UPDATED ONAug 2, 2021
New Body – New Life APK Android Adult Mobile Game Latest Version Download
NBNL will follow the adventures of a nameless man inside the body of Nicole Miller, a hooker without aspirations beside having sex with many guys. Now you are in control of Nicole’s life and our nameless protagonist will have to face the bad decisions that Nicole made in her life and try to change it for the better.
Release Date: 2024-08-01
Developer: Moccasin’s Mirror Patreon – Twitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.15
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Other Games: Lust Vessel
Genre: 3DCG, Female protagonist, Corruption, Interracial, Lesbian, Futa/trans, Oral sex
NBNL V 0.15 Walkthrough
General tips
At the beginning of the game prioritize the Marina’s route and getting recognition through
Jenna’s route and other events because recognition rank 1 opens up a lot of events
Topics related to stats will be painted with their respective color for example you need
recognition rank 1 to progress in this event or picking choice B will get you extra corruption.
And lastly the character’s relationship will be in dark blue like that, this will improve your
relationship with Sharon.
The guide will be separated between character in the same order as the notes in Nicole’s
cellphone, so if you want to look for someone in particular just write name+route example
“Nicole route” I’ll be using the same template and won’t add the ‘s in the titles to make it easy
for you to find the character you want.
When the option to start the event isn’t obvious like meet with X in X’s questline I tried to add
the name of the event. And the event lines that don’t have a specific character attached are
at the end.
The game has multiple random events as of right now, for the guide I’m just going to list the
sex scenes. For a random event to happen they have by default a 10% to happen in each
Location and that 10% gets divided within the event pool.
Introducción events (Before sandbox)
In this event the first decision is to masturbate or not, in the long term there are no
consequences of your choice here. After that when talking to Sharon (the doctor) there will
be 3 choices, only 2 will have some kind of effect the first one is “I’m not sure but I didn’t
want to hurt a child” which will improve Nicole’s charisma and the other one is “The name
does ring a bell but I don’t understand why” which will improve relationship with Sharon.
When Nicole gets her cellphone back, the option to watch the movie doesn’t have
consequences aside from watching or skipping the scene and when Rebecca wants to grope
Nicole letting her will improve relationship with Rebecca, the other choice doesn’t have an
Later you’ll be asked if you want to go to a bar or stay home, this choice is between Rebecca
(go) or Sienna (Stay) and if you want to go it is recommended to have an acquaintance level
relationship with Rebecca.
Bar : The first choice is to go back as soon as Elizabeth wants or stay in the bar,
leaving will be continued in the Elizabeth part of this same section. Whne you find her with a
guy if you “pretend to be her lover” you’ll improve the relatinship and this will lead to sex
otherwise Nicole and Rebecca will go back home.
House: The movie genre won’t have relevant consequences, but when Elizabeth
want help to get Sienna to sleep you can choose to “Go for a last bottle with Sienna” this will
improve Sienna’s relationship and have a scene or “Go to sleep now” Which will lead you to
the Elizabth side of this event
Elizabeth : This will improve Elizabeth’s relationship with Nicole and will have a
closing event for the night.
After meeting Lola none of the choices matter in this event, but while meeting Mia, “Didn’t I
had sex with her too?” will cause a flashback and will add some corruption the other choice
will just skip the futa content. After that you’ll have another choice, if you select “Channel the
old Nicole and make her understand her place” this will improve Nicole’s corruption again,
the other choice will make Nicole try to be nice.
After meeting Jenna, if you choose to “Tease her a little bit more” this will improve Jenna’s
relationship, going back home if you keep watching the stream you’ll end up watching a sex
While meeting Dani and Anri None of the choices have any lasting consequences.
Main route
These are the mandatory events that introduce things, not like the canon ending or
something like that.
