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UPDATED ONFeb 20, 2025
Inc House APK Android Adult Game Latest Version Download
While performing an ancient ritual, Lincoln inadvertently becomes possessed by a sex demon that is slowly draining his life force unless he is able to seduce his fashionable crush, Leni. However, his new found powers also begin to affect his other roommates: British Punk Luna and his Affectionate Landlord Rita. Now he must find a way to rid himself of the Succubi’s curse while not hurting the ones around him in the process.
Release Date: 2024-10-05
Developer: Whimfu1 – Patreon – SubscribeStar
Censored: No
Version: 0.085a
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Genre: 2D Game, 2DCG, Male Protagonist, Ahegao, Big Ass, Big Tits, Groping, Handjob, Milf, Point & Click, Parody
v0.08a & v0.085a
- Lab Environment Revamped
- The Third Community Voted NPC Stella is now in the game.
- Dr. Lisa Helmandollar is now in the game.
- Unlocking Tail Power starts new quest line
- First Stella H-Scene added to game
- Second Stella H-Scene with Leni added to game
- New gift shop menu added to Rita’s Laptop via bookmark option
- You can now give a small, medium, or large gift to a heroine once per day.
- Amount of each gift currently visible under Lincoln’s contact page
- Key Item Gifts now in a sub menu of Gift
- New idle images for all heroines while standing or turned around.
- Bug fix: Heroines no longer teleport randomly in rooms. They now have a single idle position selected depending on the time of day.
- Bug fix: Hud UI now hides for all Translation Puzzles upon selection
- Bug fix: Luna’s shower progress skips forward if you automatically enter garage code. This is on purpose as I like having a small skip but this should prevent the hint system from becoming confused.
- Change: You must now talk to Rita three times before her love level 2 becomes available after the couch scene.
- New event at bar after Ms. DiMartino’s first H-scene.
- New 3p scene with Thiccqt/Jodie and Ms. DiMartino added
- Can revisit Ms. DiMartino scenes via talking to her in the bar
- Major Bug fix. You can now give Leni the lab gift card. (This was a bug found in v0.08a that was only released to supporters)
- Thiccqt debt storyline has multiple changes in dialogue and how points are earned.
- Luna speed skip now flags certain stories so a hint isn’t repeated. (Again)
- Minor fix to Rita’s key gift section
- Minor bug fixes and dialogue changes
- Added New Side Story “No Head?” at the end of Lola Glory Hole Scene.
- Added Leni Foot Scene which is part 1 of the “No Head?” Questline
- Added Luna Armpit Scene which is part 2 of the “No Head?” Questline
- Added Rita Fel Scene which is the 3rd and final part of the “No Head?” Questline Currently.
- Lola Glory Hole scenes now drain 15 and 25 Lust depending on the scene.
- Lincoln’s Contact now displays: Energy, Lust, Cash, and Translation Points
- The “Rita -> Gift -> Plan” option has been removed and now is hidden until the LBOMix plan is purchased.
- Removed the ability to give the LBOMix plan to Rita early.
- If Leni is in the basement when you use the magic mirror, she will interrupt you
- The earrings ThiccQT/Jodie steals in the second stage of her story will now appear on her model outside the minigame.
- Sitting Idle images changed for all heroines. Art by illustr8er91.
- Some minor text changes
- Luan character bust redone, minor fixes to bar appearances.
- Several improvements to help navigation around the main house including: individual symbols on heroine bedroom doors, boat symbol added to bathroom doors, new wing symbol replacing arrow to leave house, outdoor arrows now contain letters when hovered to denote direction (BY for backyard, G for Garage, and P for Porch).
- Bug fix Lola’s arousal value resets to 0 upon revisiting the doggy mirror scene. Previously it didn’t reset.
- Power button icons changed to dark red designs.
- Wings power can now be used to teleport around the main house via the minimap.
- Power app now gives a brief description of the powers though it is very bare bones.
- Horns Puzzle Added to Translation Book in Lincoln’s Room.
- Tail Puzzle Added to Translation Book in Lincoln’s Room.
- Horns Power Level 1 now unlockable from magic mirror. (Now used as trigger flag for changing room minigame)
- Tail Power Level 1 now unlockable from magic mirror (+1 Max Energy)
- Luna now appears in the garage Tuesday and Thursday Evening in addition to the original Saturday Afternoon.
- Rita now appears on the couch every weekday Evening instead of three.
- Leni and Rita no longer take showers at the same time Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Instead Leni will shower in the morning while Rita showers in the afternoon.
- Other minor changes done to heroine schedules. Work schedules not enforced.
- Contact App Character menu layout changed.
- Minor changes to Rita Dialogue to help transition into new content.
- 3 New conversation dialogues pass previous versions.
- New ending to Rita Shower Scene, unlocks new H-scene.
- Rita Missionary1 Scene Added with 2 ending variations.
- Weekday Afternoon “Work Loop” now includes the option to stay home.
- The Porch’s “Wings” button now allows you to leave in the afternoons if you chose to stay initially. Must have Wings power unlocked to make it work though. Functionality will be expanded later.
- Cheat Menu hidden behind poster in Lincoln’s Bedroom Patron Version Only.
- Temporarily Removed Inventory Button functionality. It now opens the cheat menu as well. Patron Version Only.
- Removed Inventory Button from Thiccqt Changing Room Minigame Permanently.
- Thiccqt/Jodie Options at department store now start off as “Follow the Shoplifter” and changes to “Talk to Jodie” after finishing the shoplifter plotline.
- Lipstick selection on Thiccqt Changing Room minigame should be fixed.
