Casual Desires APK Android Adult Game Latest Version with Walkthrough and Gallery MOD APK Download
Casual Desires APK Android Port Adult Game – Approaching her 19th birthday, and home alone after her parents leave for a business opportunity, the protagonist decides to combat her boredom by finding a part-time job and exploring her sexuality. Will her porn addiction and exhibitionism fetish take her down an ever-escalating road of perversion and depravity? Or will she forever remain an innocent virgin? Well, I think we all know which direction things will go…
Casual Desires Adult Game is an erotic visual novel, focused primarily on our half-Japanese, half-German protagonist, and her growing perversions and exhibitionist tendencies. Casual Desires takes influence from both Japanese and western visual novels, and seeks to tell a sexy and cheerful story, with occasional dramatic moments.
Some types of in-game sexual content include:
- Exhibitionism
- Lesbian sex
- Group sex
- Swinging
- Anal & DP
- Dom/Sub
- Creampie
And of course, plenty more is featured as well!

The Protagonist: Her name is Rita by default, but the player may choose her name at the start. Almost 19 years old, she is the daughter of a wealthy German father and Japanese mother. Her family moved to Vancouver before she was born. Energetic and friendly, she has a high sex drive, including a porn addiction and exhibitionism fetish. The player’s decisions will determine her sexuality, as well as how slutty she becomes.

Violet: A cooler, more determined girl who will freely use self-defense in the event of a pervert or molester. Violet works at a local café, and has a moderate degree of sexual experience. Her boyfriend wishes to try new and perverted things with her. How much she obliges with his requests, however, is up to the player…

Haruka: The protagonist’s closest female friend, whom she met while studying abroad in Japan during middle school. Haruka is studious and diligent, and recently moved to Vancouver for university. There is a possibility that Haruka may be interested in the protagonist as more than just friends.

Luna: While similar to the protagonist in personality, Luna shares neither the porn addiction nor the kinks. This makes her as innocent as a girl can be, as she has never even kissed before. Luna works at a local café along with Violet, who frequently teases Luna for her naivety. Her main goal is to save enough money for tuition, as she will soon be starting her first year of university.