1) This event will happen on the first friday and you’ll have a second part on the first
saturday morning
2) For this event you need the first even on Cassandra’s route and it will show up on
3) As soon as you get the fourth event on Elizabeth’s route and the second on Khloe’s
you’ll see this event on your next free afternoon
“Bad endings” : When you get Khloe’s second event a new area will open “Marry”, if you try
not to marry there will be 2choices, go back will just return you to the game, if you continue
Nicole will be ran over by a car. Then you’ll get 2 more choices: I wish I’m able to just wake
up in the hospital” or “I wish none of this happened, I hate cars!”, the first choice will lead to
Nick’s ending and the second one will take you to the Isekai ending.
Elizabeth route
Some of her events are only on Thursdays
1) It’s in Nicole’s room only in the afternoon, there is no special requirement of this
2) It’s in Nicole’s room only in the afternoon, there is no special requirement of this
event, will unlock another profile picture for Nicole
3) It’s in the city center, can only be done on Thursdays
4) Go to the park, can only be done on Thursdays
5) It’s on Nicole’s room, can only be done on Thursdays
6) Check on her during the weekend, you need at least the 3rd event in the main route
7) Take her to the clothing store any day during the afternoon, if Nicole has rank 2 in
charisma, it will get you some extra content and improve the relationship with
8) It will happen automatically next Monday
9) It requires the third event in ghost Nicole’s route.
10) At home during the afternoon
11) The event is called “Cook with Sienna” at home during the morning, it requires
Sienna’s 8th event.
12) At the bar during the afternoon
13) At home during the morning
14)”Seems like I have some text from Daniela”, during the afternoon, you’ll get more
Daniela route
1) This event requires the first event for Anri, go to the city center and when she asks
you to model, modeling will get Nicole more charisma.
2) It’s on campus during weekdays, after a guy tries to talk to Anri if you have at least 1
point (not rank)in charisma you’ll get the option “Explain the guy he isn’t wanted
here.” and if you have at least 1 point in corruption you’ll get the option “Scare the
guy out.” Both of these options will reward you with charisma unless you have
charisma rank 1. In the third option, Dani will handle the guys and you won’t get
3) Go to the bar requires charisma rank 1 and happens only in the afternoon. Both
choices will get more relationships with Anri.
4) On campus during the afternoon, it is required for you to have seen Marina’s event 3.
No special choices here.
5) At the city center in the afternoon, it requires Erika’s 5th event
6) Check your cellphone
7) At home during the afternoon, it requires Elizabeth’s event 8. At the end of the evnet
you’ll get more relationship with Daniela and more fans.
8) At the city center “I have to go to the store… for some supplies” only during the
afternoon. The choice in this event is irrelevant
Lola route
This route is the main way to get fitness, there are more events that will give you this stat,
but this route is centered on that stat.
1) Go to the park any day during the afternoon and you’ll get fitness
2) For the second event you’ll need at least 4 fitness points and it’s in the park during
the morning, you can grind fitness with a repeatable event called “Train with Lola”.
During this event you’ll rank fitness up
3) This event is at home during the morning at it needs at least Elizabeth 4th event
4) It will happen automatically next Saturday morning.
5) At the city center during the morning
6) It will happen the next Monday after the last event.
Sienna route
1) The first event is “Have a self care day”, for this event you need the computer from
the first event from Rebecca’s route
2) This event is at home during the morning
3) For this event you need charisma rank 1 and it happens, if your charisma is below
rank 2, you’ll get more charisma points.
4) House during the morning, for this one you need at least the second event in
Elizabeth’s route, the choices affect which clothes Nicole will use during the photo
session and you’ll rank up your fan level.
5) House during the morning
6) House during the morning, but this won’t advance time
7) Park during the afternoon, for this event the choices change Sienna’s route for the
first one “Be normal” you’ll take Sienna to route A , “Reconnect with your past” will
make Sienna go to route B and if you have at least the acquaintance level
relationship with her she’ll offer another choice after that if you select “Why not?”
you’ll be on route C otherwise you’ll continue on the same route.
