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Adventurer Trainer v0.2.0a



Adventurer Trainer is a free non-commercial fan-made porn-parody Dating Sim/Visual Novel with RPG elements, set in a fictional universe loosely based on Konosuba and other titles.






Jan 27, 2025







Adventurer Trainer Apk Android Download (13)


Adventurer Trainer APK Android Adult Game Latest Version Download


Adventurer Trainer is a free non-commercial fan-made porn-parody Dating Sim/Visual Novel with RPG elements, set in a fictional universe loosely based on Konosuba and other titles. You will meet familiar characters, embark on exhilarating adventures, solve mysteries and more!​


Release Date: 2025-01-24
Developer: PastryIRL – Patreon – Discord – Twitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.2.0a
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Male protagonist, Parody, Animated, Harem, Loli, Teasing, Virgin, Dating Sim, Humor, Romance, Dating sim, Fantasy, Sandbox, RPG, Turn based combat, Big tits, Big Ass, Handjob, MILF, Ahegao, Creampie, Exhibitionism, Vaginal Sex





Minor changes:
– Reduced Doppelganger’s HP scaling
– Infinite Dungeon Demons’ armor capped at 80%.
– Jibril’s replay battle now correctly displays the recommended level as 8

– Fixed Kazuma’s bustup skin being stuck in naked mode after a scene with Chris
– Bustups now get refreshed properly on day start
– Fixed Rin’s Barrier crashing the game upon absorbing DOT damage. It now ignores DOTs as intended.
– Fixed an issue resulting in a crash when trying to exit the Infinite Dungeon
– Fixed the issue with Chris’s dialogue triggering during an alley fight even if Chris wasn’t present
– Adjusted Darkness’ Cleanse Buffs logic
– Fixed the issue resulting in Maze effect always active in Infinite Dungeon
– Jibril can no longer be fought in the Colosseum until she is defeated at the library
– Fixed doppelgangers bossfight repeating itself
– Fixed a bug that could indicate empty rooms as containing dialogue
– Fixed a bug that could result in an infinite Fear being applied to units
– Fixed a bug that resulted in a crash in the Cheat Menu with new Items
– Fixed Acid triggering damage multiple times during AOE attacks
– Fixed Cleanse removing Stunned debuff
– Fixed a few abilities not benefitting from boosts
– Fixed a bug that extended Meditate’s duration with a boost
– Fixed a bug that could lead to an uncaught exception when no ability is selected in the battle menu
– Fixed a bug with the Frozen effect that could crash the game
– Fixed a bug allowing auto-attacks to bypass Stealth or Disarm effects
– Fixed a bug that could result in a crash during a dungeon floor generation
– Fixed a bug with Jibril throwing an error if defeated previously and challenged again
– Minor spelling fixes


Minor changes:
– The XRay event now has a “End early” button

– The XRay event now fully resets when replayed using cheats to avoid softlocking.
– Fixed an issue with decreasing boost levels when an ability/weapon is not selected
– Fixed a bug that duplicated some status effects upon using Cure
– Fixed an issue that could result in an uncaught exception when getting certain status effects
– Fixed a bug that allowed stacking the Barrier effect
– Fixed a bug that could result in a crash when using Megumin’s Meditate
– Fixed an issue that could result in Megumin resisting her own Meditate effect. lmao
– Fixed an issue with Rin’s Magic Missile targeting only one enemy on touchscreen
– Removed Boon Upgrader and Quest Items from the cheat menu to avoid issues
– Fixed an issue that could result in an uncaught exception when selecting a region on the map
– Fixed the unintentionally high debuff resist on all heroes
– Fixed an issue with a piece of Darkness’ dialogue not properly checking whether she’s been romanced
– Fixed an issue with leaving dungeons early that could mark them as completed
– Minor spelling fixes

– +17k words, totaling 130k
– +484 images, totaling 5112
– +5 animations, totaling 94
– +13 New Events:

– +1 Main (Rem & Ram) Event
– +1 Bonus H-scene (comprised of 7 smaller H-scenes for Megumin, Aqua, Darkness, Luna, Yunyun, Chris and Wiz)
– +1 Megumin Event
– +1 Megumin H-scene
– +1 Yunyun event
– +2 Rin Events
– +2 Rin Quests
– +1 Wiz Event
– +1 Wiz (?) Quest but not really
– +1 Wiz H-scene
– +1 Gabriel event
– +1 Gabriel H-scene
– +1 Lolisa event
– +1 Lolisa H-scene
– +1 Alleys quest chain
– You can now hang out with Chris at night after seeing “Vantage Point”
– You can now raise affection with Lolisa after her latest event

– You can now explore the Alleys at night, but you might get ambushed by bandits while doing so. Don’t forget to upgrade your skills. Hunting down enough bandits will yield a unique reward.
– You can now travel to Heaven during the night
– Some wearable items can now provide special buffs and properties in battles.
– Added a Photoalbum as a unique item drop which will show some extra images not present in game
– Quests available on the quest board will no longer appear if the player has too many. Additionally, you can now discard quests as long as they are not important to the story. Important quests will now be marked with a golden seal
– Boons now have multiple rarity levels which affect their stats. Players can increase their odds of getting stronger boons by purchasing an upgrade from Eris
– Disabled checking for updates for mobile devices for now since it can cause issues on older systems
– Important items sold in shops (for example book important to quest progression or items that act as triggers for bonus events) will now have a marker indicating that quality

– Added Rin as a playable character.
– Added Gabriel’s Boons
– Various animation improvements to combat and general optimizations to make it run smoother
– Targeting allies with restorative abilities will now show a preview of their effects
– Added new status effects: Meditating, Acid, Asleep, Fragile, Exposed, Trapped, Empowered
– You can now cleanse Burn by Cowering. Stop, drop and roll.
– Some AOE effects will now render their effects one target at a time instead of all at once
– Added abilities with Charges, for example Rin’s Magic Missile. Players will be able to utilize charges to target multiple targets or the same target multiple times.
– Added an additional animation for when heroes are knocked out.
– Added a visual flash to some ability effects