- Changing Room Intro Dialogue changed. Will stop a player if you don’t have Eye or Horns Power.
- Minor Bug and text fixes in Changing room minigame
- Work now gives you $40 instead of $20, this is intended to speed up obtaining enough money for Rita’s storyline.
- Removed Lust cost to cast Eye spell when girls are about to take a shower.
- Bug fix – Purchasing Meal at Bar exited loop if you had less than $10. Now states you don’t have enough money.
- Added an extra hint to Luna’s story but I will need to overhaul most hints in the future.
- Added Cheat Menu Tutorial to Intro alongside sleep and read image. (I forgot to remove this for the public version so I apologize. I don’t mean to tease it as much as I do. I just don’t have the time to remove it.)
- Work Loop Screen new option added: Go to Bar. (This option is currently linked to Luna’s love level to help previous save files. However in the future it will be linked to a typical flag. Using code will automatically solve this issue.)
- New Dialogue at Department Store/Mall.
- Ability to revisit the changing room removed after all puzzles are solved. I hope to add this minigame back in once it’s fleshed out beyond the puzzles.
- New menu when following Thiccqt. Includes new H-scene and ability to revisit previous scenes.
- New submenu inside Lola’s Magic Mirror. Includes new H-scene and ability to revisit previous scenes.
- New Bar Location added to the game. Includes the start of Luna’s bar storyline and Ms. DiMartino’s storyline.
- Ms. DiMartino’s H-scene is available at the end of v0.06a current end to the bar storyline. Can be revisited after completion by returning to the bar location.
- Bug fix – Adjusted anger rate when girls are aware in the shower minigame.
- Bug fix – Lincoln layers under the heroine when contact is opened during the intro.
- Bug fix – Two Lincoln’s on screen when scramble puzzle solved
- Bug fix – Lola’s first scene took the player into negative lust if too low. Temporarily removed lust reduction as the power system reworked.
- Minor Dialogue changes and fixes
- Luna event cutscenes added morning after cunnilingus scene in garage.
- 2nd Luna cunnilingus scene added when visiting her at night. POV shot.
- Luna cowgirl scene added at night and re-visitable via flair in the day.
- More Luna conversations added
- Each heroine now has 3 looping pictures after you’ve reached the end of conversations past love level 1.
- 3 of Whimfu1 ‘s biweekly pinups in a hidden folder for people to discover.
- Thiccqt mini game inventory button functionality removed temporarily.
- Luna Cunnilingus 1 and Leni Thighjob 1 now fixed to occur in Lincoln’s room when revisiting them via flair.
- Changes to some hints where necessary
- Some spelling mistakes were fixed.
- Leni’s story changed to new shoplifter storyline
- Community voted NPC, Thiccqt, added to game
- New changing room minigame inspired by “Imperial Gatekeeper” added in a barebone’s fashion.
- Solving thiccqt’s shoplifting puzzle 1 unlocks Leni Kiss scene
- Solving thiccqt’s shoplifting puzzle 2 unlocks Leni Thighjob scene
- Solving thiccqt’s shoplifting puzzle 3 unlocks Thiccqt Paizuri Scene
- Rita shower minigame added.
- Luna’s Cunnilingus scene can be repeated via her Flair menu once unlocked. Repeat the entire scene rather than an altered scene so report bugs if this causes issues. Will change later on.
- Lola’s Gloryhole scene now unlocks with Voyeur rather than Fantasy.
- Fantasy unlock dialogue changed. Will hopefully be renamed Flight if I can find the time to back trace them all.
- Several tutorial images added in particular spots players seemed to have trouble with. ex. Using Rita’s laptop, returning to the basement to unlock spells, and the new minigame.
- Phone now has a bed button to teleport to Lincoln’s room regardless of position.
-Edit to Luna’s dialogue
-Cunnilingus Scene Added when correct song guessed in garage
-Added Leni shower mini game
-Shower minigames give back affection not lust
-Removed Fantasy Lvl 1 barrier to Rita couch mini game. Now it only requires 10 affection to progress to the second stage. Finishing the scene now provides lust.
-Translation puzzles stay unlocked and the timer is removed. Now they stay unlocked and you can come back to them. Minor changes to dialogue as such.
-Unlocking fantasy spell dialogue changed. Spell is now meant to bend reality in lewd ways.
-Glory Hole scene with Lola in the magic mirror unlocked when Fantasy Level 1 unlocked.
-Contact app on the phone now shows the current target, affection, and hint. More to be added later once other apps are added.
-Several Bug fixes including soft locking when clicking the map button then Lincoln to close the phone.
– Scramble Puzzle Timer removed completely
– Spell Puzzles now only cost 3 Translation Points the first time and stay unlocked
– Puzzle timer for unlocking spells increased from 12 seconds to 20 seconds
– Preemptive changes to Lincoln’s lust bar rate during Luna Shower scene should increase faster
– Access Rita’s Computer to solve puzzle
– Rita Couch touch scene (requires lvl 1 of fantasy power to reach all stages)
– Rita Couch stage 3 paizuri
– Leni department story start added
– Meet Lily First time department store
– Ability to kiss Leni
– Use Book in Lincoln’s room to learn new spells
– Lola Spell shop available in Basement
– Unlock level 1 of Voyeur and Fantasy Power
– Can use Voyeur level 1 to peek on Luna in the shower.
Initial Release
- Download APK and RPA file
- Install the APK and Open
- Accept the permission, the game will be close
- Move the RPA file to
Inc House APK v0.085a Android Adult Game Latest Download
Inc House APK Android Adult Game Latest Version 0.085a Download - Inc House APK Android Adult Game Download
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