8) For all routes it will happen next Friday, route B has a small sex scene
9) At home, during the morning. Requires Elizabeth’s 10th event
10) At home during the morning, you’ll improve the relationship with Sienna automatically
and if you have level 3 in her relationship you’ll be able to choose “If she wants to
meet you let her find you!” For some secrets.
11) Sienna wants to talk with Nicole in the morning.
Monica route
1) For this event you’ll need the first event form Cassandra’s route and wait for the
second event from the main line
2) Go to the other side of campus, you’ll need the third event on Elizabeth’s route
3) This event will happen any class day after you’ve seen Marina’s 4th event
4) For this event you’ll have to the other side of campus and need Emily’s second event
5) Meet with her at the city center
6) You need the second event from Nicole’s classmates. Both choices will lead to an
increase in relationship with Monica.
7) Any day in the afternoon
8) At the city center, the choice of explore or not will change a little how the scene plays
9) At the bar during the weekend’s afternoon. If Nicole has the option to be futa a choice
will pop up if you want her to use her penis or not. Otherwise it will be a regular
lesbian scene.
Rebecca route
1) Click on “Try to find a decent computer on sale” this event is always available from
your room
2) For this event you need recognition rank 1 and it starts from Nicole’s room
3) This event start from Nicole’s room and need for you to have seen Elizabeth 2nd
event, you’ll get some fans
4) Go to the campus, you’ll need Helen’s first event
5) Just meet her at home during the afternoon
6) During the week at the university. During the event you’ll get a choice on how to
approach the situation, “Just insist…” is the worst option but doesn’t have
requirements, “Be diplomatic…” requires charisma rank 1 and “Show him…” fitness
rank 1, these last choices will improve the relationship with Rebecca. If you have at
least 2 relationship points with her you’ll get a sex scene
Cassandra route
1) Anyday from Nicole’s room
2) After Monica’s 4th event and Erika’s 4th, Cassandra will come looking for Nicole next
3) During the week at the university
4) During the week at the university, requieres Monica’s 7th event
5) “Try to focus on the library” during weekdays and requieres Lisa’s 6th event. You’ll
improve recognition.
Anri route
1) Any weekday from campus
2) Go to the city center during the morning, you need Daniela’s first event. Selecting
“Sport gear” will give you some fitness points and “Some notebooks” will give you
some recognition.
3) For this event you need Daniela’s 3rd event and happens in the bar during the
4) Train her at the park during the morning
5) It requires Lola’s 3rd event.
6) At the city center in the morning, if Nicole has fitness rank2 she’ll improve her
relationship with Anri.
7) Go to the pool with Anri during the morning, you’ll improve fitness
8) Study with Anri, any day during the afternoon. You’ll improve some recognition.
9) During the morning go and train with Anri again, you’ll improve fitness.
Helen route
1) Go to the campus, you need to see rebecca’s first event (will be second event in
future patches)
2) “Research some strategies for POTC” , you need to see the first event of the POTC
3) Grind endurance in POTC, for this event you need to have seen at least the second
event in the POTC lina and only happens during the afternoon.
Jenna route
During Jenna’s route you’ll find the grind event for recognition as well as the rank up event
for this stat.
1) This event is in the campus and you need to have seen Daniela’s first event
2) For this event you need 4 recognition and this event you’ll rank this startup
3) Go to the campus any day
4) This events happens on the city center any day during the afternoon
5) This event is in campus, for this one you’ll need 9 points of recognition and you’ll get
to rank up to level 2
6) Go to the campus again
7) Check your cellphone
8) At the city center during the morning
9) Study with Jenna during the morning
10) Go on a date during the weekend, during the sex scene if Nicole can grow a penis
(Marina7) you can choose to use it, if you choose not to or you can’t it will be a
lesbian scene. In the morning you’ll improve your relationship with Jenna.
11) Go to study with Jenna at any time
12) “Do some assignments…” It will happen only during the weekend. If Nicole has more
than 3 points of relationship with Jenna they will do more than just kissing.