– Megumin’s Explosion’s manacost will now be refunded if the battle ended before it finished casting
– Added a new ability to Megumin: Meditate. While used, she receives a substantial penalty to Dodge, but if she is not hit for a full turn, she will restore 25% of her mana.
– Aqua’s Turn Undead “Blinding Strike” upgrade now hits the target two times, which should make it a viable alternative to the otherwise superior AOE attack.
– Aqua’s Divine Heal now increases healed amount by 30% (from 10%) to the total of 50%.
– Aqua’s Blessed Restoration changed to Resurrection, and as you would expect can now resurrect knocked out units.
– Aqua’s Heal now has a 2 turn cooldown.
– Kazuma’s Snipe now has an extra upgrade tier which adds two potential branches: Quick Draw, allowing for an extra shot per use, and Volley, which allows for three shots at random targets. Both come with increased manacost and decreased accuracy.
– Kazuma’s and Chris’s Steal now has ability upgrades
– Chris’s Poisoned Blade rebalanced: extra damage out of stealth is now a potential upgrade. Another upgrade provides Execute, which will instantly kill an enemy if they’re below 50% health.
– Yunyun’s received multiple ability upgrades
– Buffing altars effects now only last for the duration of one battle
– Bosses now have debuff resist that can prevent them from getting afflicted with DOTs and special effects
– Building materials will now drop more often
– Reduced the rate at which gold drops when exploring the alleys
– Some abilities/weapons can now have multiple damage types; if they target multiple weaknesses, the monster will lose more shields at a time, increasing the effectiveness of such attacks
– Level cap increased to 12
– Damage-over-time effects such as Bleed and Burn will now fully ignore armor
– Added multiple unique items, accessories, sets of armor, and weapons
– Shortbow damage and accuracy modifiers from 0.8 -> 1.0
– Broadsword’s accuracy mod from 0.8 -> 0.9
– Iron dagger removed from sale
– Kazuma can no longer wear Heavy Armor
– The cost of consumable items and gifts significantly reduced

Minor changes:
– The Gift’s interactive text can now be viewed in the Log screen
– Updated Rin’s guild portrait to match her in-game skin
– Minor improvements to AOE lighting from some abilities in adventuring mode
– Added Lockpicks to help people who somehow struggle with the lockpicking minigame
– Added Resurrection Potions
– Minor changes to Skill Upgrade menu to keep it stylistically consistent
– Added multiple new Achievements
– Damage preview is now more accurate and takes into account target type, its status, vulnerabilities and whether or not they’re known, etc.
– “A Business Arrangement” now *actually* adds Megumin’s panties to the inventory
– Chris’s panties now correctly mention her as their owner in their description
– Cleared obstacles (like the locked door in the dungeon) will no longer spawn after the first time
– Wiz’s relationship trigger is now moved to a different event and is retroactively cleared.

– Fixed a typo resulting in a crash when working a shift at the guild
– Fixed a bug that allowed working on an invention without any building materials
– Fixed an issue that would cause the boon hint to not show when Chris is in the party
– Fixed a bug that allowed leveling past the level cap
– Fixed Aqua’s bait & cast animations not matching her height
– Fixed an issue with Steph not joining the party during her rescue quest. Hopefully
– Removed a rogue pixel from Aqua’s attack animation
– Fixed an bug which allowed casting Lurk on allies
– Fixed some clipping visuals in “Pent-up Feelings”, “Long Live Sexual Assault”
– Fixed a bug that could result in a crash when hiding the UI during adventuring. On the flip side, you can no longer hide it :)
– Fixed a bug that could result in a crash during the Heist if its replayed or started over
– Fixed a bug preventing players from getting maximum bonuses for working at the construction site or relaxing in the bath. The change is applied retroactively
– Fixed a bug that caused Imp’s attacks crit on every hit. They now apply Weaken as intended
– Fixed a bug that prevented stealth from being broken on misses
– Fixed a bug that prevented some effects from triggering upon ability use if the unit missed
– Fixed a bug that could cause floating messages to display in the wrong spot
– Fixed a bug that sometimes caused enemies to render on top of each other during attack animations
– Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented visual effects from friendly abilities from rendering
– Fixed a bug that prevented damage mod buffs from taking effect
– Fixed a bug that made some abilities a lot stronger since their damage modifiers were not applied
– Fixed a bug that could lead to accessories being lost upon unequipping
– Fixed an issue that applied raw damage to on-harm effects
– Fixed an issue that prevented protection from being applied properly in damage calculations
– Fixed an issue that could cause AOE effects to render multiple times
– Minor spelling fixes


– Fixed an issue that could result in a crash when venturing to floor 5 in the Dungeon
– Fixed an issue preventing Chris’ Poison attack from dealing double damage out of Stealth
– Fixed an issue preventing some chests from dropping two items
– Fixed an issue resulting in a crash when wearing Kazuma’s Masked Thief skin when fishing
– Fixed an issue resulting in a crash with some traps
– Fixed a few lines with orthographic mistakes


– Added Web support. The game now has a Web build and can be playable from the browser
– Rudimentary mod support

Minor changes:
– Slightly reduced XP and gold rewards from Quests
– Collectibles are now non-interactive during the fishing minigame
– Regions on the Worldmap will now contain a warning if a boss is present in the level
– +1 Aqua skin
– +1 Darkness skin
– By popular demand, you can now invite Darkness & Megumin to your room for headpats again even if you’ve already finished those events
– Added a hard level cap to level 9 for the time being.
– Reduced days added to the counter after completing a quest from 5 to 4

– Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from using Skip button
– Fixed an issue allowing certain dialogues in Steph’s rescue quest to be played multiple times
– Fixed an issue that would cap bonus attributes from training with Darkness and Roxy at a lower value than intended. Applies retroactively
– Fixed an issue with a possessive pronoun in procedurally generated adventurers
– Fixed an issue with a certain foreground covering enemies in the dark forest
– Fixed an issue with Aqua dispelling self-applied Marked effect
– Fixed an issue with a missing displayable when visiting Gabriel
– Fixed an issue where you could still interact with objects after interrupting an adventure
– Fixed an issue with traps disappearing from the screen after an all-out-attack
– Fixed an issue with locked chests still being unpickable when Chris is in the party
– Fixed an issue resulting “Goddess of Calamities” event being available before Steal is learned
– Fixed an issue with scrollwheel not working in the shop menus


– +12k words, totaling 113k
– +451 images, totaling 4628
– +19 animations, totaling 89

