UPDATED ONJul 17, 2024
The Last Goblin APK Android Adult Game Latest Version Download
The Last Goblin. A stealth RPG harem collecting game with a mischievous goblin main character.
Release Date: 2024-07-10
Developer: Marblecrown Games – Subscribestar – Webpage
Censored: No
Version: 0.6
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Genre: 3dcg, male protagonist, adventure, fantasy, harem, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, handjob, group sex, groping, big ass, big tits, creampie, milf
Xmas Special 2023
Xmas Special
– Added the Christmas Side adventure
– 11 new scenes
– 130+ new renders
– Introducing 3 new characters specifically made for this Xmas update
– minor expansion to the mansion
– The first major bonus side content
– Various bugfixes and map fixes throughout the game
– Adjusted some sound issues (let me know if sex sounds are too quiet in the new content)
– Added 9 new custom renders to find scattered throughout the world. Some exploration will be necessary to find them all.
– Added sex sounds/voices to all of the game’s harem scenes.
– Fixed various doors that were either mislabeled or didn’t open when you had the right lockpick
– Fixed a few collision and line of sight issues
– Fixed a few warping issues (doors not taking you to the right place)
– Fixed Tons of other minor bugs
– Fixed tons of dialogue mistakes
– Added about 90 new renders. (4 new sex cards)
– Alina’s harem content added
– Added the mansion, where once acquired will serve as Kretch’s hub going forward where his girls will congregate. Many of mansions systems are not implemented and is fairly barebones for now.
– Girls can be sent to the mansion once unlocked as long as they’re in the harem. (Isabella cannot be sent to mansion yet, even though she is sort of in the harem).
– Added a fast travel network through the Krumveld sewer system. Requires you to find the Sewer Key item and then unlock the sewer entrances (one in each district)
– Added the level 3 lockpick set
– 5 harem scenes for Alina
– 2 quick story scenes with Priscilla
– 1 intro scene
– 1 Progression scene with Lindis
– Calling bell will now send Kretch to the mansion if unlocked
– Tons of bugfixes
– Added all of Alina’s progression content in 38 new renders and 3 new quests.
– Added new Story Cutscene in 7 new renders.
– Added sex sounds/voices to Alina’s progression scenes.
– Fixed some small map bugs
– Fixed some Line of Sight bugs
– Fixed a bug with the Calling Bell, it should now let Kretch use it on any map in the game
– Adjusted the volume of sex sounds in Laura’s Harem scenes, it should no longer be drowned out by the music audio.
– A bunch of additional bugfixes with quests, dialogue, scripting, mapping etc.
– Rebalanced some guard positions from the beta version.
– Fixed a bunch of typo’s and grammar from the beta version.
– Added various bonus renders hidden around the world which can then be viewed from the inventory screen. One of these renders is going to be harder to find than the rest, hint: it involves someone close to Cindy.
– Added sounds/voices to Laura’s blowjob scene which means all of Laura’s night time harem scenes should now have voices and sounds.
– Fixed various world bugs and dialogue typos.
– Added Isabella’s progression content and 4 scenes for harem content (7 new scenes) total. Isabella’s progression and submission will be a two part process continued in a future update, this is part one. It should still have plenty to enjoy as there is only around 1 less scene than normal. Three new sex cards for Isabella can be found.
– Added new scene for Priscilla to progress her story a little.
– Added the Upper Wall District just north of the Central Wall District.
– Added a new stealthing mechanic (this was a nightmare to implement so let me know if you come across issues with it, I know the cooldown timer doesn’t disappear sometimes). Don’t want to spoil what it is, but you’ll know it when you get it.
– Added Sex sounds/voices to some of Laura’s night time harem scenes. (Looking for feedback on this).
– Fixed a few map issues
– Fixed various bugs from before with dialogue and line of sight issues.
– Probably some other things I’m forgetting.
v0.3.2 (Previous saves should be compatible):
– 7 new scenes in 75 renders.
– The first side quest for the Old Man.
– Introduction to the mad clown’s realm, a side area that will have various optional challenges to unlock additional scenes throughout the game.
– One new scene for Melanie, Laura, and Cindy. Three new scenes for Wendy and the introduction scene for Priscilla (might need to do a little exploring to find the last one).
– You will no longer be able to enter the registry before starting Cindy’s quest that involves the registry.
– Fixed some scenes being available before they should be.
– Fixed some stealth bushes not working correctly.
– Fixed a quest not being labeled as completed in the quest log.
– Various bugfixes and tweaks to the stealth.
– Various minor changes and fixes to dialogue.
– Lindis’ shop was updated with some of the new sex cards.
v0.3.1 (Again, saves should be compatible and no level 3 or 4 lockpicks available yet):
– Added Lindis’ first progression scene in 11 new renders.