Lisa route
1) Go to the hospital any day during the afternoon
2) Go to the hospital any day during the afternoon
3) Go to the hospital in the morning, for this event you have a choice between watching
the sex scene or skipping it, this won’t change anything. After the sex scene when
Nicole talks with Lisa if you have charisma at least rank1 you’ll have the “Screw Eric!”
and if you have corruption at least rank 1 you’ll have “I hope he isn’t your boyfriend”,
both options will improve Lisa’s relationship with Nicole, the third option will just
progress the event
4) This event is in the hospital during the morning, for this one you need Sharon’s first
5) At the bar, it requires at least the 6th event in ghost Nicole’s line. During the event a
choice will pop up. If you choose “Focus on the paranormal” you’ll improve your
relationship. “Rebuilding my old life” Won’t get you anything and “Having a little fun”
Will improve your charisma is its lower than 9
6) It will trigger automatically the next Friday
7) At the hospital “I have to check some stuff…” Requires Sharon’s second event and
only happens during the afternoon.
8) “We forgot to sign…” At the hospital during the morning.
Mia route
1) For this event you need the second event from the main route “Look for Monica’s
office” on campus during the afternoon
2) This event will happen on campus, both options will change how the scene goes but
also both options will improve relationship with Mia
3) Again in campus, “Talk with Mr.King about the next group assignment” if you have
corruption at least rank 1 you’ll improve relationship with Mia
4) Again on campus, for this event you need recognition rank 1 at least “Study alone
the whole afternoon”. If you have corruption at least rank 1 you can stop the sex
5) It will happen automatically the Tuesday after you’ve seen Sharon’s second event.
6) During the week, the event will have slight variations depend on your actions
7) Any day during the afternoon, at some point of the conversation Mia will start hitting
on Nicole you’ll have to choose between “I’m not into dick” that finish the event a
second choice that changes depending on your actions that will lead to sex
8) This event will happen at university only during weekdays and you will need at least
Melody’s 8th event.
Sarah route
1) On campus just check the bulletin board, if you haven’t seen Marina’s event 1 you’ll
skip it here. If you aren’t about to rank up recognition you’ll get a point.
2) This event is on campus and you need recognition rank2 at least
3) On campus and only on Tuesdays, during this event if Nicole has corruption rank1 at
least you’ll have the option “Ask something in return to ignore it” which will give you
more corruption, otherwise you’ll improve relationship with Sarah.
4) Go and talk to her in the university during the afternoon, in this event you have 2
possible routes if you select “I’m not telling what happened” you’ll get in route A, for
the option “You’ll do anything I want” you need corruption rank 2 and that will get you
in route B
Sharon route
1) You need to have seen at least the second event in Lisa’s line
2) Keep going to the hospital in the morning
3) Go to the hospital in the morning. If you lie to Mr King you’ll get one corruption point
and after the choice you’ll improve your relationship with Sharon regardless of your
Shirley route
1) Will happen the first time you go to the city center, if you “Play her game” you’ll
improve relationship with Shirley
2) This event happens in Nicole’s room during the afternoon, you’ll need Elizabeth’s and
Daniela’s first event. For this event to advance you need to have sex with Shirley or
you’ll be able to repeat this event. To have sex with her you can “Admit it in a suave
way” with at least 1 point in charisma or “Ask if she wants to show you something
else” with at least an aquantance level relationship.
3) For this event you need Fitness rank1, go to the park and “Take a lazy stroll” during
the afternoon
Marina route
1) In Nicole’s room, for this event you need the computer (Rebecca 1st event). This
event can be skipped if you do Sarah’s first event first.
2) This event is in the back of the university only on Wednesdays
3) Go to the back of the campus on wednesday again
4) As always only on wednesdays, but for this event you need Emily’s first event and
Erika’s second event
5) As always on Wednesday in the backside of the university and this time you need
Daniela’s 3rd event. If you are between rank 1 and 2 of recognition you’ll get a point
6) You need ghost Nicole’s fourth event and then check your phone
7) Marina will offer Nicole her penis back. If you accept it, it will lead to a sex scene and
you’ll be able to use it on other events otherwise the event will just end normally.
