Barry was always bullied because of his short size. He was smaller than the other kids in his age. In his childhood he had a really hard time, espe[...]
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UPDATED ONMay 9, 2020
Barry was always bullied because of his short size. He was smaller than the other kids in his age. In his childhood he had a really hard time, especially when he entered the middle school. Over the years the bullying became less and less. Recently he has even gotten his first girlfriend called Missy.
However, there are still some people who continuously keep bullying him. No one ever thought he would even get a single girl. But it´s about time now, that he shows everyone that he can get any girl he wants, even if it´s necessary to resort to drastic measures…
Release Date: 2020-05-06
Developer: SneakyPanda Patreon
Version: 0.1
Censored: No
Language: English
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instead of typing in your name at the start of the game, type in: incest
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