Sara: Introduced in Act 2 of the story, Sara is a fresh high school teacher in her mid-twenties. She has a Polish background, and plays a mentor role to the other girls. While Sara has some sexual experience, she isn’t quite as experimental as Violet… though perhaps that may change!
Many other characters exist as sexual/romantic options as well, including Mia (an outdoorsy girl with a lesbian twist), Josh and Connor (the protagonist’s close male friends), her two male bosses, a fellow model, and more!
- Two main routes the player can follow: the straight route, and the lesbian route. It is also possible to mix and match these for a bisexual playthrough.
- An optional ‘Lesbian Mode‘ toggle to keep things girls-only.
- A stats screen that tracks the protagonist’s entire sexual history, including how many people she has slept with, blowjobs given, etc.
- Selectable sexual background. It is up to you whether she starts as a virgin, or with one of several other options determining her history.
- Optional virginity loss for all available sex scenes. It is possible to play the entire game as a virgin, or to only engage in anal sex or foreplay.
- Romance between the protagonist and male or female characters, which will soon include options for full relationships, as well as potential harem outcomes.
Release Date: 2023-12-21
Developer: ionDivvy – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.19b
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
– Adjusted the C19 dream sequence so that it is easier to unlock the male version.
– Expanded the Luna train scene to include an additional choice.
– Added new choice to the C18 strip club scene where Rita can choose to have sex with Violet instead.
– Added extra dialogue to the Violet confession for players who chose an open-relationship.
– Added extra dialogue to the computer scene where Rita references being approached by the adult business recruiter.
– Several bug & typo fixes.
Chapter 19 release.
275 new images.
10000 new words of text.
5 new pieces of background music.
Improvements to the UI for Android devices.
Added loading presplash when booting up the game.
Added cross-promotion to the main menu screen for my other project.
Titjobs and footjobs are now tracked in the ‘stats’ screen.
Added a few different lines to the C18 Luna lesbian scene, so that prior sexual experience is now referenced.
Fixed over a dozen bugs and issues.
At long last, Act 3 has begun! The content people have been most excited for – relationships, the porn actress job, slutty Luna, and much more – will be added over the course of Act 3, eventually bringing things to a sexy and exciting conclusion!
In terms of sex scenes, this chapter includes:
- Lesbian Dream
- Straight Dream
- Delivery Driver (Female)
- Delivery Driver (Male)
- Jason
- Violet (if the player enters a relationship with her)
I hope you enjoy playing Chapter 19. This release took much longer than expected. Since players are so excited for more content, I’ll be doing my best to release Chapter 20 quite a bit faster. Of course, I’ll have more to share regarding the next chapter in the coming days and weeks.
If there are any bugs or issues, please feel free to let me know! If you have any feedback regarding the chapter, I would also be happy to hear what you think.
Have fun! And happy holidays!
– (v0.18c) Added new options to C18 bus scene.
– (v0.18c) Added new options to C18 Luna club scenes.
– (v0.18c) Added vaginal variation to C18 male stripclub scene, which displays if Rita hasn’t had anal sex before.
– (v0.18c) Added montage at the end of C18 showcasing which characters are available for romance.
– (v0.18c) Fixed a bug where the C18 Luna male scene would display if Luna hadn’t joined either club.
– (v0.18c) Changed font color of the save name prompt.
– (v0.18c) Added more ‘innocent’ point gains.
– Chapter 18 release.
– 248 new images.
– 10000 new words of text.
– Updated Act 1 Lesbian Mode to skip certain choices and dialogue involving male characters.
– (v0.18b) Fixed an issue where the wrong image would display during the Luna club scene.
Chapter 17 release.
414 new images.
15000 new words of text.
User interface has been overhauled, with a new textbox, main menu screen, and many other changes.
Added option for players to add notes to their save files.
Small changes to the tutorial dialogue.
Chapter 16 release.
– 335 new images.
– 13000 new words of text.
– 1 new piece of background music.
– Added temporary option to skip directly to Act 2, with an accompanying summary of events.
– Removed Prologue skip due to the above.
– Changed the protagonist’s parents’ names to “Mom” and “Dad” for simplicity.
Chapter 15 release
– 350 new images.
– 18000 new words of text.
– Minor bug fixes.
– Expanded the dialogue for non-virgin sexual backgrounds slightly, to account for later experiences.
– Chapter 14 release.
– 350 new images.
– 18000+ new words of text.
– Minor bug fixes.
– Various improvements to Lesbian Mode dialogue.
– Chapter 13 release.
– 414 new images.
– 23000 new words of text
– 3 new animations.
– 5 new pieces of background music.
