loss at the end of the day is transformed into a gain.
Overdose (3 TP) – Increases Movement Speed by +5 for each Primary Needs buff active, up to +20.
Self-Taught (5 TP) – Doubles effects related to Lewdness while using the phone (watch porn, chill out), and related to Charm while using a mirror (brush teeth, train charm, try random stuff).
Team Player (3 TP) – Each day, gain +1 stat point based on the current flatmate – Ben (Charm) or Rick (Lewdness), if you chatted with them in their rooms.
Pleasant Odor (3 TP) – While working, low Cleanliness events have a 50% chance of not triggering.
Added new negative traits:
Dangerous Game (4 TP) – it will reduce LW, CH & LK by 1 point, if you didn’t increase them all within the same day.
Loner (3 TP) – Can’t have a flatmate.
Shut-In (4 TP) – Leaving home (or bunker, if homeless) drains 1 Energy & Cleanliness point every time an hour passes, due to stress.
v32a (November 12th, 2023)
Updated credits list.
Optimized main menu screen & loading locations.
Some small tweaks to UI.
Updated art of all necks.
Increased total movement speed by 8%. Enjoy!
Added a tip feature that has a chance of rewarding Jane with bonus money after work, making earning money easier. Different workplaces, backstories, stats, perks and traits affects it. For now only in the Kevin’s Diner.
Main menu screen shows info about the latest public & beta versions currently available. Requires internet connection.
Events that permanently removed Shady Dealer’s shop from the game changed. It’s compatible with old saves.
Jane can gain/lose Fame while working at the Kevin’s Diner, based on her performance at the end of the day.
Drifter backstory has it harder to pass Jack’s (Kinky Nymph) trial, while Slut has it a bit easier.
Added Duffle bag that is buyable from the clothes shop. It’s required to enter the gym and in the future for exposure events.
Sportswoman backstory starts with a duffle bag, but with less other items.
Added info to the Glossary about the Kevin’s Diner, Kinky Nymph & unique items.
Energy drink ability from the Sportswoman backstory moved to the new positive trait – Tireless. Existing saves will get it for free.
Second Wind (positive trait) – Once per day, if Energy reaches 0, it will instantly be restored to 25%.
Great Attitude (positive trait) – Chance to get tipped increased by +5%.
Succubus (positive trait) – Lewdness stat increases chance & amount of being tipped while working.
Bad Attitude (negative trait) – Chance to get tipped decreased by -10%.
Tip Magnet (perk) – Increases chance & amount of tips Jane gets while working.
Tweaked UI on Android.
Downscaled background art on Android (temporary).
Buying/selling traits requires double touch on Android. Single touch shows tooltip.
Fixed Quick Saving/Loading on Android.
Fixed X-Ray on Android.
Fixed a few small bugs.
Fixed character being stuck after loading a save from a different location.
Fixed clothes disappearing from the clothes shop.
Fixed error in the Jane’s phone after choosing Call Person option.
Fixed colors resetting at the character creation/hairdresser.
Fixed visual bug with traits disappearing after changing the tab during character creation.
Fixed hairs partially disappearing.
Fixed porn magazine event.
v32 (October 30th, 2023)
A bit more of the optimization.
Some small changes & UI tweaks.
Added pregnant belly cheat. If enabled, pregnant belly will be displayed at all times. Doesn’t affect gameplay in any way, it’s just a visual cheat.
Switched default screen orientation from right to left on Android.
Screen orientation can be changed in the settings on Android.
Added 3 game settings:
Animate Boobs. Option for weirdos to disable boobs animations.
Expression Sound Chance. It’s a % chance of playing the expression sound, so if you want to disable them, set it to 0.
Enable Holidays. If you don’t want to see stuff like Halloween, simply disable it.
Multiple fixes I forgot to note…
Fixed multiple handjob animations.
Fixed shoes’ art being cut.
Fixed some cheats not working correctly on Android.
Traits aren’t exchangeable anymore (positive for negative), but “buyable” instead.