– Added the Heist event chain + quest + 2 cinematics
– +1 Main Event
– +1 Chris H-scene
– +1 Yunyun Event
– +1 Succubi Dream H-scene (rat-themed)
– +1 Gabriel Event
– +1 Vanir Event
– +1 Roxy Event

– Upgraded to Ren’Py 8.1.2, bringing enhanced performance and numerous bug fixes
– Added a rudimentary lighting system for adventuring. Units will now get lit up and cast shadows during certain interactions or when AOE abilities are being cast
– The choice screen can now appear in different locations depending on the scene. This is to ensure it doesn’t cover characters’ faces in some cases
– H-scenes buttons now have their own style and are transparent
– Performance improvements % graphical updates for city & mansion screens
– General UI revamps & improvements
– You can now make “inventions” to sell to Vanir. Each product will generate a small amount of income every morning
– You can now feed Chomusuke in exchange for affection points and random rewards
– The Dreams in Succubi Cafe will now have “Ero Event” markers when available. After purchase you’ll be able to rewatch them for free (and not just from the gallery)
– Work at the guild option will now have a quest marker if there are any plot-relevant jobs available
– Added a new book: In The Veil of Night
– Added a new Feat: Vampire Seducer. Now we just need some vampires

– Added Chris
– Added new enemies: Brigand Lieutenant, City Guard, City Guard Sergeant
– Added new bosses: Brigand Boss, Shadow of Joy, *REDACTED*
– New visuals for the brigands camp location
– You can now venture to the deep forest to fight the birdheads
– Added a new class of abilities with variable effects. They function similarly to how you switch weapons in combat: you can cycle through possible effects and choose one you need most
– Added a new ability for Kazuma, “Create Element”. It contains 4 different abilities (Create Water, Create Fire, Create Air, Create Earth) each of which can be used. Learn it from Roxy so she has reason to exist
– Added a new AbilityChain class for abilities that can (wait for it) chain effects.
– Added Drain Touch ability for Kazuma that can drain HP away from enemies in return for mana/health. That said, we won’t see it in action yet
– Added a Wet status effect. Units affected by it take extra damage from Lightning attacks.
– Added a Frozen status effect. Frozen units receive penalties to their speed and dodge
– Added a new Riposte effect. Units with Riposte will counter-attack upon being hit.
– Added a Fear effect. Characters affected by fear might skip their turn
– Added a Hunting/Tracking effect. Units affected by it gain bonuses when attacking Marked enemies
– Added a Weaken effect. The next hit Weakened units receive is guaranteed to be critical
– Added a Confused effect. Confused units will choose their targets at random
– The initiative queue is now dynamic and can change mid-combat with speed boosts or penalties.
– You can now use the mousewheel to increase/decrease boost
– Successful attacks will now shake the screen lightly to provide feedback.
– Missed attacks will not show graphical effects of the attack on the target
– Added Traps that will damage the party if they’re not disarmed
– Added Time Limited Battles (one in the Heist quest). You will need to last a certain amount of turns in order to win

– Balancing changes to monsters across the board
– Portable Toilet now applies Wet effect. Now there’s a line I never thought I’d write
– “Blessed Restoration” and “Divine Heal” upgrades of Aqua’s Heal ability now stack correctly
– “Blessed Restoration” heal percent amount decreased from 50% to 40%
– Aqua’s “Blessing” now applies a +10 buff to speed
– Darkness’ “Intimidate” now applies a -7 penalty to speed
– Added Fearless Feat to Darkness, rendering her immune to Fear effects
– Darkness’ Bolster Ranks and Intimidate received some skill upgrades
– You will now receive a Power Gem every time you level up. This change is applied retroactively
– Buffed “Blinding Strike” upgrade for Turn Undead to further reduce accuracy (20->40) and dodge (10->20)
– Balanced Sword now adds a flat +10 bonus accuracy instead of a +10% modifier (which makes it rather useless for Darkness)
– Increased accuracy for Steal ability
– Darkness’s strength gain increased to 9
– Kazuma’s HP gain reduced from 14 to 12
– Kazuma’s strength gain reduced from 7 to 6
– Aqua’s Blessing duration from 2 -> 4
– Megumin’s Concussive effect chance 30%->50%
– Jibril’s Cleanse ability will now correctly cleanse most dispellable status effects that are positive

Minor changes:
– You can now end the workday early when working at the guild. You should still work the entire day, of course. Your corporate overlords demand it.
– Slightly adjusted monsters’ death visual effect
– Removed some buttons from the game menu and the quick menu during replay mode cause some of y’all get overwhelmed by buttons too quickly
– Darkness’s Headpat invitation will be inaccessible once complete. For now.
– Animation enhancements for screens when working at the guild and receiving results
– Added a tint effect to units when affected by Burn
– Adjusted the collectibles’ glint additive quality to 0.5 so that it doesnt stand out as much
– Adjusted colors of the tray icon for Eris’s boons
– Percent-based Heal skills will now show their percentages in the Skill Upgrade menu instead of flat numerical amount
– Auto-battle hotkey is now hidden on mobile devices
– Slightly adjusted the notification popup animation
– “Retake the Library” guild job will now only appear if “Investigate the Farm” is completed
– “Investigate the Farm” progress per day upped from 25 to 35
– Updated the first background in “Investigate the Tomb” quest
– Converted adventuring backgrounds to webp, saving on space
– Quick menu is now properly centered on the screen
– Replaced the city day BGM with a different track that I feel fits better
– Slight changes in library background visuals in adventuring mode
– Slightly adjusted Kazuma and Darkness sprites when attacking with a sword
– The menu dropdown in top-left corner now activates upon hover
– Equipped items in the inventory screen will no longer show their full attributes, but instead only a summary
– Included a language override for people that used to play on translated builds (which sometimes results in no text displayed in main build)
– Added an animated pointer to options in Jibril fight to make it more obvious that they’re interactive
– Unlocking chests will now spawn a floating message to indicate success
– Jibril’s chess minigame is now replayable from the Replay screen
– Reduced the reward from working at the construction site from 75 to 25
– Added on-screen controls to abandon lockpicking when possible