Emily route
1) After Marina’s second event you can “Go to the beach” at the city center during the
2) After getting Marina’s 4th event you can meet emily at the city center
3) At university during the afternoon
Erika route
1) On campus during a weekday, “Start working on some group assignments” you need
to have seen the first even from Anri’s lina as well as Daniela’s
2) During wednesday at the other side of campus, “Time to hunt for some ghosts!” you
need the first 2 events from Marina’s line
3) Any day during the afternoon at Nicole’s room “Have a lazy day”
4) Any day at campus, “Search for the fourth member of our group for the assignment”
5) Any day at campus, you need Daniela’s second event for this one
6) At Nicole’s room during afternoon. You need to have seen Danila’s third event
7) At Nicole’s room, you need to have seen the third event of the POTC line
8) Any day during the afternoon at the university, needs the classmates event 1
9) “Try to relax at home “, during the afternoon. You will have the option to have lesbian
sex or futa, futa will improve your relationship with Erika.
Isabelle route
1) At the park during the morning, for this event you need to see Jenna’s third event and
have fitness rank1
2) At the park during the morning
3) “Train to beat Lola” in the park during the morning and it needs at least the 5th event
in Lola’s line.
4) “Jenna is texting me”, You need at least Jenna’s 8th event during the afternoon.
5) Go for a coffee to the city center during the afternoon
Karin route
1) On weekdays at the campus, “Help Anri with some books”. If you “Try to be
diplomatic” you get more charisma but if you “Just be blunt” you get corruption
2) This event will play automatically after clases when you have seen the first event of
Khloe’s line. For this event you have 3 choices, “I don’t want to go out with you” will
get you some corruption, “We don’t even know each other!” will improve the
relationship with Karin and “My friends are waiting for me” won’t change anything.
3) On campus, “Start with the new group assignment” for this event you need to have
seen Mia’s second event. If you “Try to guess” you’ll improve relationship with Karin
and the event will end, otherwise it will lead you to another choice, If you have a
relationship of acquaintance at most, you can choose “Point that I just need to marry,
the list is a recommendation” to cut ties with Karin forever, otherwise you can keep
going without changes.
4) If you didn’t cut ties with Karin, in the university during the week.
5) During the weekend, on Nicole’s phone it needs Marina’s 4th event. At the end of the
event, you’ll have the option to marry regardless of the feelings or leave the
conversation for another day. If you choose the first one you’ll get route B, otherwise
you stay in route A
6) A: Check Nicole’s phone during the afternoon
B : At the city center during the afternoon, Karin will give you a last chance to back
down of the marriage (and go back to route A)
7) A:In the university, talk to Anri about Karin.
B: You Marry Karin and finish Nicole’s story!
8) Take Karin to a walk in the park, this event works only during the afternoon
Silvia route
1) At home during the afternoon, “Do some errands for Sienna” you need to have seen
at least Sienna’s first event. You can choose “I’m studying at PGU” to get some
recognition points or “I’m trying to be a model” to get some charisma points.
2) During a weekday at the city center
3) Meet her at the city center during the afternoon, you’ll need to have seen Shirley’s
second event for this one. During the event you have choose if what happens “It’s
kind of weird” to get into route A or “That makes it even hotter” for route B
Tatiana route
1) At the bar, “Time for me to drink with my friends” when you have at least 4 points on
charisma you’ll get the event
2) Go back to the bar any day
3) You need to have fans rank1 at least and go during the afternoon to the bar. If you
want to have sex with her, you’ll improve your relationship with Tatiana.
4) “Work out early …” Requires fitness at least rank1 (5 or up) and happens only during
the morning.