Each Backstory provides different amount of Trait Points (TP) that can be used to buy traits, around 12-18 TP.
Buying positive traits costs TP, while buying negative traits rewards TP.
Positive traits cost 2-6 TP, while negative ones reward 1-3 TP, so you can start with multiple positive traits without taking a single negative one.
Currently traits can be bought only during the character creation. In the future, NPC will be added with buyable traits.
Half of unspent TP is lost.
Existing saves will lose all traits, but be rewarded with TP based on backstory. Some trait effects might still persist, though. Sorry about that.
Added 4 new positive traits – Adorable, Beautiful, Lustful & Naughty (related to Charm & Lewdness).
Record Holder perk now provides TP.
Multiple tweaks and fixes to existing character art, including clothes.
Updated naked art of all characters (except necks & heads).
Remade art of female lips 1-6.
Other character parts will be updated across v32 mini updates.
Added 3 female mole variants as a part of the freckles.
Removed both existing moan types, because they lacked many sounds to introduce new features.
Moans have 3 new types to choose from (shy teenager, slut in her 20s, wife in her 30s). Voice Actress is Miss Maia.
Moans are based on whether Jane is horny or not (normal & aroused variant) and if her mouth is open or closed, so around 20 in total per moan type.
Around 5 orgasm & 5 breathing sounds per the moan type.
Added female BJ sounds to the game. Around 15 sounds per moan type. Chance to play the sound is based on the animation speed (I’m experimenting here).
Facial expression sounds (aka emotes) during dialogues. 13 per moan type.
Same moan sound can’t play twice in a row.
Added Halloween holiday to the game.
Added Halloween decors to all outdoor locations.
Existing Halloween event (pumpkin clothes) have greatly increased chance of triggering during Halloween.
Holidays are based on your PC’s real clock. Halloween lasts from October 10th to November 10th.
I had to disable some unfinished v32 content, so I’m sorry if I overlooked something and you get to trigger it…
As with every major art update, expect glitches!
v31d (September 19th, 2023)
Some small overall tweaks.
Re-worked algorithm for loading character art. It should be more performant and less buggy now.
Optimized all locations. They should load faster and eat less RAM now.
Upscaled art of some locations.
Decreased game size (EXPERIMENTAL).
Male characters can have beards & mustaches now (EXPERIMENTAL). Added 3 variants of each. Customizable chance in the settings. EX only!
Added Mood Filter setting that adds bonus layer on the front with lights & shadows. It’s turned on by default, but turning it off may improve performance.
Added Clean Memory setting that will force memory to be cleaned upon changing locations at the cost of longer loading times, but might help with crashes.
Enabled by default on Android.
Removed Check NPCs setting.
Removed auto saves entirely from the game. Will get back to them at some point.
Muscleheads have a bonus chance of being bald. Polish style!
Some small bug fixes.
Multiple fixes to moans in the preparation for new moans v32.
Fixed events started from dialogues actually not starting.
Fixed some data not saving (again).
Fixes to cheat buttons in the stats window.
Fixed multiple female clothes.
Fixed boobs bouncing in the wrong direction.
Fixed bald hairs not spawning on male characters.
v31c (August 20th, 2023)
Updated art of female eyes & male dicks.
Added Check NPCs setting (enabled by default) that will try to make sure that NPCs’ clothes are correct upon spawning. May affect performance.
Added Bigger Android UI (increases UI size by 25% on Android) setting. EXPERIMENTAL!
Added eyes over hairs optional setting (EX only). It might look weird with blindfolds or eyepatches etc. EXPERIMENTAL!
Added anal variant to Rick’s fallen down scene at home.
Jane starts with a random blood type. It will be expanded in future updates.
Rick can be kicked out at all times now.
Narcoleptic negative trait’s trigger chance is based on Jane’s current Energy. 1% chance while over 80% Energy, and 5% while below 20%.
Increased poor Albert’s dick size as a tradeoff for his belly being as big as the world’s inflation.
Small bug fixes.
Some UI tweaks.
Fixed & re-made from scratch some animations (mostly missionary & bunker).