– FINALLY FIXED THE ITEM DUPE BUG WOOOOO, thanks M-L for the help in troubleshooting this menace
– Fixed the bug preventing Luna’s “Greg” event from triggering. Thanks Leon for the report
– Fixed the bug causing an uncaught exception when using Auto-Battle option with Steph in the party
– Fixed the bug preventing the “Festival of Fortune” achievement from being granted
– Fixed the bug causing positive accuracy modifiers to further reduce Darkness’s accuracy. Thanks TheRapist for the report
– Fixed Snipe not applying +50% damage to Marked targets. Those stinky ToDos… Thanks M-L for the report.
– Fixed a bug that resulted in PerfectFit label be cut off when working at the guild
– Fixed a bug with animations being interrupted when shown results of working at the guild
– Fixed a bug preventing players from seeing locked characters when unlocking the gallery via a cheat. Thanks Chamnyne for the report
– Fixed an issue with custom names showing up as None in Replays (Replays now have their own canonized placeholders)
– Fixed an issue with some names going out of namebox bounds in the festival events
– Fixed some clipping visuals in the last cuscene of Investigate the Tomb
– Fixed the issue with freezing animation when opening a shop menu
– Fixed an issue that would result in a bug where it appears as if mana was used when a hero is attacked by a monster
– Fixed a bug that would result in some Status Effects not clearing properly at the end of combat
– Fixed a bug where Knocked Out status effect would stay applied to Megumin after casting Explosion, rendering her useless at the start of the next fight
– Fixed the bug causing an uncaught exception sometimes during the fight with Jibril. Thanks billyjoebobmartin for the report
– Fixed inconsistent text colors in item attributes
– Fixed an issue which could result in some status effects description displaying “0 Turns Remaining”
– Fixed some hints that could mislead players into thinking they had highlightable elements, thanks dragon++ for the report
– Fixed inaccurate description of Aqua’s Sacred Turn Undead upgrade, thanks dragon++ for the report
– Fixed an issue where a feat description was cut off in the feats section
– Fixed a bug with Bosses portraits having a blue (allied) background
– Fixed a bug where using Steal (or any other non-damaging ability) could trigger the Fickle Fate status effect
– Fixed an issue where skills could apply Fickle Fate to party members
– Fixed a bug which prevented Lucky Boost from increasing crit chance


– +20k words, totaling 101k
– +659 images, totaling 4177
– +10 animations, totaling 70

– +6 Main Events
– +1 Megumin H-scene
– +2 new characters
– +1 REDACTED Events
– +1 REDACTED H-scene
– +2 Luna Events
– +2 Quests
– + Yunyun recurrent event
– +1 Headpat Event for Darkness
– +1 Movie

– Added a new responsive cursor (as well as the option to use system cursor instead)
– Added a playtime counter which can be seen in the Stats screen. Since the previous versions did not track time spent adventuring, initially it will be a little off.
– Added 4 more narratives for the procedurally generated Guild Jobs
– Some choices will now be displayed and greyed out if the player doesn’t have the Skills, Feat, or Reputation to use them
– Updated the Cheats menu visuals

– Added Divine Boons, which are a new type of Curio that can be found during adventuring. They are stronger than conventional buffs and may offer unique effects, but can only be applied to one hero. Hades fans will know what I’m talking about
– Added a new boss fight (which was the most fun for me to implement so far)
– Added Encounters (meeting NPCs while adventuring)
– Certain dialogues in quests will now only happen once instead of every time they are triggered
– Added a new status effects: Shielded, Disarmed, Silenced, DeathCurse
– +6 new enemy types
– added custom loss conditions for certain quests
– some options (like Attack, Flee) will now be disabled based on StatusEffects or the quest
– Added additional on-screen controls for the lockpicking screen
– Updated enemy AI to have memory for more complex decision making
– Duplicate Status Effects will now be consolidated into one icon, reducing visual clutter.

– Added a Casanova feat (a chance to get extra affection at the end of an event), learnable from a new book
– Added a Monster Hunter feat (extra 10% damage to Monster type), learnable from a new book
– Raised Megumin’s base Willpower to 25 and willpower increase on levelup from 7->8
– Megumin’s Explosion can now be used indoors with “Minor Explosion” upgrade
– Some Status Effects that deal damage over time now deal it in % of the units health
– Megumin’s Intense Burns now deals 10% of the target’s health every turn instead of 10 damage
– Cowering now increases unit’s protection to 75%
– Sacred Dispel will now also remove Silence, Disarm, and Death Curse effects
– Darkness’ Bolster will now also apply Mark on her
– Mana Potions will now restore 50 mana instead of 15

Minor changes:
– +2 Books
– +4 Gifts (eventually might be moved to a different shop)
– +4 new Achievements
– You can now work at the construction site during evenings
– Slightly reduced likelyhood of rain on any given day
– Updated the Job selection screen to highlight choice selection (and hide exploits/dangers when no choice is selected)
– Added a game over warning & tutorial when the timer is down to 1 day (because so many ppl have no idea how to play the game)
– Added a fallback system to remove duplicated books when trying to read them for the second time
– Adjusted some popup hint messages to appear at top-left of the cursor instead of behind it
– Added navigational arrows to each Girl info page to provide an easy way to cycle through all girls
– Added an animated glint to collectible items in the background to make them easier to spot
– Reencoded the intro movie in VP8
– Chris can now teach you Advanced lockpicking techniques
– Applied blur to the farthermost background layer in adventuring
– Books can now apply feats to heroes directly
– Books with more than 3 pages will now only show the counter instead of one icon per page in the Book Reading screen

– Fixed the jerky camera upon entering a new room while Adventuring
– Fixed a bug with book reading which could result in “There are still some pages left to read” message displayed even after you finish the book
– Notification screen not showing up SHOULD be fixed now
– Fixed issue with text overlap in Guild Job Result screen
– Fixed a bug which could result in an uncaught exception being thrown in guildwork
– Fixed a bug with Skeleton King AI that could result in an uncaught exception
– Fixed improperly looping animation in Darkness’ “How Far I’ve Fallen”
– Bit of a band-aid solution but achievements not being granted should be fixed
– Fixed Item effects being boostable
– Fixed ability tooltip that could mislead players into thinking Item effects were providing boosts
– Fixed a bug with some status effects not triggering during turn start/end
– Fixed a bug with ability modifiers, preventing ability upgrades from increasing/decreasing damage via multipliers. Thanks M-L for the report
– Fixed a bug that would case some StatusEffects to be removed after combat, even if they were meant to stay
– Fixed a bug that would reset heroes’ health to max when overhealed and then healed via regular means. Thanks M-L for the report
– Fixed a bug that would reset overhealed amount when heroes level up. Thanks M-L for the report
– Fixed a bug where a boss fight could not be instantiated properly. Thanks Leon for the report
– Fixed a bug where using arrows in girl tracker info screen could select locked characters. Thanks Leon for the report
– Fixed hero portraits not using the correct skin when in quest selection menu. Thanks M-L for the report
– Fixed a bug which would result in an uncaught exception thrown if the last enemy dies to a Damage-Over-Time effect. Thanks M-L for the report
– Fixed medals not displaying correctly in the Hall of Fame


v0.1.6a Hotfix 
– Fixed the critical issue with Rin’s bustup images not displaying during guild trigger scenes and throwing an exception
– Fixed some (interesting) clipping imagery in Shark Dream animations
– Fixed wrong image displayed in Darkness’ “Royal Maid” event