Khloe route
1) At Nicole’s room during the afternoon “Wash my clothes”. For this event you need the
first event in the POTC line
2) At the city center during the afternoon, “Go to a lawyer’s office to learn about the
inheritance money”
3) At the city center during the afternoon. For this event if you have fitness less than
rank1 you’ll be in route A, if you have at least rank1 you’ll get to choose. if you “Land
the shot” you go to Route B, if you “Miss the shot” you stay on route A.
4) A:Check your phone, for this event you need to have seen Melody’s 5th event
B:Same requirements as above
5) You need ghost Nicole’s 6 event and this event can be triggered any day of the week
6) At Nicole’s phone
7) At Nicole’s phone, requires Melody’s (ghost) event 8
Holy route
1) In the park during the morning, “Walking through the park might remind me of
2) Go to the park in the morning with Elizabeth
3) It will happen automatically on Wednesday if you have Marina’s 6th event and ghost
Nicole’s 3rd
4) In the park during the morning, this event will take the whole day. At some point you’ll
get a choice, “I’ll offer… “ will improve Marina’s relationship “Let’s rest…” Will
improve Emily’s and “Go get food… “ Melody ‘s.
5) Go to the ORS on wednesday
6) “Another day at the ORS” happens only at Wednesday
7) ” Ask Hannah about Holly again, just to be sure “, during the afternoon.
8) Go out with her to the park during the morning.
Rose route
1) At the hospital in the afternoon, “Go to therapy”. When Rose asks Nicole, “Why don’t
you get drunk with your friends?” will get you on route A and “What about meeting
new people?” will get you in route B
2) A: On Nicole’s cellphone
B:On Nicole’s cellphone
3) Go to therapy during the afternoon, you need the cosplay 1 event.
4) It requires ghost Nicole’s 5th event, and it will only happen during the afternoon.
Close to the end of the event you’ll have to choose between introducing Melody to
Rose (lead to route A) or just going to yourselves (leads to route B)
5) A: Take Rose to meet Melody, it happens in the city center during the morning.
B:Take Rose to the bar
??? route (ghost Nicole)
1) At Nicole’s room after Marina’s 4th event, “Watch some action movies”
2) You’ll get this event on the first Friday after watching the last event
3) On campus during the afternoon
4) On Nicole’s phone
5) Check the phone again for an unknown person texting
6) Go to the city center in the afternoon
7) On Wednesday, it needs at least the third event in Khloe’s line
8) After Khloe’s 5th event check your phone
9) At the city center, during the afternoon and requires Holly’s 4th event
10) The next Monday after The 6th Cosplay event.
11) Check Nicole’s cellphone any day during the afternoon
12)”Stay late in the study rooms”, at the university during the afternoon, you’ll improve
Non character event lines
1) At the city center during the morning, “Do the swimsuit shoot” for this event you need
Fans rank 1 and to have seen Erika’s 5th event. You’ll get more fans
2) On Nicole’s phone
3) Check Nicole’s phone again
4) Check Nicole’s phone again, this time you’ll have a choice if you want to see Mia’s
5) At campus during a week day
6) At the city center during the afternoon. You’ll get more fans.
1) At Nicole’s room any time, “I can hear Sienna and Rebecca from my room”
2) At Nicole’s room any time
3) At Nicole’s room any time. When they ask Nicole about her favorite girl, “Victoria, the
milf” will improve relationship with Sienna and picking “Catalina, the student” will
improve recognition
4) At Nicole’s room any time
5) At Nicole’s room any time
6) At Nicole’s room any time
7) At Nicole’s room any time
8) At Nicole’s room any time
9) At Nicole’s room any time
10) At Nicole’s room any time
1) At Nicole’s room during the afternoon, “Install Prophecy of the Clans”. For this event
you need to see Rebecca’s first event and Elizabeth’s second
2) At Nicole’s room during the afternoon
3) At Nicole’s room during the afternoon
4) At Nicole’s room during the afternoon. If you chosse to be defeated this will lead to a
sex scene, otherwise the event will end
5) At Nicole’s room during the afternoon. You can choose to make Nicole’s character
have sex with Rebecca’s or finish the event
6) Requieres Helen’s second event.