– It is now possible for the protagonist to begin the game with sexual experience (non-virgin), based on your choices at the start of a new playthrough.
– Added brand-new selfie scenes to the Prologue, Chapter 4, and Chapter 8, to expand the game’s exhibitionism content.
– Large expansion to the C12 Mia scene (lake trip), and minor expansion to C9 Luna scene (cuddling).
– Changed the format of the in-game calendar to be more easily understood.
– Improved the skin textures for several images.
– Added sex sounds to Chapters 8 & 9.
– Chapter 12 release.
– 229 new images.
– 10000+ new words of text.
– Entirely new scene added to Chapter 1.
– Added sex sounds, with their own volume slider.
– Added calendar to Act 1.
– Over 100 images from earlier chapters have been redone, with improved lighting, expressions, etc.
– Original artwork for the main menu screen.
– Various UI improvements (including new font).
– (v0.12b) Fixed an issue where the Mia camping scene would not show up for players who chose sex with Luna in Chapter 9.
– (v0.12c) Made significant changes to the Jason scene in Chapter 5, as the flashback didn’t fit the tone of the game.
– (v0.12c) Added sex sounds to the rest of Act 2.
– Chapter 11 release.
– Over 220 new images.
– 8000 new words of text.
– 1 new music track.
– Trimmed/removed over 500 lines of dialogue from earlier chapters, as the first step to improving pacing for new players.
– Changed a few of the protagonist’s lines regarding boys and boyfriends to be more sexuality-neutral.
– Remade several images from Chapter 3.
– Fixed the Chapter 6 & 7 scene skips so that they only occur if Lesbian Mode is enabled.
– Added Discord logo + link to main menu.
– Typo fixes.
– Chapter 10 release.
– Over 260 new images.
– 13000 new words of text.
– 4 new music tracks.
– Haruka sex scene for Chapter 9 has been added.
– 2 new Lesbian Mode variations added to Chapter 2.
– New option added to the pool peeper scene in Chapter 3.
– Dialogue changes to homeless scene in Chapter 8.
– Calendar has been added to Act 2.
– Minor image and text improvements.
– (v0.9b) Fixed issues with the Chapter 2 LM scenes not displaying correctly.v0.8.1:
– 230 new images.
– 11000+ new words of text.
– Contains all story scenes for Chapter 9.
– Contains Luna sex scene.
– Contains Violet sex scene.
– Contains threesome sex scene.v0.7:
– Chapter 8 release.
– 290 new images.
– 12000 new words of text.
– 1 new animation.
– Entirely new sex scene has been added to the start of the Prologue.
– Optional ‘Lesbian Mode’ has been added to the preferences menu. This will allow players to avoid some early-game sex scenes involving men, and will be expanded upon in the future.
– A few dozen images from earlier chapters have been redone, with improved cum, better lighting, and more.
– Subway sequence in Chapter 1 has been expanded upon slightly.
– Added new parameter for lesbian experiences.
– (v0.7b) Fixed the ‘lunatalk’ and ‘lucastalk’ variables from Chapter 7, which were causing some dialogue in Chapter 8 to not be displayed.
– (v0.7b) Flagged another scene to be skipped while Lesbian Mode is active.v0.6:
– Chapter 7 release.
– Over 250 new images (now nearly 1100 in total)
– 17000 new words of text.
– Minor edits to Chapter 6, allowing players with a sufficiently high lesbian stat to skip past heterosexual scenes/dialogue.
– A few images from the Prologue have been redone.
– (0.6b) Extra images added to the blowjob scenes.
– (0.6c) Added new choices to the locker/pool scenes, for virgin playthroughs.
– (0.6c) Fixed an issue regarding the Violet scene being shown to players who opted out of the sharing content.v0.5:
– Chapter 6 release.
– Roughly 150 new images.
– Over 11000 new words of text.
– A couple images from the prologue have been redone.
– Minor bug fixes.
– (0.5b) Typo fixes, and the addition of a few extra lines of dialogue.v0.4:
– Chapter 5 release.
– 200+ new images.
– 16000 new words of text.
– Phone pop-up has been added, with appearances in Chapter 5 as well as older content.
– 2 new images and accompanying dialogue have been added to the Violet sex scene in Chapter 4.
– ‘Rank up’ messages at end of chapters has been removed, with this information instead being conveyed by the Stats box.
– Minor UI tweaks.
– File size for older chapters has been reduced.
– (v0.4b) Fixed a bug when selecting the decline option during Violet’s segment.v0.3
– Chapter 4 release.
– 13000 new words of text.
– 150+ new images.
– 2 new pieces of background music.
– File sizes for Chapters 1 & 2 have been reduced slightly.
– Title screens have been adjusted slightly.v0.2:
– Contains Chapter 3.
– Over 12000 words of new text.
– 140+ new images.
– Added ‘Innocent’ and ‘Lesbian’ stat variables, allowing for their respective routes.
– Text color during choices has been changed to be more readable.
– Roughly 40-50 extra lines of dialogue have been added to older chapters.
– A few lines in older chapters have been improved.Initial Release:
– Contains Prologue, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2.
– Over 15000 words of text.
– 17 pieces of background music (a couple are not yet utilized).
– Roughly 200 unique images.