Fixed missing items from some hands.
Fixed facial animations getting reset.
v31b (August 9th, 2023)
Some mini optimization.
Top menu panel has smaller icons and is always visible now, but can be hid with the top-right button. HUD position changes based on panel’s visibility.
Customizable Body & Ass size got removed from the Basic version (it won’t reset your current body, though). Sorry, but people kept reporting animation desync bugs over and over.
Moan text (over Jane’s head) and X-Ray are now both part of the Basic version. Enjoy!
The vending machine outside the local store is now usable. Took me a while, I know…
Re-made boobs animations from scratch with new formula, so expect new cool bugs!
Clothes & animation speed affect boobs bounciness.
Added positive (Bouncy Boobs) and negative (Limp Boobs) traits that affect boobs bounciness.
NPCs start their idle animations at random times & speeds, so no more mirror effect.
Removed Lightweight NPCs setting and its leftovers. It caused more harm than good.
Fixed a few small bugs.
Fixed some data not saving correctly (like eyes).
Fixed some data not resetting correctly (like work at Kevin’s Diner).
Fixed Jane teleporting after loading the save.
Fixed multiple animations (including Gym).
Further fixed clothes loading on NPCs.
Some fixes to the quote system.
v31a (July 28th, 2023)
Some minor tweaks & changes.
Added female hairs – Buzzcut.
Added 3 settings – Zoom in on sex scenes & Zoom out upon exiting dialogues & Change main menu theme.
Added 2 cheats:
– Lock LW, which will force the majority of dialogues to play as if you had the desired LW value (0-100).
– Dick Size, which will set the size of all dicks between 100-300%. As with all weird cheats, don’t report bugs later on, because definitely it won’t look good at 300%.
Added 2 positive traits:
– Ambitious, which makes Perks unlock twice as fast (when possible).
– Long Reach, which doubles the interaction distance.
Added perk – Reacher, which increases interaction distance by 20-100%.
LW & CH no longer decrease at the end of the day, if you managed to increase them by any value, but if you didn’t, you will lose 2 LW & 1 CH. Tweaked their appropriate traits.
Added an optional skip scene to the work at the Kevin’s Diner, so you can either skip a locker part or a working part. Keep in mind it will skip all events that can happen in-between.
Added an optional skip scene to the work at the Kinky Nymph, so you can simply skip watching the animation and still get your rewards (but reduced stats). It also has a 50% chance to roll anal sex instead of vaginal.
Jane has to call Kevin only once to take time off from work and she will lose reputation only once and not each day. If she wants to come back, she has to call him again.
Some tweaks to working at the Kinky Nymph. Rewarded money are based on Jane’s current skill, not on the chosen animation.
Sex shop & local shop are both open during weekends.
Game settings are now scrollable.
Increased total movement speed by 20%.
Increased interaction distance by 10%.
Fixed some smaller bugs.
Disabled Auto Save, because in some rare cases it prevented Jane from any interaction and could corrupt the saves. Big thanks to Ero Zimo for helping me find the culprit!
Fixed (hopefully) clothes loading on NPCs. It will hit performance a bit and add a delay to changing clothes.
Fixed resolutions not showing up in some cases, but now you will see multiple refresh rates.
Fixed Fast Travel feature not working in some cases.
Fixed Gym’s changing room scenes & 3rd exercise. Rest will be fixed in v31b.
Fixed interactions with Ben & Rick.
Fixed some sounds being louder than intended (like shower or rain).
Fixed elevator scene not rewarding Charm on success.
v31 (July 19th, 2023)
Jane can order pizza via phone, leading to different outcomes based on Pizza reputation and Jane’s stats (2 BJ & 2 sex scenes).
Ben confesses to Jane. After triggering his previous events and having high reputation with him.
Brandon, neighbor from the balcony. You have a chance to meet him at balcony at Jane’s flat. Temporary no sex events.
Extended drinking with Ben event with multiple tweaks, choices and scenes.
Ben can have sex with Jane after drinking enough times, based on stats and choices. 2 vaginal and 1 anal scenes.