1) After Erika 7 and Khloe 2, it will happen automatically after classes
2) It will happen automatically the next thursday you have Monica’s 4th event, Erika’s
5th and Daniela’s 4th.
Random Sex scenes
At home:
Sienna: If you have seen Siena’s 4th events you have about a 1.6% chance to
happen every morning Nicole wakes up at home.
At university:
Erika: You need to have seen Erika’s 4th event to get the base scene with a 3%
chance each school day. If Nicole has at least 3 relationship points with Erika she’ll join
-290 new renders
-22 new animations
-14 new events
-2 New areas, “The beach” and “Get married”, get married is for people to avoid accidentally ending their games.
-Clue fixes
-Marker fixes
-215 new renders
-10 animations
-14 new regular events
-9 random events
-Now Nicole thinks in Golden rather than in parentesis
-Bug fixes
-Typo fixes
-Potc event is now reacheble
-Fixed Monica’s markers
-Fixed Monica’s 8th event and Helen’s 3rd
-15 new events + 1 rework
-Around 230 new images
-19 new animations
-Fixed some bugs on the events
-Fixed the hint continuty
– 13 new events
– 7 new animations
– Fixed some of the hints
-Fixed the issue where text window didn’t dissapear
– Holly and Rose events can be accsesed now
– 10 new regular events
– 4 sex events (16 animations in total)
– Lots of typos correted
– Balance changes: to avoid Melody showing before she exists and to make easier to get into Karin’s short route.
-10 new regular events
-3 animated sex scenes
-fixes in older events
-16 new events
-Fixes to Jenna’s route
Now event markers should work better
-Minor fixes
– Small bug fix
-Fixed Monica’s event
-2 New events
-Small bug fixes
– 12 new scenes (3 of them are sex scenes)
– 3 new random daily events
-2 new tracks for the background music
– All important character names are colored
– Some typos have been fixed
– Now all events can be accesed! (Main offenders were Dani, Marina and Izzy’s lines)
– Profile pictures now are the background you selected for you phone
– Phone now shows the third background
– Balance changes (now you can have sex with Rebecca at the intro)
-22 completely new scenes, 3 of them are sex scenes
– Reworks for 5 scenes (There are some big ones like the second part of the intro and some smaller ones)
-3 New characters
– Addition of character routes for Sienna, Khloe and Rose
– Balance changes
– Bug fixes. At least 2 events are now accesible that you couldn’t get!
15 new events / 3 of them are regular sex scenes
Reduced the final grind for stats from 5 levels (25 points ) to 3 levels (15 points ) so the “grind” events are just safety nets and not something you are forced to do
added 2 levels for the relationships (not talking, friends)
Fixed some error with images on old events
Minor fixes
– New main menu screen
– 14 regular events
-1 repeatable event
– 3 sex scenes
– You can change the background in Nicole’s cellphone
– 2 events from the last version got fixed
– Minor fixes
-All hints will show as intended
-4 new random events (2 at Nicole’s house in the morning, 1 for university front and 1 for university back)
-3 new sex scenes
-17 new non sexual events
-The beginng was remade with new images and new text
-The bar is now open
-14 new regular events
-2 sex events, 1 of them with 2 forms
-Character notes screen
-Rank up feedback and new rank for intellectual recognition and fitness
-Now the magnifying glasses appear correctly in all locations marking that there are main events in the area.
-Changes in relationship score with characters
– Open world now is open! The game now has time of the day (morning, afternoon) and the days of the week are relevant for some events
– 2 new sex scenes
– 16 main events
– 6 locations open to explore, 3 of them with random events.
– Big changes in the user interface
First Release
- Download APK and RPA file
- Install the APK and Open
- Accept the permission, the game will be close
- Move the RPA file to
New Body - New Life Remake APK v0.15 Adult Android Game Download
New Body - New Life Remake APK Android Port Visual Novel Adult Game Latest Version 0.15 Download - New Body - New Life Remake Android Adult Game Download
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