– +2 Main Events
– +1 Darkness H-scene
– +1 Aqua H-scene
– +1 Priestess event
– +1 Wiz event
– +1 Dream H-scene (containing the record high 21 animations)
– +1 Bonus Event

– +9k words, totaling 82k
– +436 images, totaling 3518
– +28 animations, totaling 60 (almost double the amount in v0.1.5!)
– Redid the animated scenes in “Closet Pervert”. Replay the scene to check out the new visuals!
– Updated the opening movie with the new visuals

– Upgraded Ren’Py from 7.4.11 to 8.0.3
– Equalized ALL audio files to maintain a consistent volume level (and hopefully avoid earrape)
– Converted (ALL) uncompressed WAV files to OGG, saving tons of space
– Added a skin system, which affects both the pixel sprite and the dialogue bust-up for characters
– Added Discord Rich Presence (disabled by default), for those of you who have no shame or real life friends
– Some Guild Dispatch Jobs will now have choices, which will affect the dangers, exploits, and rewards.
– +2 new Guild Dispatch Jobs with choices
– Redesigned the cheats menu to be more user-friendly (for those who want to cheat in this super easy game). Also, it’s pay2win now
– Added an integrity check which will display a warning if the game was not compiled using my Renpy fork (and will therefore miss the necessary features)
– Added the option to disable shaky camera in the game settings
– Added a new learnable feat (“Art of the Deal”) to reduce merchant prices

– Added two new skins for Darkness, one for Megumin, one for Kazuma
– Added experience bar to the adventuring screen

– Reduced Succubi Cafe’s prices to be more indebtured-adventurer friendly
– Added 3 more books

Minor changes:
– Updated Wiz’s visuals across the board
– Removed animated bustups in favor of static ones in the interest of a consistent experience
– Optimized rendering during adventuring, noticeably increasing average FPS
– Replaced videos in “How Far I’ve Fallen”, “Party on the Streets”, “Importance of Hygiene” and Momo’s handjob scene with VP8-encoded ones to address VP9 issues
– Slight model changes to all models to improve the lighting quality in the current and future events
– Added Log button to the quick menu
– Updated quickmenu for phones
– You can now remove characters from the party in the party selection screen
– Removed Priscilla from the Girls menu
– “unlockgallery” cheat will now unlock all girls
– Added a textbox opacity slider to the Preferences menu
– Adjusted brightness of some blushing effects in “The Entirely Avoidable Ambush”
– Redid Rin’s bustup images (cause she’s cute and deserves cute portraits)
– Tuned down the default amplitude shaky camera a little bit
– Temporarily removed shop & guild job results animations while I’m working on a permanent fix
– “Dining Room” location will now be accessible in the mansion whenever an event is available

– Fixed the game update checker polling the server twice
– Fixed a bug with the GUI appearing for a moment before the end of “Under the Full Moon”
– Fixed multiple clippings across many events
– Fixed a bug in “Importance of Hygiene” related to name variables that could result in a crash
– Fixed overlapping elements with the Itch button
– Fixed the bug with the total number of events being incorrect
– Fixed the party selection screen bug that allowed selecting more than 4 heroes
– Fixed a bug that prevented players from switching out weapons. Also a bug that instantiated a default weapon into the inventory
– Fixed some event achievements not being granted upon completion
– Fixed some “eyeless” visuals in Chris’s event “Cardio”
– (Theoretically) fixed some issues with the popup screen not showing up
– Fixed a bug related to Aqua’s Total Blessing upgrade, which could break her base Blessing skill
– Fixed a bug that was causing erratic screen elements movement during Guild Dispatch minigame


This update is basically Operation Health for Adventurer Trainer. That is, an update focused solely on improving the game. Visuals, gameplay, story, you name it! There are quite a few new things, so check out the GIANT changelog below ;)

– MASSIVE REWRITE! Our king Kazuma is back to his rightful place as the MC, no more body-switching. I have to admit, while I thought it was funny and in line with many other Trainer-type games, it just didn’t feel right and I’ve grown to hate the premise, as have many of you. These changes are reflected everywhere in the game as well. ALL EVENTS have been updated, many significantly, some have been removed, some added, but I can finally safely say that I’m content with the state of the game’s writing now. Proud, even.
– Tons of sprites have been updated! My standards have been rising ever since I started working on this game, and some sprites just did not meet them, so they’ve been updated. Better quality, lighting and shadows, etc. Oh, and Kazuma has eyes now. Don’t ask me how many sprites had to be updated for that. I want to die.
– Tons of backgrounds have been redrawn to meet my newly elevated standards.
– +1 Priestess Event
– +1 Ghislaine Event
– +1 Dust Event
– +1 Roxy Event
– +1 Megumin H-scene
– +1 Aqua H-scene
– +1 Yunyun event
– +13 animations
– +442 images, totaling 3082
– +10k words, totaling 73k
– Total events: 65, including 15 H-scenes