After triggering drinking event with Ben, Jane can ask him to go out again. Friday-Sunday evening only.
5 new animations – 2x BJ (Pizza Man), 2x vaginal & 1x anal (drunk Ben).
2 new idle animations for Jane. And same idle animation can’t play twice in a row now.
Over 5 re-made animations – Max’s sex on bench, Ben’s cunnilingus, sex at door and few other non-sex animations.
Multiple small tweaks.
Added hundreds of quotes based on Jane’s gameplay across the game with the new Quotes System. Keep in mind that it’s a very fresh feature in its early stage, so many quotes are still missing and it’s buggy. It won’t cause crashes, but please report if you see characters say anything weird and out of context.
Added Fiancée backstory. Jane starts with permanent fiancé back at her village. She can’t get any boyfriend.
Added 2 new female hairs – twintails & curly.
Added new female shoes – Heels, B (5 color variants).
Added new facial expressions to Jane’s dialogues and from now on they will be used in future updates.
Added a few random NPCs to the Gym.
Ben can lose his virginity.
F1 key will also reload NPCs’ clothes (in case of missing textures), in addition to resetting them.
Added option to reset flatmate data in the phone, just in case it bugs out (more of a safeguard for updating the save from v30).
Automated display process of some buffs, so they show their modified values & duration instead of the base one.
Eating food restores a bit more Energy and its amount is connected to the base duration of the Well-Fed buff.
Fixed multiple small bugs.
Fixed History Log sometimes crashing & showing debug choices.
Fixed rare cases of some face parts resetting upon entering character customization mode.
Fixed a bug with Cum Gauge.
Fixed a few female facial expressions.
It’s a pre-update of v31, so it consists of some stuff designed and meant for v31, because I was either too lazy to remove them or too afraid of causing bugs in the final release. Anyway, enjoy!
A few quality of life changes.
Some overall UI tweaks, including character creation menu.
Updated art of cum effects.
Added new option – Preload Dialogues. If enabled, it will preload all dialogue data during character creation. If disabled, it will load them only on their first occurence, causing an initial lag upon interaction with the world.
Renamed Guide to Glossary and updated it.
Some overall event cleaning and tweaks to triggering events.
Event Sheet now shows the chance of triggering an event modified by backstory, and won’t show events for different backstories.
Jane can find her flatmates and talk to them in their rooms now.
If a flatmate leaves a home during an event, his home events will be locked for a day.
Added quick save/load buttons to the menu panel. This change enables quick save/load on Android.
Adjusted pricing of all clothes and body customization options.
Small tweaks to choices in the phone.
Multiple bug fixes.
Fixed cum meter.
Fixed search button in the glossary window.
Fixed panties being removed together with pants.
Fixed clothes icons on Android.
There are many animations that look wrong, especially with panties/skirts on. It’s because those are very old animations that were “forced” to work with the new art. The only way to fix them is re-making them from scratch, and that’s really time consuming, so will take a longer while.
NPCs’ clothes sometimes might not fully load. It’s a side effect of multiple optimization options to make the game playable on weaker devices.
Mini optimization.
Updated a few more icons.
Loading screen now waits for all NPCs to fully load. Can be turned off in the settings.
Last quick/auto save slot is based on the file’s date now.
Updated ejaculation (outside) effect. It’s volume depends on the dick size.
Added game guide (T) with an explanation of some mechanics.
Some changes to sorting order of body parts & clothes.
Moved male NPCs random size to the EX version, since it’s still too glitchy.
Random size of male NPCs is disabled by default and can be enabled in the settings.
Remaining event cooldown is now visible in the event sheet’s requirements.
Increased skill requirements of some bonus sex positions from 20-60 to 25-75.
Added Magnetic Personality trait that gives 100% chance of client appearing while waiting at ‘work’.
Fixed multiple bugs.
Fixed multiple sex animations across the whole game.
Fixed NPCs keeping the same body type across multiple events.
Fixed cleanliness check at the brothel & RLD street being affected by Luck.