– Fixed the sign infront of Kretch’s cave that tells you how many sex cards are available in the current version.
– Fixed (I hope) a guard in the Lower Wall District not spawning and despawning correctly according to alert level.
– Fixed mini labels disappearing after Melanie’s day time scene.
– Fixed a potential soft lock that was possible in the recollection room.
– Fixed an issue with the Calling Bell if used in certain situations.
– Fixed a few instances of music turning off when it shouldn’t.
– Fixed a few grammatical and spelling errors.
Note on save compatibility: Saves from previous versions should be compatible, however, if you choose to bring over a save from a previous version, the name that Cindy calls Kretch when she joins the harem will default to just a blank. You can always change how she refers to Kretch at the sign next to Kretch’s bed. If that bothers you, you would have to start a new game so that the name defaults to Kretch.
– Added Cindy’s progression and harem content (except for daytime harem scene) in 107 new renders.
– Added the Calling Bell item at the end of Cindy’s questline. It can be used from the player inventory to return them to the safety of Kretch’s cave.
– Expanded Priscilla Galdenhoff’s storyline.
– Introduced Shanelle, a future optional harem girl.
– New areas that are part of Cindy’s storyline.
– Fixed some typos and grammatical issues.
– Fixed more stealth line of sight issues.
– Removed one of the guards from the intro area in the goblin camp. This guard was causing trouble for a number of players and the intro tutorial achieves what it’s supposed to with or without this guard.
– Added a sign outside Kretch’s cave that tells you how many sex cards are available in the game currently.
– Seaside district name should now appear on screen when entering the zone.
– Fixed some questlog issues.
– Fixed a few issues with recollection room.
– Some other stuff I’m probably forgetting.
v0.2.1 (Previous saves should be compatible) LEVEL 3 AND 4 LOCKPICKING IS NOT IN GAME YET
– Added Alina’s Intro scene in the Seaside District (bring some rope), 10 renders
– Added the Seaside District complete with guards and gold spawns.
– Added the first custom collectible render to be found in game as part of the $20 subscriber reward.
– Added busts/portraits for the following characters: Lady Galdenhoff, Priscilla Galdenhoff, Baron Galdenhoff and Lindis.
– The thugs from Melanie’s arc who can be paid to remove guards for one night will no longer sometimes wander around randomly.
– Fixed more grammar and typos.
– Fixed various location issues.
– Tweaked guard sight lines in certain areas so that they’re less likely to see you through impassable blocks.
– The text above doors that indicate the lockpicking level necessary to open them will now turn green if you possess the necessary lockpicking level or key.
– Fixed a few issues with gold spawns.
v0.2 ( Previous saves SHOULD be compatible)
– Added Melanie’s progression quests and harem content in about 100 new renders.
– Added a continuation of the overarching storyline through a scene with the Baron’s family
– Fixed a lot of grammar and spelling issues
– Tweaked guard sight lines a little more in various areas
– Fixed certain tile issues on the map where places could be accessed when they shouldn’t be
– Fixed some issues with sprites
– Tweaked guard locations and patrols in some areas
– Fixed party having multiple instances of Kretch, though this requires you to start a new game however it should have no effect on your game either way
– Fixed an issue with spending the day and night at Laura/Wendy’s house not respawning gold in the city
– Probably a few other things I’m forgetting
v0.1.1 (Previous saves should be compatible)
– Picture only mode in the recollection room should no longer get people stuck.
– There was a square in the Lower Wall district that wasn’t supposed to be accessible and did damage to you when you walked on it. That square is no longer accessible.
– Fixed an issue with certain harem scenes with Laura and Wendy not requiring the corresponding sex card item. A few harem scenes are accessible without sex cards, this is intentional.
– Fixed an issue with Wendy’s default name for Kretch being blank after she joins the harem.
– Tweaked the way guard line of sight works a little bit. It should be less likely for guards to see you through obstacles now.
– Added a way to hide the text box with the ‘w’ key. Unfortunately the nametags are not hidden by this currently.
– Guard speed has be lowered a tiny bit. Kretch now runs faster than the guards by a small amount.
– Removed a chest that contained a sex card that could be found elsewhere. If you already had 2 of that sex card it shouldn’t cause problems
– Added the market place district with the guards and gold spawns as well as a few accessible houses. Not much to do here yet.
– Added intro scene for Isabella (11 Renders).
200 renders
- Download APK and RPA file
- Install the APK and Open
- Accept the permission, the game will be close
- Move the RPA file to
The Last Goblin APK v0.6 Android Adult Mobile Game Download
The Last Goblin APK Android Adult Game Latest Version 0.6 Download - The Last Goblin Adult Porn Sex Mobile Game Download
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