– Switched full-on-random adventurers in the Guild to procedurally generated
– Implemented a custom audio system, allowing for multiple channels, complex transitions etc.
– A whole new HUD for dialogues, including animated character bust-ups. Dozens of unique bustup images per character for each different emotion!
– Added chibi-versions of the main party to use in some events
– Updated HUD for other interface elements, as well as added animated screens to highlights changes in player’s gold
– A new screen for Skills, Feats, and Skill Upgrades! Now using the Power Gems dropped from minibosses, you can increase potency of your abilities or change them in other ways.
– A new screen for Reputation, Stats and Achievements. Oh, and also: achievements! Some of them will also reward you with Gems.
– You can select your party for quests now.
– You can now spend afternoons or evenings in the bath, which will increase your Mana. (or lead to events in the future)
– Changed a lot of older huge .PNG sprites to .WEBP, saving around 30% on space
– Added Church that you can visit to purchase holy water
– Added Blacksmith where you can purchase new weapons and armor
– Added wearables (armor, accessories etc.)
– Optimized reading data files for items/units etc. by preloading them at startup, significantly boosting realtime performance. No more I/O lag
– Added event markers to locations to lessen menu-crawling

Combat has been revamped significantly. You can read about it in detail in this devlog:
– Breaking all of the enemies’ shields will now trigger an All-Out Attack, incentivizing strategic use of weaknesses
– (After a lot of internal testing, I’ve temporarily disabled weakness limits outlined in the post above. I’m not a fan of how they influenced combat and not sure if I’ll bring them back.)
– Critical hits will now pierce shields
– Boost Points (BP) have been removed in favor of a new Combo system. For each hit targeting a weakness, your Combo score will increase. You can spend it on powering up your attacks in the same fashion BP worked previously.
– Only every other used Combo Point will grant an extra attack. i.e. 2x, 4x, 6x Combo Points will result in 1x,2x,3x extra attacks
– The Turn Queue has been rewritten and works properly now, complete with nice little animations when characters are taken out of combat.
– Known weaknesses will now be highlighted when you select an ability targeting that weakness
– Added a new detailed hint screen which will display more information about the selected ability and its effects on the target
– Floating messages are now animated
– Combat Encounters may contain more than 4 enemies. Extra enemies will show up as reinforcements once a free spot is available
– Abilities’ Conditional Modifiers now work properly (for instance, Aqua’s Turn Undead deals extra damage to undead)
– Abandoning a quest outside of combat will no longer result in a penalty of the lost evening.
– Added Regeneration, Death Protection, Stun, Poison, Bleed status effects
– Added Cure and Cleanse ability effects
– Minibosses will now drop Power Gems (up to 3 per killed miniboss type). This should incentivize players to hunt them down
– Added Troublemaker feat to Aqua.
– A technical bit: spritesheets can now be manipulated to flip in-game, allowing for units to swap sides (in the future :) )
– Added Secret Rooms! Stay on the lookout while adventuring, particularly in the Dungeon… You might find something interesting
– Added Boss Fights! Bosses change their behavior, abilities, weaknesses depending on their stages; they also have immunities to different weapon types and should pose a significant challenge.
– Added some animations to the hero info screen and made it feel more responsive
– Added Auto-Combat option to speed up trivial fights.
– Added idle animations with different weapons for heroes
– Yunyun can now accompany you on adventures
– Your units will remember which weapon was selected last and start with it each turn

– Aqua’s Turn Undead is now a Single Target use by default. You can upgrade it to become AOE.
– Aqua’s Heal no longer Overheals by default. You can upgrade it to Overheal.
– Skeletons now only have 1 Shield.
– Direwolves (minibosses) now have 3 Shields and 120 HP
– New Dungeon enemies: Skeleton Archer, Bat, Ghost, Ghoul, Banshee
– Skeleton King now has 5 Shields.
– Added Liquid Fire Potion and Holy Water Vial
– Added items: Short Bow, Iron Dagger, Balanced Sword, Broadsword, Bronze Chainmail, Mana Crown
– Short sword damage reduced by 20%
– “Investigate the Farm” progress per day 20 => 25
– Increased monetary rewards for completing Quests and Guild Jobs across the board

Minor changes:
– In “Welfare Check”, hotspots will now light up after a few seconds of being idle. This should help people with the attention span of a goldfish
– Added a tutorial for the collectibles that you can find during Adventuring
– Fortune Gems now stack in inventory
– Minor performance optimizations to battles
– Adjusted the quick menu visuals
– Darkness’s “How Far I’ve Fallen” will now list “The Things We Do For Crab Dinners” as a prerequisite
– “Welfare Check” now lists “House of Cards” as a prerequisite
– Weather is now pseudo-random. There is a 20% chance of rain within a given week and a half, which should prevent things like neverending rain. Additionally, it will never rain if there is only 1 day left before you’re jailed.
– You can no longer rollback after loading a save to prevent bugs
– You can now turn down Lolisa when she comes over
– Event Requirements will now specify who the event belongs to (if not part of Main progression). For example, “Welfare Check” lists “House of Cards” as a prerequisite and will specify that “House of Cards” is part of Yunyun’s progression
– Added rain ambience
– Updated explosion animation and cast sound
– You will need to complete new Dust event to be able to send him on adventures in the Guild Dispatch system
– The game will now launch in fullscreen by default.
– Added unique failure/success/critical success quotes to Rin, Dust and Roxy
– Added a new marker for Ero-events to separate them from normal events in choice menus
– Moved some Megumin and Darkness event triggers to “room_hangout”, so that its obvious an event is available
– Slightly reduced affection requirements for most main trio events

– Fixed a bug that prevented the use of Consumable items during Adventuring
– Fixed a bug that prevented Aqua’s “A Part-Time Gig” from being replayed
– Fixed a bug that could result in overlapping imagery in Chomusuke’s “Doorway Effect”
– Fixed a bug with the seen & total events counter which could result in an incorrect number displayed
– Fixed a bug which prevented the bear trap from being removed from the inventory. Thanks Ameffin for reporting!
– Fixed a bug which prevented addaffection cheat from working correctly if the player hasn’t met the character yet
– Fixed a bug with the loot popup, preventing it from fully disappearing
– Fixed a bug where AI would try to summon reinforcements even when its party was full
– Fixed a bug which could result in dealing too much extra damage on breaking an enemy’s shield
– Fixed inability to change Kazuma’s expressions while reading books
– Fixed issues with misaligned shop elements
– Fixed a bug with a replay in Darkness’ “Parenting” event. Thanks @musical74 for reporting!
– Fixed a HUGE bug related to AnimationStore which resulted in in being stored in the save file and not auto-refreshing on game start. Saves will be patched
– Fixed monster portraits clipping in the queue
– Many more minor fixes that I didn’t bother noting down