Fixed main menu settings pop-up buttons not being responsive.
Bald Guys at the diner will sometimes twist their bodies in agony. Couldn’t trigger this on my end.
Loading save and moving will teleport Jane back to her last position first. There’s a conflict between pathfinding and loading data.
Fixed a critical error with Bald Guys’ initial quest. If you already started Kevin’s Diner quest, your save will stay bugged. Sorry!
Upscaled character art (not on Android, though). Enjoy longer loading times!
Changed overall sorting order of some male clothes. Brace yourself for new bugs.
Overhauled cum gauge values. Now doing it too fast/slow will decrease the meter. And more different stuff affects it.
Added Rough Pleasure positive trait – makes cum gauge fill faster and never decrease.
Added 2 new eyepatch colors (brown & black).
Added new hat colors (to 3 in total for each hat variant).
Adjusted pricing of some clothes.
Updated a few icons.
Added icons to homemade food.
Fixed multiple bugs.
Fixed multiple animations, like Jeff’s, Kyle’s, Kevin’s and Bald Guys’.
Fixed NPCs’ bodies disappearing, leaving their interaction bubbles.
Fixed NPCs not fully resetting upon respawn.
Fixed male legs bypassing pants in some animations.
Fixed male NPCs using only one lips variant.
Fixed a few male clothes not covering body correctly.
Fixed missing shadows underneath standing characters. Idle animations only for now.
Updated inventory icons.
Jane can keep playing on her phone multiple times in a row (until midnight, so scripts can refresh in peace).
Playing games have a chance to increase lewdness & charm (once per day). Also, it no longer restores bonus energy.
Added new buttons to the wardrobe – undress/dress up & wear random clothes.
Multiple tweaks and fixes to the loading screen.
Removed some useless text while changing locations.
Homeless men use more hair variants now.
Fixed events triggering too soon/late when changing locations.
Fixed missing feet upon undressing via dialogue.
Fixed eyes resetting to the first type.
Fixed a few female hair types.
Fixed a few animations.
Further optimization.
Restored and remade old body sizes (affects all males). Random NPCs can have between 100-110% size, unique up to 115%.
Changing settings while holding left shift sets them to the max possible value.
Minor bug fixes.
Fixed/adjusted/remade animations in the park.
Fixed multiple character bugs.
Further optimization.
Multiple fixes to the character creation window (including hairdresser).
Fixed characters getting constantly re-rolled.
Fixed characters not blinking with their eyes.
Fixed loading old saves not unlocking default backstory clothes.
Fixed breast types 4 & 5.
Fixed cum meter not appearing.
Fixed loading screen disappearing too soon.
Multiple quality of life changes, but I forgot to keep track of them all…
Rewritten some of the core code from scratch, mainly connected to loading & unloading textures.
Greatly reduced RAM & VRAM consumption of the game, so it should be playable on older devices, and especially on Android.
Added loading screen between locations.
Optimized Slums and temporary removed particle effects. There’s still some performance problem connected to Slums.
Breast size can be increased to double the size (EXPERIMENTAL & EX ONLY!)
Time flows 20% slower (1 minute every 6 real time seconds).
Energy over time is no longer depleted, but restored instead (1 every 30 in-game mins).
Upon entering character creation mode Jane rolls random body.
Added 2 new female breast types.
Holding down the left control key while zooming in/out will instantly set a max possible magnitude.
Multi-word search in the event window.
And more!
There were various bug fixes along these few months, but I didn’t really note them all down either…
Fixed settings in the menu.
Fixed changing resolution.
Fixed low cleanliness event at Kevin’s Diner being affected by Luck.
This update is meant to test stability & performance.
If you don’t want to be a tester, then wait for the next update.
Expect a lot of new and weird bugs.
Many animations are still desynced.
Another mini optimization.
Some internal changes. Might cause bugs on existing saves.
Tweaked character movement. It should be more responsive and less buggy.
Jane moves faster now. You are welcome.
Updated map with new art (M).
Only aspect rations that are same as in the native resolution can be chosen in the settings now.
