
Annie’s School Days v0.7

Posted December 12, 2024


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Annies School Days APK v0.7 Android Port Adult Game Download

Annies School Days APK Android Port Latest Version 0.7 Adult Visual Novel Game Download- Annie's School Days Android Port Erotic Visual Novel Game Download.

In this game, you play as a bad guy with a bad hairline, who fortunately got a job in a girl’s school. As the MC is the new chairman of the school, he tries to use his authority to corrupt the girls and change the school into his harem…
Each girls has their stats such as shame, submission, and lust.. So their reaction to your choices will be determined by it.
If you have dreamed of spanking a naughty schoolgirl, this is the game right for you.​


Updated: 2020-03-27
Developer/Publisher: Mobum
Censorship: None
Version: 0.7
OS: Pc Windows/Mac
Language: English
Genre: 3dcg, incest, straight, lesbian, bdsm


1) Now you can punish students! You can visit class A or B to check if someone is doing anything wrong.. as their submission level goes higher, you can tell them to do more severe punishment.
2) Weekend event! You may ask your fellow teachers or student (not many so far) to spend weekend together. It’s just at the early stage.
3) Dorm event! You may visit dorm after workhour, after certain days passed. (Still at very early stage)
4) You’ll see who’s in the spot you’re going to visit, and decide you want to go in or not.
5) More hallway events – not much, but I’ve add a few more hallway events. Oh, you don’t need to search the locker after you get a wig. But it still is a good way to waste time. (and see Matt’s frowned face)
6) Removal of grinding! – It’s not totally removed, but all the stats are now 1/10 basis.
7) Pam running competetion minigame – You can enjoy the true pleasure of topless running. Bounce with me!
8) Now you can FAP!! No, I’m not talking about the real life, Eew! Matt can fap before going to sleep after certain days passed. You may see Matt’s fantasy on the girls while doing that.
9) Event progress has become linear… And you get a Hint button on the navigation screen!
10) Title might have been changed into ‘bug’s life’ instead of ‘Annie’s school days’.. I tried my best to eradicate them before publishing, but I’m sure there’re still many still lurking around… Help me eradicate them all!
11) You can chat with the girls about the same topic whereever you meet them. Of course there are a few topics you can talk at a certain spot.


(From Patreon Post explaining what is going into v0.6)
The beach event has turned out to be a big swamp which drags everything into underground.. especially my time and effort! I regret not making a new game like Annie’s summer days or something.. As I’ve briefly shared info on this previously, I’ll post other things this time!
Annie event – Annie gets special training from Matt, and 2nd beach-volleyball match will be held!
Chloe event – Chloe started a war, but Matt wants to finish it!
Debby event – Not much planned, but there will be a few more scenes with her daughter Ellen… Perhaps Jenny (a.k.a. Unknown girl #1) too?
Haruka event – Haruka wants to show gratitude to Matt for the things he has done, so she invites Matt to a local bar.. And you meet someone there!
Keira event – Keira wants to spend more time with Matt.. Let’s bring her to the beach and have fun!
Mia event – Mia’s education never stops! There will be a helping hand this time! (It’s not Rosita! I promise!)
Pam event – Nothing much planned, but there are a few new scenes at the bar!
Tina event – Matt wants to find out why Tina hates Chloe so much! And Matt hears interesting news about Tina from Chloe.
Vanessa event – Sorry guys.. No Vanessa update in this version! However, I am planning a different game at dorm A (Annie, Tina and Vanessa).. But it takes serious amount of time and effort, as experienced from the previous poker… er… blackjack event. I’ll include it only if I have enough time..


Annie event updated – for those who hates volleyball game, I made it shorter.
Chloe event updated
Haruka event updated
Mia event updated
Keira beach event was updated
You can ask Tina to pose for the art class
Second punishment for the blackjack
Nude beach opened! – Meet some special family there
If you have to skip time, search for photos at the hallway instead! – You can watch the collected photos at your room.
You can watch previous events at your room… But not everything I guess!




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swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu

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