– +11k words
– +428 images, totaling 2640
– +4 videos
– Added Yunyun’s quest!
– +4 Main Events
– +1 Megumin Event
– +2 Wiz Events
– +2 Luna Events
– +1 Recurring Rin Dialogue
– +1 Rin Mini-Event
– +1 Aqua H-scene
– +1 Darkness H-scene
– +3 reactions to gifts

– It may rain on some days, precluding you from doing some of the outdoor activities.
– Some activities will now increase your stats! For example, spending a day doing construction work will increase your Health.
– You can now work at Guild, which will produce money, make you acquainted with new characters and potentially progress some quests.
– Reputation aspects now have icons. Dialogue options leading to an increase in one of the aspects will now be marked with an icon
– The numbers of seen and total events can now be found in the Event Tracker & Girls menus
– Added feats that you can learn from other people! They will affect gameplay in certain ways; for instance, lockpicking feat will allow you to pick locks while adventuring
– Added books that you can read, which may increase your stats, teach you abilities or feats

– Made MASSIVE performance optimizations. You should see drastic increase in FPS and a complete lack of stutter.
– Added a new type of Curio: locked chests! Once you learn the lockpicking feat from Chris, you’ll be able to open them
– Some adventuring scenes will now have foregrounds
– Mimic received a new look
– Updated some visual effects
– Some visual effects will now display at higher FPS (thanks, performance optimizations)
– Added a way to tell that a damage/heal value was boosted. Will consider additional changes to telegraph this effect to the player.
– Added Ambushes. Sometimes, the game won’t tell you you’re heading into a fight, and the enemies will get the first turn… Stay on the lookout!
– Added a type of Summoning abilities for monsters

– Reduced Skeleton’s shields from 2 -> 1. This should act as a good enough nerf for the Dungeon for the time being while I’m reworking some combat aspects.

Minor changes:
– Training with Darkness will now slowly increase her Accuracy up to +60.
– Added medals to Hall of Fame to further recognize my Patrons! The longer you’ve supported the game, the higher rank you’ll have. Supporters on annual plans will receive golden medals immediately
– New font for floating messages in adventuring
– Added a new overlay for when the player is skipping text
– Added an option to enable touchscreen controls on desktop platforms.
– Unique item drops are now also bound by requirements instead of pure random chance. For example, some items will require you see an event first before they can drop.
– Cheat menu will now display an invalid syntax error instead of erroring out in case of invalid input
– Touched up Wiz’s shop visuals

– Fixed Steal reducing enemy shields.
– Fixed arrow keys misbehaving during target selection
– Fixed some clipping visuals
– Fixed a bug that double-charged Megumin for using Explosion.
– Fixed a bug where overlays were not being cleared in adventuring mode.
– Fixed a bug that would result in quick menu disappearing after an adventure
– Fixed a bug which resulted in spawning significantly less Curios in adventuring than was intended


The main focus of this update is polishing and expanding the existing gameplay systems.
The story centers on developing the relationships with Megumin and Chris, as well as setting up the foundation for future events with Yunyun and Rin.

– +13k words, up to the total of 53k
– +618 images, totaling 2212
– +3 videos
– +4 Main Events (and 1 battle)
– +3 Chris Events (1 H-scene)
– +2 Megumin Events (1 H-scene)
– +1 Yunyun Event
– +1 Rin event
– +1 Chomusuke event
– +9 new adventure triggers
– +1 [REDACTED] mini-scene
– Added an opening movie
– Added 3 video animations to Aqua’s “Divine Time” event to replace stop-frame animations.
– Completely revamped Gabriel’s and Luna’s appearance.

– Completely redesigned the main menu and the game menu
– Items now have rarity levels which will be correctly displayed in the inventory screen
– Usable quest items will now be marked appropriately in the inventory
– Numerous screens are now animated and more responsive to user actions
– Made changes to the quick menu, hopefully making it more noticeable and removing redundant options
– Added an XP bar to the inventory. You can now track how close you are to hitting the next level!
– Added gifts that you can use to raise your affection levels. You can find them or buy them off of Wiz.
– Added Effects and Animations options to Preferences menu that the player can turn off in case the game isn’t running well on their device.
– Added a Reputation system; choices that you make may now change it, affecting the way the other characters will see you.
– Added a What’s New screen to showcase new features after an update.

– Replaced recurrent quests with Quest Director system, which will generate a random layout for each adventure you embark on. You can now choose which room to proceed to, allowing you to choose to avoid encounters or seek them out.
– You will now receive a popup message explaining why you can’t use a skill, for example when you’re out of mana or there are no valid targets
– Monster names will now be shown in target selection screen and during enemy turns
– With every hit, the monsters will flinch ever so slightly to emphasize impact
– Added animated backgrounds. Now the fog in the dungeon will move as it’s supposed to
– The chance to hit is now displayed when selecting a target
– Added a new type of miniboss: Skeleton King! You can find these formidable opponents in the tomb, but watch out: they excel at commanding their undead troops.
– Added a new type of enemy: Foxes! They’re cute. That’s about it
– Added collectibles. Keep an eye out for it!
– Added a new type of curio: fishing spots!
– Added a new type of curio: buffing and healing stations!
– Added a new animated popup to display item drops
– Clearing combat encounters can now provide loot
– Adventure buttons will now indicate the contents of the next room
– Added new reactions from party members to different events

– Direwolf miniboss can now use an AOE ability to increase dodge of the enemy party.
– Added Mana Potions, which can be found or bought at Wiz’s store.
– Kazuma’s Snipe now deals 30% more damage.
– Aqua’s Turn Undead is now an AOE skill. It will also display an additional visual effect.
– Skeleton’s HP reduced to 85.
– Aqua’s Heal now heals for 20% of a unit’s max HP, plus 20% per each boost point spent.
– Aqua’s Heal can now overheal units. However, it can’t target units with full HP.
– Reduced Aqua’s base strength by 2.
– Healing Potions can no longer target healthy units.
– Killing monsters now grants experience.
– Increased the amount of Gold that can be stolen from the Mimic to 350.
– Chunchunmaru.