Added all clothes icons.
Added night variant of the Kevin’s Diner – Office.
Updated platform shoes.
Character movement speed stays the same across all devices and screen resolutions.
Fixed multiple animations, but mostly brothel.
Fixed NPCs’ ejaculation. In the near future I will re-make it from scratch.
Mini optimization.
Added options that let you control chance of some aspects of the game, like NPCs’ body types.
Added eyepatch to the female glasses.
Idle animations are disabled during character creation.
Added more clothes icons.
Added short intro to most locations.
Updated music quality.
Disabled calling taxi in the RLD – Alley. It’s too narrow.
Kevin’s Diner’s clocks finally show actual time! A very important change, I know.
Some minor fixes.
Some fixes to black screens in locations.
Multiple fixes to the taxi.
Fixed and updated multiple animations, but mostly bend over sex ones.
Fixed spawned NPCs being naked in some cases (like taxi drivers).
Fixed moans not playing during character creation.
Fixed wrong layer sort order on NPCs’ hands at the tables at Kevin’s Diner.
Fixed crashing on Android. Other versions are unaffected.
Some small changes.
A lot of memory optimization.
Removed old clothes icons, so they will temporary stay empty. We are in the middle of adding new ones.
Added “Disable Random NPCs” to the main menu settings.
Auto Save is now optional and disabled by default.
Cheats can be toggled now. (EX)
Updated loading screen.
Updated male eyeglasses and added new reading variant in 3 colors.
Updated shirts – Blouse (A, B, C), Flannel (A), Cleavage (B).
Updated skirts – Diner & Long.
Updated Halloween clothes.
Added 4 earrings variants, each in 4 colors. Females only.
Renamed Bar shirt & skirt to Diner.
Added error message for people trying to load UotW saves in UiTC.
Blocked usage of some keyboard shortcuts while menu is open.
Some small fixes.
Fixed multiple sex animations, but mostly handjobs & blowjobs.
Fixed bra turning invisible after equipping shirt.
Fixed back of the bras moving together with the front.
Fixed NPC interaction buttons not disappearing after some events.
Fixed missing pants on some male NPCs.
Fixed bug allowing Jane to leave diner in her work clothes.
Some small changes.
Further optimization, especially on outdoor locations & Android.
Reduced RAM usage at the cost of increased CPU cost. Added “Use RAM over CPU” option which reverts it, in the settings.
Updated shirts (bar & torn), so they look nicer now.
Added 2 more color variants for Skirts (Medium, A).
Hidden some interaction with the world.
Some small fixes.
Fixed NPCs not resetting their clothes to default on disable.
Fixed events at the Kevin’s Diner’s Toilet.
Fixed backstories not working correctly.
Fixed fast travel.
Fixed a few wrong spawn points across the game.
Fixed some clothes (mostly skirts) not being buyable.
Fixed panties bypassing pants.
Fixed main menu music not being correctly destroyed.
Some small changes.
Optimized the game.
Made game a step closer to the mod support in the future.
Panties are now visible underneath pants/skirts. But currently we don’t have any clothes that could give you a peek on them underneath…
Changed female torn pants, so now they can give you a peek on the panties.
Synced female body more, so naked bodies animate better with clothes.
Added button to the character creation mode that zooms in on Jane’s face instantly.
Blocked non-default camera modes to avoid problems. (Android)
Some small fixes.
Fixed pants merging with skin after being removed.
Fixed pants not being removed correctly while panties being equipped.
Fixed missing teeth/tongue in lips.
Fixed scenes in the Kevin’s Diner’s – Storeroom.
Fixed floating interaction buttons around the world.
Fixed male NPCs turning invisible after encountering glory hole event.
Fixed Shady Shop not being enterable.
Fixed missing details on female & male eyes.
Fixed text disappearing from the save/load game buttons.
Fixed furries ears’ position scaling wrong with ears size. (EX)
Unaware in The City (Closed Beta) release.
- Download APK and RPA file
- Install the APK and Open
- Accept the permission, the game will be close
- Move the RPA file to
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