Minor changes:
– Minor adjustments to Aqua’s, Megumin’s, Yunyun’s, Luna’s and Rin’s models and visuals.
– Megumin’s Explosion will now shake the screen and create an additional Explosion visual effect. A really really cool one. Thanks Leon.
– Updated Megumin’s Explosion visuals and sound effects.
– Mimic’s attack sound is now the chest open&close sound from Minecraft. Thanks Fjalar.
– Updated the visual effects for all normal attacks.
– Added a new visual effect for Boost level 2.
– Set the default character-per-second to 135.
– Added a tutorial arrow which will point to some things on the screen during tutorials
– Added a popup screen for when the player levels up.
– Added a Return button to adventure, allowing the player to return to the city outside of combat.
– Clicking on Construction will now prompt for confirmation instead of going straight into it.
– Compressed some less-used assets to save some space.
– “Polar Opposites” will now take prevalence over Succubi Cafe event when exploring the alleys.
– “Hecking Paperwork” will now require you complete “Gather Healroot” quest first.
– “A Business Arrangement” will now require a Salmon in your inventory
– “Long Live Sexual Assault” will now grant Bear Trap item, and if you decide to steal from Chris, a Panties item.
– “Extracurricular” will now require you see “Parenting”
– The bonus event in which you repay the debt you owe to the city will no longer show up in the tracker until you trigger it.
– When displaying the list of requirements for an event in event tracker, completed requirements will be marked with a checkmark.

– Fixed a bug in Quintessential Dream which prevented the replay function from exiting properly. Thanks Leon for reporting.
– Fixed a bug which could result with the Gift hint screen not going away. Thanks Fjalar for reporting.
– Fixed a bug which could result in an uncaught exception after selecting a potion, backing out, and attacking an enemy.
– Fixed a bug which resulted in textboxes not switching styles during H-scenes on Android. Thanks johncop for reporting.
– Fixed numerous bugs related to patching savefiles from older versions of the game.
– Fixed some minor clipping in Aqua’s visuals.



– Fix for Lolisa’s initial event not having the correct set of requirements and not triggering when expected
– Reworked “A Piggyback Ride for this Brat” event
– Graphic changes in “Polar Opposites” and “Hopeless” events
– Multiple changes to wording in early-game events.


This update focuses on events for Darkness, fleshing out the story and the characters.

– +13k words, up to the total of 40k
– +601 images, totaling 1594
– +7 videos
– 1 New Quest
– 4 Main Events
– 3 Darkness Events (1 H-scene!)
– Added the first ever Dream to Succubi Cafe, featuring Quintessential Quintuplets.
– 1 H-scene featuring one new succubi character.
– 3 Bonus Events (although, I don’t expect many people will see one of them ;) )

– Fixed an issue where versions were not correctly compared when checking for updates in cases where the client’s version was higher than the one available online.
– Fixed a bug which could result in a game crash on Linux systems if a dependency was not resolved.
– Enabled version checking for Patreon builds.
– Added a marker to identify activities that will lead to events.
– Removed duplicate links in Event Tracker GUI
– Formatted gold counter in abbreviated notation when the number is high enough
– Added a patch to fix corrupted item IDs on load
– Added gestures to Android version
– Added more cheats.

– Fixed an issue where Steal was duplicated and given to all party members.
– Fixed a bug where an enemy would freeze mid-animation.
– Added a framework for in-combat responses to certain events.
– Fixed a bug where a character could stay alive at 0 hp.
– Fixed a bug where enemy crits would not deal any extra damage. Capped it at 1.5x.
– Added status effect icons to enemies.
– Added Intimidate ability to Darkness! Talk to her to unlock it.

Minor changes and balancing:
– Enemies with no shields will take extra damage from attacks of a damage type they’re vulnerable to.
– Enemies will receive 5% more damage when shielded from regular attacks.
– Changed some visuals to fix some wonkiness.
– Healing potions will now restore 30% HP.


This update focuses on events for Aqua & Megumin.

– +14k words, bringing the total up to 27k and essentially doubling the game’s content
– +413 images, totaling 993
– 3 new Megumin events, 2 Aqua events, 1 main event involving Wiz & Aqua, 1 Chris event, and two recurrent dialogues.
– 2 new H-scenes!
– Added the first secret H-scene! Be sure to check your inventory when you find a certain potion…

– Full Android support! During adventuring, mobile players will take advantage of on-screen controls to play. Please report any bugs/errors/issues regarding this.
– Hall of Fame added to the menu, crediting the generous Patrons who support the project!
– Added an Event Tracker, complete with a Replay system and categories!
– Added a fully functional inventory system, accessible from both in and out of combat. Stock up on those heals!
– Added the first iteration of the shopping system (which might see changes in the future to accomodate more features).
– Added an update checker! The game will show a notification in the main menu when a new version is available.
– Added a patching system for seamless upgrades between versions. No more unsupported save files!
– H-scenes will now display text differently to maximize what you can see on the screen.
– Added a cheat menu.
– Various spelling mistakes fixed and some sentences reworded.

– Fixed a bug which could result in an uncaught exception when Megumin uses her Explosion
– Added dynamic environment effects.
– Added animations to some monster attacks.
– Added bait animations.
– Added Steal ability. Talk to Chris to learn it!
– You can now use items during combat
– You can now find items in chests
– Fixed a bug that could result in accuracy/damage/crit bonuses not propagate properly when abilities were used
– Revamped the visuals of the Plains environment. Pixel art rules
– The visual environments are now procedurally generated, resulting in a much higher number of variations than I could make by hand.
– Revamped quest backend system to streamline updating experience to new versions. Fully backwards compatible, no need to start a new game.

Minor changes and balancing:
– Decreased Darkness’ base dodge attribute to -100 to stay in line with her character. No dodging allowed.
– Rebalanced attribute growth to have beefier, stronger characters at higher levels.
– Increased monetary reward for exploring city alleys, and added a possibility for a random Unique Item drop.
– Added new sound effects to various parts of the game. Sex sounds too!
– Fixed instances where Aqua had incorrect shoes on.
– Updated and changed some sounds.
– Added the link to discord in main menu.
– The events are now mapped by IDs vs names.

v0.1b Hotfix
– Fixes the Patreon link in the menu
– You may now get the buff/debuff details by hovering over its icon in adventuring mode.
– You may now get a tooltip for skills by pressing F in adventuring mode.

v0.1a Hotfix
– Fixes a bug that could lead to an uncaught exception during adventuring
– Added 1 H-scene

v0.1 – Initial release!
– 13k words
– 580 images
– 4 videos
– 2 H-scenes
– 1 story quest and 1 recurrent quest

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